Gemini Full Moon: the Art of Thought

Seeds for a New Culture

Gemini Full Moon: the Art of Thought.

Love is the source of any creative Thought.


Into the base of an affirmed orbit there is always set a single will, which binds all manifestations. Therefore, the focus is the radiating source that imbues all with fiery creativeness. Beautiful is the will that imbues with creativeness and impels each energy of the spirit into the higher spheres. Hence, the orbit that is built by the manifested will is expanded by the Spatial Fire through assimilation of the saturated fires and by its correlation with higher spheres. Thus, a great thought brings the spirit to great attraction, and the Will that radiates the highest fire attracts the spirit into the highest orbit. Thus, wondrous is it to be attuned with the Higher Will. Verily, only thus are revealed the orbits of the Infinite.

Hierarchy, §204, Agni Yoga Collection
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