5.5 – Manifestation is the emergence of the divine Design

On December 21st started the sixth septennium of this Plan, which our conscience was able to identify, as a declination of the divine Plan on Earth. We have resounded the overall song of what will be celebrated during this extraordinary year, the impulse of the beginning of a seven-year period that was born under the aegis of Communion (Sixth Ray) and, as the start, summa and synthesis of what will unfold subsequently.

If the solstice is the occult beginning of everything, the first of January is the beginning of the annual cycle that all humanity celebrates through its New Year festivities. It is true that the consciousness resonates at its own level, and that’s why still too often the New Year is only an occasion to disruptly exorcise Death (end of a year), and to quell the anxiety that comes from the unpredictable (beginning of something new), yet this collective recognition gives us the opportunity to stop and reflect on how Heaven helps us to overcome our fears, to welcome the powerful energies of beginnings, celebrating them with sacredness.

Sacredness befits the Sixth Lord, like Synthesis and Truth. Invoking these energies, we contemplate in the heliocentric picture the shining conjunction of Venus (Fifth Ray), lady of Manifestation, our guiding Luminary, and the Earth (Third Ray), our blue house so beautiful and tormented.

Manifestation is the emergence
of the divine Design


The divine Purpose manifests itself or emerges through a rhythmic, progressive, ordered and effective Plan/Design.

The Idea or root of every manifestation plunges into boundless spaces of Reality and horizons of Thought.
According to the esoteric Tradition – that common Root of Eternal Wisdom from which the mysteries, religions and civilizations of human history have developed – the whole universe is a manifestation and a conditioned symbol of the one Absolute Reality:

“There is one Boundless Immutable Principle; one Absolute Reality which antecedes all manifested conditioned Being. It is beyond the range and reach of any human thought or expression.

The manifested Universe is contained within this Absolute Reality and is a conditioned symbol of it. (1)

In this one Be-ness “lies concealed its coeternal and coeval emanation or inherent radiation” (2), the cause of its periodic manifestation.

At the human level, the manifestation of the Absolute Reality can be understood by intuition as the order and genesis of Ideas. Thus we can conceive the Idea of ​​the Absolute, of Life, of Infinity, of Reality, of Love, of the Universe, of Manifestation… as well as deduce their innumerable Formulas or causal relationships, causing the Forms of manifestation. The inherent radiation of the absolute Reality is thus manifested through a Universe, or Kosmos for theosophy, which in itself is both unitary and a conscious Order of lives, hierarchies of monads or units of life capable of vitalizing, presiding over and activating all points or parts of that manifestation, down to the infinitesimal parts of each atom.

In particular, among the manifest creative hierarchies (3), the human being is the “least conscious creator”, a monad or unitary life which by evolution has acquired the capacity for self-consciousness at an individual or ‘singular’ level, which means that human beings are able to reflect in themselves the realities or principles of creation and manifestation.

In the hierarchical scale of the conscious creators of the solar system, the monad or human unity is placed at the third degree, after the solar Logos and the planetary Logoi, those sublime Beings and collective Individualities who guide their own sphere of existence and influence, solar or planetary – just like each Centre with respect to its own Field, like the Sun in the heart of its system, like the heart at the vital centre of an organism. Human beings are a microcosm: at first they manifests themselves in a chaotic and irresponsible way, since they are conscious only on an instinctive level or beyond (emotionally-intellectual level), then in an increasingly ‘commensurate’ and intuitive way, reconnected, as conscious atoms, to the evolutionary necessity and to the higher Creators (through their higher consciousness or Love-Wisdom – Buddhi-Manas, or intelligent love).

Our heritage and destiny is therefore to learn to manage the spheres of manifestation of our competence and responsibility, imitating the celestial Masters of creative Thought, in order to produce a commensurate and effective expression, in accordance with the Music of the Spheres.

… buddhi is found at the heart of the tiniest atom, or what we call in this system, electric fire. For the positive central life of every form is but an expression of cosmic buddhi, and the downpouring of a love which has its source in the Heart of the Solar Logos; this is itself an emanating principle from the One above our Logos, He of Whom naught may be said. It is love limiting itself by desire, and for that which is desired.  It is love pouring itself out into forms which are stimulated and aided thereby (…)” (4). Buddhi is also called Christ energy, or spiritual soul or group consciousness: this is the purpose of the current systemic and human manifestation. Buddhi pulsates as Master or Christ or electric fire in the heart of every atom and at each level of vibration of the logoic manifestation. The Fourth human Hierarchy, the central or crucial of the 7 that are manifested on the cosmic physical plane, must manifest the Intuition, that solar Love, reflection of the cosmic and universal Christ, which is expressed as Wisdom (the higher Manas or abstract Mind, that plane of fire where the causal body of the higher Ego resides, the body of the soul and Lotus of the heart of the human Monad).


Let’s find in us therefore the brightest part and the most intuitive intellect that the spark of Venus has implanted in the manifestation that we are. Let’s contemplate its mysterious implications, intertwined with the more concrete and personal parts as forms of human expression. Let’s reunite all the apparently divided levels of life and thought, often experienced as irreconcilable. According to the law of the Golden Section, let us emphasise the Union with our soul Group, with the brothers and companions on the Way, from the farthest to the closest. Let’s resolve in Unity the Mystery of Duality – which Venus points out to us so precisely – finding its notes also in our daily life.

The Manifestation on Earth maps out the divine Plan at all levels, our task is to embody it and express it more and more harmoniously, for the part which is ours.


Express your prayers by devotional action. Know how to affirm the Teaching each day. Lose not one day, nor one hour. Know how to think of yourself as the creator of a whole world of action. Know how to apply all your forces to every action. Know how to bring the Teaching into every thought. Know how to array your forces as on a battlefield. Know how to feel gratitude as the union of joy and beauty.

End with honor, because the end expresses the fire of one’s accumulated achievement.” (Agni Yoga, § 98)



(1) A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 3
(2) H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine – Cosmogenesis
(3) See also A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, pp. 32 and 50 and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, pp. 1196-1207
(4) A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1225


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