Union and Harmony

Every 6 months a cosmic central Way is traced between our Sun-Earth axis and the Stars Aldebaran and Antares (see here).

For the astronomical vision and from our terrestrial perspective, in this period the Sun/Vulcan is in flight among the stars of the Scorpion, generators of the desire to Harmony:  today its trajectory intercepts the brightest
Star of the asterism, Antares, the Heart of the Scorpion that struggles with Ardor to give immortality.

Symmetrically, the Earth, on the other side of Heaven ‘marries’ the Star Aldebaran, the Eye of Revelation, the regal Messenger of the Light, the Eye open to the Vision.

The two regal Stars pour their gifts and induce the triumph of the Light of Life for unconditional Love. This polarity traces the cosmic Middle Way: the Aldebaran-Sun-Earth-Antares direction reveals the even higher correspondence between this side of the celestial Sphere (studded with Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades) and the galactic heart (between the stars of Scorpio and those of Sagittarius), the supreme Origin of the entire galaxy.

As Symmetrically 6 months ago (see here), today we celebrate in a special way this alignment which sees the kindling of the 6th and 4th Rays through these igneous centers (Antares and Aldebaran) and, in response to this fiery impulse, we in turn imprint in Space the words of power that evoke such energies:

Union and Harmony

 Sometimes let your heart converse with the Higher World. This conversation can be held in many tongues. Perhaps the heart will gather in its memory hours from many lives. Perhaps the conversation will be a silent one, without precepts and advice, only ascending and strengthening in ascension; there may be the silence of gratitude or the silence of the power of readiness. The flame of the heart is kindled in striving toward unification with the Higher World. Only the heart will find the way to Hierarchy. The heart will strengthen itself by the power of the Highest. Only the heart will be a stronghold in battle”. (Agni Yoga, Heart § 41)

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