The Numerical Universe

Here is a short presentation of this deep work on Numbers and Order (for more click here).

The Numerical Order

(click on the picture to read it better)


And here are some significant and beautiful formulas from the same author:

– “Reality is created by an infinite fractal expansion of Prime numbers that creates a grid, much like a spider that spins its web…”

– “The Numbers 2 and 3 are really the workhorses, the building blocks of all physical reality and the system of numbers”

– “4, though not Prime, is important in that it is the first squared number, 2^2, and as such, introduces a new dimension or level of complexity by allowing for area.

(One might argue that the first squared number could be said to be the number 1 also.)”

– “5 or Phive is the first of the Seed Primes that make up all matter in physical reality. It is the first effect created by the additive function of the 2 and 3.

5 is also directly connected to Phi, as expressed by the Fibonacci sequence, and which is found everywhere in nature and throughout the Human body.”

And here is a very occult and simple diagram (drawn summing all figures in Mod 9, “reducing them to minimal terms” or ‘first decade’, for example 53 = 5+3 = 8; 72 = 7+2 = 9) which shows trinity in the numerical universe:

72 Numbers

The triplets 1 4 7  are associated by ancient Egyptians to the Father aspect (Spirit, Energy), 2 5 8  to the Mother aspect (Substance, Matter) and 3 6 9 to the Son Aspect (Consciousness, Light). This alternate circulation between the 3 main ‘flows’ of Life creation also recalls the 3 directions of Mercury’s caduceus and, according to esoteric teaching, of the spine (ida, pingala and sushumna).

Life creates in Space according to numbers, rules, canons and patterns. Creation is ordered, causal and not casual, pointing to the maximum relative equilibrium in all its parts and en rapport with the Whole.


Ulam spiral of size 150×150 showing both prime and composite numbers

And here ia a video to introduce this research on the ‘field of living and spatial Order’:

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One Response to The Numerical Universe

  1. I’m the author – thanks for posting this – have you seen the work here –

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