The Way of Commitment

In order to celebrate the centre of the sign Taurus, the Divine Incentive, governed by Vulcan, the First Ray of the Solar System, here are some thoughts on Government.

In this time of epochal change, of disorientation and confusion, from which a new Culture/Civilization will have to emerge, we perceive everywhere, more or less consciously, the growing unease in the face of the inadequacy of national governments, which clearly do not know how to provide credible solutions to the world’s problems of the present, being unable to look to the future in a “visionary” way and therefore to plan together a course of action for the Good of all humanity. On the other hand, governments are elected, on the basis of promises of immediate benefits, by the same peoples who criticize them, who fear changes rather than consider them opportunities, closing in inside their borders and defending their particular interests, without understanding that the Good of all is the greatest good of each.

Similarly, it is emblematic that only now that we are suffocating in our own waste and neglect and that the climate is changing, we do officially realize the senseless destruction that we have brought to the environment, and we keep doing so with the unfortunate consequences that are there for all to see and trying, with difficulty and with heavy resistance, to reverse the trend.

We have covered in concrete, exploited and polluted the public soil and resources of the planet, which are the common good of all the kingdoms of nature, without thinking about our future, not even that of our children, nor realizing that such resources are assets that everyone should be able to use only on loan, as it happens for our physical bodies, forms of Space that we qualify and that we return at the end of our earthly existence.

Today the “perfect storm” is approaching us and the global health crisis that is raging, also causing a heavy collapse of the economy, is a good opportunity to make the most sensitive consciousnesses understand how we are all interconnected and that borders and barbed wire cannot stop natural disasters or the spread of epidemics, in front of which we can finally reconnect with one another in a simple and natural way, in order to work together for the general good, dampening our usual controversies and putting our best inner resources into play.

In short, at present it is clear that only when facing events that endanger our survival we are able to unite, and this is one of those moments.

It is now therefore that, in addition to making a united front in the face of contingent events, the effect of previous causes, we must begin to lay new foundations, to try to understand the function of Humanity in the planetary context, taking our future in hand, in order to build it clearly, first of all on subtle planes, rather than continuing to act in a reckless way on the basis of selfish impulses dictated by circumstances, which will inevitably produce disastrous effects. Man has the ability and duty to do this, but he cannot improvise as a builder without an ideal drive that makes him understand the profound need of such a work and without subjecting the mind to a rigorous process that provides him with the skill.

What is urgent is therefore to stimulate and raise our collective consciousness, so as to succeed together in thinking gracefully about the future to offer a way out for humankind, which can be nourished with new visions and build new flags of light. It is no longer fair and lawful to continue looking at our personal or national advantage, nor to passively keep considering events with a critical and destructive attitude, feeding excessive fears or basking in our alleged inner achievements: all the minds and hearts of those who feel ready to serve the common Good, must form an alliance to fulfil the mission for which they incarnated in this cycle of the world.

The first to be called to action are clearly the disciples of Humanity, who are taking note, in a more or less conscious way, of the primary need to subtly establish a governing Entity, to which we have given the name of central human Presence, who aims at inwardly occupying that place of fire, the summit of human consciousness, contiguous and consistent with the planetary Hierarchy, from which a clear and direct relationship can be established with the Real Government of the planet, that is the summit of the Hierarchy itself.

Such an Entity, unitary, executive and operating on the inner plane, should therefore be a focal point that draws to the orderly service of the Good, the Beautiful and the True, orienting Men to the values ​​of the Solar Brotherhood and making them rediscover their ideals, so as to rekindle them in their minds and inflame their hearts.

Government is the first human activity that has to be re-founded if we want to create a new world and a new Culture, since it is the most causative, from which all the others descend and it is that Centre, steady between two worlds, which guides in particular to the Common good: the maximum freedom achievable at all times, in relation to the general situation of consciousness and the signs of Heaven. It is from here that the Mysteries that underlie each Culture/Civilization can be restored.

