Creative thinking for a fair future

On March 31, the Humanity of the Earth receives from the summit of Capricorn the combined light of Saturn (3rd Ray) and Venus (5th Ray), the compass and square of the Solar Work.*

A chant of correspondences is this meeting between the 5th Ray of Venus and the 3rd of Saturn in Their Sign of Capricorn! According to the heliocentric study of the Solar System that associates a Ray number or value also to the orbits of the Seven Solar Centers or sacred Luminaries, Venus, the Mind illuminated by Love, flies on the third orbit of the sacred Luminaries, while Saturn, the Solar Thinker, is on the fifth: Venus performs what Saturn plans.

Their relationship with our Planet is also unique: Venus represents the alter ego of the Earth, and the non-sacred Personality of the Earth resonates with the 3rd Ray.

This day, therefore, from the peak of Capricorn, humanity receives the opportunity to transfigure the mental plane towards the evolutionary Goals and plan the future in resonance with the golden rules of the solar Masters.

The creativeness of Light affirms its power precisely by manifesting all tensions and potentials. … The Forces of Light propel all the fiery centers. The Constructiveness of the Cosmos proceeds in the propelling of all the needed energies. In this construction let us strain all our forces with a fiery heart and the sword of the spirit. Thus do We build a great future. Thus the great manifested law will proclaim the future!” (Agni Yoga Collection, Fiery World III § 202)


In aligning with these powerful celestial energies, we “activate”, for a New Culture/Civilization, the formulas of the Goal 3.5 Building the Future” and its reciprocal 5.3 Designing the fair use of resources“.

Building the Future and looking at the new Work, we design the fair use of resources

The urgency of the times actively requires us to activate ourselves in order to give life and expression to the Art of thinking which, driven by the Will to Good and guided by the heavenly Laws, is the basis for planning a future qualified by fairness.

“Only devotion and understanding of the wisdom of the Plan insure the reality of the pictures of the future”. (Agni YogaSeries, Enlightenment § 207)

“To learn to enhance and to uplift thought about the future means to occupy a place in it which will grow together with the consciousness”. (Agni Yoga Series, Community § 189)

“Certainly creative thought will regenerate the world. He who masters thought creates evolution … We create by thought … Each great thought is joined to the Chain of Hierarchy. Thus is evolution built”. (Agni Yoga series, Agni Yoga § 664)


May human thought be the carrier of the divine Law and may it build, according to equity and supermundane beauty, the common Work.

* A heliocentric conjunction is the direction between one or more Solar Centers. They emit an energetic impulse which is the ‘subtle cause’ of events at the level of the solar system (and therefore also of the planetary one and of humanity at a general level). Here is a video which shows the heliocentric motions of this Aries month: Aries 2019 movie
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