
The current of Communion creates a wondrous ladder to the very loftiest manifestations of the Creator – the ladder of Spirit…
(Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, 52)

In the sign of Virgo, the great Mother, sacred to the Communion between all creatures, we sow in Space this beautiful document on such a fundamental Idea.

Here are the enlightening and orderly reflections of a free thinker, server of the real Communion, which constitute the founding text of the sixth working direction of TPS (indicated as Community – see the sixth section of the Documents page),


(click on this link to view the document)


Suggested listening:

Mozart – Requiem
COMMUNIO: Lux Aeterna

Gratitude to Mauro C. and Simon for the translation.
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2 Responses to Communion

  1. hands open says:

    in the Chalice of the Heart
    as hands open to the sky
    we receive the second rain
    the parched earth of separation
    in the infinite field of life

    close to the ear of Virgo
    we listen with the heart
    discerning love from glamour
    we choose
    to germinate
    with the devotion of a sunflower
    we face the source

    Today the sun is transiting the same degree of the ecliptic as the brightest star in “The Chalice”.. Michael Robbins spoke of the Chalice during the pre-full moon webinar. This star “also has the traditional name Labrum, which is a Latin title referring to the Holy Grail from which Jesus and his apostles drank at the Last Supper . The constellation was named by the ancients as a classical drinking vessel, given to Apollo to slake his thirst. The star has a rather high velocity of 68 km/sec relative to the Sun, well over twice the average among local stars. The high speed indicates that the star has come from outside the thin disk of the Galaxy, from the older galactic halo where the raw material that made up the star was not quite so enriched in heavy elements by supernovae.”

    • TPS Editor says:

      Thanks Michael!
      And today we have the alignment along the same ecliptic meridian between the Sun, the Star Alkaid in the Great Bear (the 5th Ray Rishi “Bhrigu”/the cosmic Venus) and “deep beyond” with the North Galactic Pole too (Galactic Head Center direction), a Source for the universal 1st ray in the Direction of Coma Berenices so close to Virgo.

      Spirit and Matter, Father and Mother are one in the Chalice of Oneness. “Being is Communion”.

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