
Discipline is the prudent and committed cultivation of some relative good.

Good lies everywhere latent in potentials.

Preoccupation squanders potentials.

Overcommitment is naive, desperate, or not at issue, and judgement as to which is usually wrong.

From roots of selfishness, trunks of fear, branches of insulation and twigs of preoccupation, proliferate all follies.

Preoccupation is temporarily overcome by determination or inspiration.

serenità 1Only the stable alignment of will, love and intelligence defeats preoccupation.

No moment is insignificant.

Though made of immanent divinity, most would not know what to do with a blank canvass.

Each life overflows with blank canvasses torn by unwitting preoccupation.

No voice from heaven should thunder where mindfulness or application would suffice.

Make space and use it.

Discipline often initially complicates things.

serenità 3 - sferaHowever much seems endless, continually embrace the infinity of beginnings.

Discipline is ultimately necessary for sanity, since obliviousness has a limit.

Decision between better and worse is the ultimate and constant activity.

The reward of discipline is cultivated opportunity.

Liberated of moral and practical folly, all divinity flourishes.

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