The Weapons of Battle

The Space, the infinite Field of divine Love qualified by the Center, the radiant Origin of Life, nurtures within Itself the entire involutionary and evolutionary processes of the Consciousness which departs from the Father’s House and makes its return back full of experience. In this sense, It can also be identified as the ceaseless battlefield between the spiritual energies (continuously pervading or imprisoning themselves to the Substance) and the material forces which, when the cyclical sense of direction is turned again to the One, oppose resistance to the traction of the Magnet of Life. Thus, in this twofold motion of going and returning, from which Fire by friction springs forth, the Universal Consciousness rises to ever higher levels of the spiral.

Jupiter (the Lord of Divine Love) which this year transits into Scorpio (sign of the triumphant Warrior) teaches us precisely the deeper meaning of the Battle and especially in this month, when the Earth joins this Luminary and Uranus enters (geocentrically) the opposite Sign Taurus, we can perceive and listen to Its majestic echo.

Looking therefore with the eyes of the heart at the powerful conflict in which we are immersed in, we cannot help but observe its reflection in ourselves and in the world and, with the supply of the incoming energies, determine and fix some points that may help to clarify conditions concerning the current level of consciousness of the world’s disciples which live their experience in this very sign of Scorpio. It is here, through these energies, that we prepare ourselves for mastery, after having passed the tests that each one has built for him-/herself and which are masterfully illustrated in the Labors of Hercules.

Each one constructs by themself their own Enemy, because being Human and endowed with free will, they have the power to speed up or slow down their own evolutionary processes through the choices that they continually makes with their thoughts, words, deeds or omissions.

At a definite stage on the path of return, there comes a moment of “showdown”, an event and a threshold that must be surmounted in order to reach a higher phase, where finally one can proceed straight to the Goal and start thinking about composing their candidacy as a collaborator of the Hierarchy. In front of the threshold stands the Adversary, that nucleus of forces that has been aggregated in the course of multiple existences, formed by all that has not yet been purified and resolved, and which prevents us from proceeding. At that point it is the personality itself, now strong and fierce, which is the real Dweller. This obviously applies not only to individuals but also to groups, to nations, and to the whole of Humanity.

For a long time ordinary humanity and even the aspirants and disciples have projected the enemy as outside of themselves and identified it, depending on the circumstances, as a specific person, a situation, in the same fellow travelers, in the notorious “strong powers”, in the politics of the various nations, and so on, as long as the light coming from the opposite sign (Taurus) does not allow it to be recognized.

From that moment an inner battle takes place, within the more general and cosmic battle, which carries on into the various levels of the personality, so long as one does not reach that final encounter, when the conflict must be fought out with the victory in the heart. Victory is sanctioned in the moment in which the disciple can look at the Enemy in the eyes, and through which he beholds the light of the Soul, that prior to was hidden to him, and he becomes absorbed in its luminosity. At that point the adversary built up in countless lives vanishes, as if it had never existed.

The weapons that the disciples possess in order to secure Victory, which from the beginning is theirs by their destiny, are the Light, the Love and the Power. 

The first is of course the Light, which gives ones the ability to see beyond appearances, to discriminate, to recognize the enemy and his moves and to slowly draw the consciousness away from the illusions that, in their varying forms, are produced in the three worlds (physical, astral and mental).

Love then teaches the way in which to conduct the battle, which can be summarized in the following phrase: fight without fighting. It is certainly not the hatred that pushes us to enter the field, nor the repulsion or the desire to attain power, but the need to serve the hierarchical chain. 

The Dweller on the individual Threshold, of groups, of Humanity, is described as fearsome and powerful and confuses and teases the disciples, constantly engaging them in false battles in which they disperse their energies, constantly losing as a result.

The Disciple, through Love, as the Victor, before this ancient thought-form destined to dissolve, no longer shows fear but compassion; they recognize it for what it is: a part of themself that will no longer be fed and that struggles to survive; they then face it with a smile of the heart, and thus receive all the arrows on their shield.

Finally, the Will/Power shows the strength of the inner Fire that the battle arouses and the possibility of utilizing it for the Good, or to produce Freedom; It evokes the constant Vigilance, the Presence; It turns our gaze towards the shining stars, the major sources of power.

It intervenes then at the right moment to launch the fatal blow, one singular, precise and well-calibrated shot, struck with divine indifference, which cannot but reach the target: ourselves, the Winners and the Defeated.

The quality of the internal Fires then changes, as if by magic. The fury of the battle is composed in Harmony and the accepted disciple begins to climb the peak of initiation, which at last is seen emerging before them.

An important part (although quantitatively not significant) of the world’s disciples are now faced before this very Threshold, while the majority of humanity still proceed in the middle of the traverse and do not clearly recognize the Light that must be followed. It is these few who are asked to take a step forward and occupy the place of Fire, that single place where solar and human powers can meet to collaborate on the plans of planetary development. Those who choose to perform this courageous task are leaving behind the Dweller, consecrating their lives to Service and setting themselves as lighthouses to illuminate a stretch of the Way for all those who, although driven by a general desire for good, are not yet steady on the path.

These consecrated disciples are a unity, that central human presence that assembles around itself the planetary Order, the Group of the One Humanity that stands as a golden relation between the Hierarchy and Humanity and inwardly directs and orders all the efforts of goodwill.

“It is necessary to become as accustomed to battle as to daily labor. One should understand a battle not only as a test of excelling in strength but also as a source for the accumulation of energy. We cannot think of mastering the elements without a battle. And how ready must we be at a call, for otherwise we may waste the action of the Higher Forces. Hierarchy does not mean the steadfastness of repose, but steadfastness in the midst of battle. Can something else be substituted for battle, when Our Magnet is tense and each victory is the joy of the entire Hierarchy? If it is difficult for some to accept Hierarchy through love, let them accept it as a fundamental necessity.” (Hierarchy § 233, Agni Yoga Collection)

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One Response to The Weapons of Battle

  1. Jeff R. says:

    FABULOUS!!! Very very helpful to me right now!!!

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