Uranus at the centre of Taurus

Today we celebrate the heliocentric Alignment of the celestial Uranus,
the Initiator to the Mysteries,
Lord of Order and “He who makes all things new”,
at the centre of Taurus [1]

Uranus, the occult mind, initiates to the World of Ideas
and awakens the Mysteries in the depth of consciousness.

The solar Initiator connects the Most High and the Abyssal:
at the centre of Taurus,
from the Heart of the Fourth human Hierarchy
asserts the restoration
of the Order of the Seven Rays on Earth,
the septenary Canon builder of real Beauty.

(click on CC for subtitles)


“The realization of Beauty will save the world”


It is the Festival of the Hierarchy of Light.

Let us assert:

From chaos to Beauty: all is light!


A source of Light gushes from the heart of Taurus,
fiery zodiacal gem.
At the centre of its energy field a luminous river
flows incessantly and drags along,
with the power of the “divine incentive”,
the eternal longing of the many for the One.
The solar Fire that fearlessly burns in secret
is accompanied by the creative thought of Light
that by designing bridges of beauty leads beyond the darkness of matter.
“… thought is the Raja of all that exists.
Beauty is born through the lightning of thought”
(Agni Yoga § 28)


Uranus, the solar Master of Ceremonies,
strides majestically into the substance of Taurus.
His rhythmic and solemn steps have dwelt in this Centre of joy,
in the solar Temple of which He celebrates,
in a triumph of increasing harmony, the community liturgy.
With His touch of fire He asserts the sacred work of the solar Builders
and as His gaze aligns with the Middle Way,
the splendour of the fire of Truth grows in power.
“A great Oneness reigns in Cosmos as a powerful law.
Only those who adhere to this law
can verily take part in cosmic cooperation”

(Infinity II § 48)


This meeting of fires electrifies the substance.
Each heart opens to the cosmic vision,
each eye opens wide to the radiance of the distant Worlds.
The Light of Taurus reveals the solar Will and the flame of Uranus ignites
and strengthens the will to be one with the Whole.
Most high and abyssal unite, Spirit and Substance merge,
Light and Fire testify to the blazing of the solar Christ.
“Transformation of the spirit is affirmed by the striving of transmutation
and by the unification of the will with the Light.
On the path to the Fiery World let us strive
for the linking of our will with the Higher Light”
(Fiery World III § 244)


The Way is outlined. The Fire is lit.
The golden stone of the Temple is forged.
The Light breaks out.
In that vibrant and solemn moment when Warriors and Builders unite
the vision of the Plan becomes clear and pervades all consciousnesses.
And there is nothing that does not reveal itself
to the loving eye of those who contemplate the Heavens.
“Let us be like arrows striving heavenward from a fiery bowstring”
(Fiery World I § 507)


From chaos to Beauty: all is light!

[1] At a heliocentric level this occurs every 84 years (cyclical Number, sacred to the Uranus-Earth Ratio: 7×12), so the last time it happened was August 29, 1938, another very crucial period for humanity (geocentrically, it has been and will be May 9, 2022, January 10 and February 5, 2023). See the articles about the previous solstice and equinox, and in particular the text The Seven steps towards 2025: Uranus impresses the energy of each Sign for Seven years (7×12) and now, since His heliocentric entry into Taurus in September 2018, He is halfway through the work that leads us to the initiatory Summit of 2025.
Taurus – Scorpio is the zodiacal equator: pure 
4th Ray; Taurus is the Eye of Revelation, and rules the New Group of world servers, the planetary Ajna Centre (the Head Centre Shamballa is ruled by Aries, the Heart Centre – the Hierarchy – by Aquarius and the Throat Centre – Humanity – by Pisces).


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One Response to Uranus at the centre of Taurus

  1. njc1008 says:

    Stunning in depth and breadth and Beauty! Gratitude.

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