Leo 2021







Like stars in the firmament, Space is now dotted with sparks of Fire, germinating and directive.
They are the history of the past, present and future.

Those lights are the power of Heaven, which loves and gives freedom.
They are neither close nor far.

They look like islands of solitude, and they are the people of Heaven.


We are like the stars, which give life, love and intelligence.




The spatial nature of Heaven manifests itself twice every day:
in the early morning, when the stars are no longer seen
and the sun has not yet risen;
and in the evening, when this sun has set
and those have not yet appeared.

Cosmic Love and Wisdom then spread over the Earth.


In these two interludes, between these two poles,
not disturbed by other events,
we revere the Mother of the World.




The Sun is centred in its Heaven and rules it. Day by day it cultivates it.
It is in the Place of the greatest sacrifice, where one is on fire.
Therefore it is the High Priest of the system and transmits the Fire of Life.

The Sun is the shining example of true power,
the one that bestows freedom, step by step, as planned.
It is the centre of active Intelligence, namely of Light.


Focused on our work, without wasting our strengths,
filled with joy, we worship the Light.




Heaven is reflected on the planet and in every man.
This ensures communion,
and destines him to the stars and Heaven itself.

For this reason man is a celestial nomad.

Such a prodigy is the work of universal Harmony,
which provides forces and energies.


Unity is strength – but even the wicked know this.
In order for force to be real and just, the union must be harmonious,
which is impossible for them.

Therefore Victory lies in Harmony.




To work belongs to everyone: this means collaborating.
The forms and qualities of the work are innumerable,
yet its goal is only one.

The joy of free and common work is unceasing.

And nothing can stop the realisation of the great Work.


This is the triumph of Work, which is a celebration.
Blessed are those who work for the Common Good!




The new religion worships on the inside the outer Heaven.

The Sky populated with stars.
The smiling Sky of the morning and of the evening.
The Sky illuminated by the Sun.

The new religion contemplates the Heaven in everything,
and works and disposes according to its Law.


The new religion is for all human beings of the new Era.




Can Order be free?
And Freedom be ordered?

The dilemma is solved only when the common Good is recognised:
when the sacred union is established; when the illusory self is silent;
when the sacrifice is made.

Order thrives on freedom,
and true freedom is possible only through Order.


Here is the magical ritual work:
to free in order, ordering freely.







In this solemn year 5.7, which concludes the seven-year period dedicated to the work for the manifestation of a New Culture and a New Civilization, we celebrate the entry into the various zodiac signs with these magnificent Rituals, designed to “unite Spirit and Substance”, complying with the action of the seventh divine energy, and to make the creative Liturgy of the human group and work as effective, rhythmic and harmonious as possible, in accordance with the Planetary and Solar Rituality (see “Asserting the Planetary Plan”).


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