
As already happened on March 15, the Earth (3rd Ray, non-sacred) and Mercury (4th Ray) are in conjunction, this time in the Sign/Principle of Capricorn and align Their will to the supernal Will of Sun/Vulcan (1st Ray) in Cancer. This alignment on the Cancer-Capricorn axis allows the radiant power of the Light to show without glamor the Solar Ideas, so that the hearts open to the wonder of creation can contemplate and then reflect them on Earth as fiery seeds of the Good, the Beautiful and the True.

“By Us and by you, together, is the spiritual culture built.

The Truth of the world will stand firm,

And the Light will penetrate the darkness—I attest.

The Gates of the Spiritual World are thrown open”.

(Agni Yoga, Call § 38)


We can celebrate together this direction of Sun/Vulcan-Mercury-Earth as a Fourth Ray Festival, “the Ides of Harmonic Beauty”, radiating a Septenary of Formulas aimed at asserting the 4th Ray Vortices of the Evolutionary Plan in view of the Crucial Date of 2025 (see page 34 in Asserting the Planetary Plan):

4.1 We resonate with hierarchical Harmony

4.2 We gaze into the eyes of the Master

4.3 We keep the right direction


4.5 We outline the contours of future forms

4.6 We embody the encounter between visible and invisible

4.7 We harmonize models to the golden Rule


“Sparks of the laws of the Higher World have been generously strewn over the bosom of Earth. It is possible to gather them as the most precious treasures.

Amid such harvests, all becomes beautiful.

The highest goal-fitness adorns the coordinations of a free will that understands the complete coherence of the working parts.

Verily, all life becomes a fulfillment of useful tasks entrusted by higher thought.

Not groveling toil, but heroic conquest will be the mark of Love, the victorious!”

 (Agni Yoga, Aum § 201).

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One Response to Sun-Earth-Mercury

  1. gabrielle herbertson says:

    strength within me and tears rise to meet the words and truth of this post.

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