The Point

(In order to celebrate the today’s alignment of Sun-Earth-Uranus – sacred to the rhythm of Life and its hierarchical orders -, here is a video on the “Point“, the Space Element at the base of reality and manifestation: the “Monad” for Pythagoras, the spatial essence of Life rhythm, of Number.)

An ancient thought, which now seems revolutionary, considers geometry as a living expression of real power that profoundly influences human mentality.

In this video we retrace, in an updated fashion, these old ways, suggesting that geometry is the organized arrangement of the energies of Number, the supreme creating agent since, as taught by Pythagoras, everything is Number and nothing exists without it.

The Point, the origin of all geometry, has the same origin of manifestation, and includes in itself that duality without which no creation is possible.

It is neither small nor large; it is not concrete yet it is the cause of concreteness; it is one and infinite and transmits these qualities to all forms, which are made of lines and thus in turn of infinite points.

The geometric world is a world of quality and we coin for it the term Psycho-geometry.

Riflesso luce sull'acqua

(As for Numbers such as Canons of creation and the concept of Psycho-geometry see also the text: “Psychogeometry of the Golden Section” in the Documents section).

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