Deciding to occupy this fiery position on behalf of Humanity, aligning ourselves with the Real Government, and re-establishing the Mysteries, may seem an act of pride but it is instead a co-measured response to human invocation and to that higher appeal that suddenly vibrates in our hearts in an explosive way and forever consecrates our lives to the Service.

Answering “yes” forces us to be courageous and humble at the same time, utterly detaching ourselves from our vicissitudes and projects, from the desire for personal improvement, from usual thoughts, from world contingencies, and to keep our gaze fixed on our Elder Brothers on the planet, in the Solar System and beyond, in order to try to imitate the unknown. If we manage not to look away, in a simple and natural way our hand will steer in the right direction, without needing specific instructions and spatial coordinates.

Thinking about the Real Government of the Planet, which is our first Model, we could say, following an enlightened disciple, that this Entity:

  • “It is the guarantor and guardian of the planetary destiny. Human initiatives must rely on its predictions to be worthy of success, otherwise they are useless or harmful.
  • It is the supreme planetary unity, that watches in full consciousness over the Good and the Common Space.
  • It is the general programmer of all evolutions, all processes and activities. It is the Judge.
  • It reflects the perfect celestial order on the Planet.
  • It directs and assists the evolution of all creatures, but above all the expansion of consciousness.
  • It manages the communion of all energies, i.e. of planetary resources.
  • It keeps the infinite and mutable exchange between energies and forces in a dynamic and balanced order”.
    (from an unpublished text by E. Savoini)

The human Entity that is preparing to imitate it, the central human Presence, therefore has to:

  • Be the guarantor and guardian of all efforts for the good of Humanity, unifying and directing them according to the general purposes of the higher Government.
  • Be the unitary and driving Presence, the Magnet of the common Heart.
  • Be the programmer of that part of the Plan which concerns the evolution of Humanity.
  • Reflect the celestial order, following the energies, rhythms and cycles of solar and cosmic breathing.
  • Direct and foster the evolution of collective consciousness by following the steps of the Plan and impressing it in human minds, thus experiencing group initiation.
  • Lead back to the Unity of Service, manage Communion, assert the Solar Brotherhood.
  • Dynamically organize the energies for Good, freeing them in the Order.

It is clear that all this may appear disproportionate to the current resources of a small human group, and yet when, upon hearing the Call, the heart responds and gets to work, overcoming the doubts of the mind, everything proves simple and achievable. Today we are building up the first prototypes; when the common consciousness is more ready and the Real Government is recognized as a fact, other men and women will join and will be able to fulfil such a function in a more fiery and causative way. We are asked to open the way and remember that on the subtle levels it is not the quantity that counts but the quality of intent and the adamant commitment. “Love and striving work miracles in life” (Agni Yoga Series, Appeal, § 49).

Let’s start by recognizing the infinite chain of governing as a reality from which to draw courage, vision and hope.

“… Assimilating the concept of that Government which, without imposing it, always obtains the best possible good, will help mankind to manage its life better, and local governments to feel watched over and valued. It is no small matter: it is a mental revolution, but it will lead to the real union of peoples, which is now the subject of theoretical and hypocritical proclamations…

One day, which is perhaps no longer far away, the various nations will be united in one. Then the Real Government will be physically apparent and its acts recognized. Today this is outlined on the horizon as a goal to be reached. It is a peak we can climb with minimal daily mental actions: thinking of the Real Government as existing and operating, trusting in its leadership, living as its citizens” (from an unpublished text by E. Savoini)

On the path of podvig there can be no fear,
Yet the fire of the heart illumines the way of truth.
The truth of Eternity is in beauty of the spirit.
The spirit knows where beauty is.
(Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden I § 350)


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2 Responses to The Way of Commitment

  1. Michelina Foster says:

    Your work is beautifully presented….

  2. gillchris1 says:

    Thank you for this encouraging post.

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