Aries 2021







We begin by imitating,
which is the heart’s way of standing at the centre and never leaving it.
Thus we live in the Infinite,
and we present it everywhere and always to everyone.

Of all the Goals, this is the central one: the pivot of every debut.

All the ways start right here, and here they end.
How many mirrors reflect this Point!


Glory to the first Master!




Heaven is my model.
I copy it in me point by point, from light to light.
I see it reflected in every place, and in creatures.

I see Fire in the Earth, in the Water, in the Air.

To increase its brilliance, I reflect its image in the hearts.
My work is exact because exactness is the law of Heaven:
and it is beautiful because Heaven is beauty.

My work belongs to everyone because we all have Heaven within us.


Glory to the second Master!




Imitating is an art, and has its own Rules.
The Master knows them, the pupil must discover them and apply them:
thus he becomes a Master.
Therefore we go up together towards the Hierarchy, according
to ancient Rules whose forms are known but not yet the formulas.

To imitate, I observe the Rules of Art and apply them to life.
Thus I carry out the project entrusted to me by the Master
and I achieve mastery.

Imitating is an exact science.


Glory to the third Master!




The fourth Goal is the most difficult,
since it requires imitating what is not yet known.
But you love it – therefore it is the easiest Goal.

The fourth Goal is the easiest because, being central,
it requires neither movement nor effort, and it is peace itself:
but it is the most difficult because it is attained at the Centre,
which is Fire.

The fourth Goal is where contrasts settle down
and the harmony of justice reigns.
It is balance.
The fourth Goal is the most beautiful.


Glory to the fourth Master!




To imitate means to try and try again, and ever renewed attempts;
it is an inventive discipline applied in the most diverse fields
and at different levels.

While Rules govern, imitating is a free activity of the spirit.
Therefore it is the operational core of the Group.

I reflect the Plan in human minds. I launch the Appeal and repeat it.
I multiply the Fire and saturate Space with it.


Glory to the fifth Master!




In any spatial centre dwells a sacred power,
a factor of universal communion.
This is the religious, scientific, constructive and exact power of hope.

It would be impossible wanting to imitate without hope,
but its light wings carry any weight.

I use hope as the first Rule of the Art, and I spread it in hearts.
Its invisible fire ignites easily and restores balance where it was lost.

I am where I am because I’ve always hoped.
I will go where I am because I hope.


Glory to the sixth Master!




This is one of the two balancing phases of the solar cycle.
The centre of these two centres is the double solstitial instant.

So my power is great and it eliminates unnecessary tensions,
establishes right relationships, controls the rhythms
and makes the forces commensurate to the task.
I compose the various parts into a single system
and model ever-greater systems.

I am the System.


Glory to the seventh Master!







In this solemn year 5.7, which concludes the seven-year period dedicated to the work for the manifestation of a New Culture and a New Civilization, we celebrate the entry into the various zodiac signs with these magnificent Rituals, designed to “unite Spirit and Substance”, complying with the action of the seventh divine energy, and to make the creative Liturgy of the human group and work as effective, rhythmic and harmonious as possible, in accordance with the Planetary and Solar Rituality (see “Asserting the Planetary Plan”).


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One Response to Aries 2021

  1. mcnamara says:

    Beautifully expressed to the ONE. The seven make the ONE. The ONE is the Great Singularity. This Singularity brings the Center to the ALL. So be the Chiron paradigm “Chiron and Group Fusion”.

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