Asserting the new Culture and Civilization

On the Summit of this December Solstice (see Signs of the Heavens 2019 – 1st quarter of cycle), the TPS Workshop of Thought presents a webinar organized with the 2025 Initiative: Preparing the Way:

December 23rd, Sunday

18:00-19:30 GMT

(2pm in New York, 7pm in London, 8pm in Geneva)

Join our Solstice webinar 

with The Planetary System Project

From Capricorn to Capricorn.

Asserting the new Culture and Civilization.

With this webinar we start the yearly countdown

to the World Servers Festival Week – ‘Week of Group Impact’ in December 2019.

…advantage must be taken of this period, and special preparation made

This fact invites the attention of all of us.”

A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, v.II, p.196.

Here is the meetings recording

Together we will explore the heavenly directions and cycles that prepare the way toward 2025, we will focus on 2019 during which time the Heart/Soul of Humanity can rely on Jupiter (the 2nd Ray esoteric ruler of Aquarius) in Sagittarius: the Master of spatial Love, in His Sign of Wisdom. Discipleship and distant goals/worlds can nourish in us the vision of the new Culture and Civilization which will manifest the hierarchical Plan. 

We will re-iterate the “System of 49 Formulas” (a Pythagorean Lambdoma) concerning the possible Seven Ray sectors of human activity of the new Culture and Civilization. This is an integrated Thought-form to be nourished and sown by the New Group of World Server’s creative imagination and visualization. This Lambdoma of 7×7 “distant spiritual goals” for the future of the human race.

We, in essence the Fourth Human Hierarchy, progressively learn and go through a higher Art of “composing the causes of the Future” defining the new Aquarian prototypes.

Table of the Plan with the 5 pointed-Star

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