6.6 – Synthesis

With the gaze of the heart turned to the heliocentric Heaven*, the Heaven of causes, we can contemplate today the annual alignment between Sun/Vulcan, the Earth and Neptune, the 6th Ray Lord of the Sacred Waters and of the solar Community, who “veils the Christ” as the Initiator of Humanity.
Neptune, at a higher level, as the vital Centre of the Logos of the solar system, with its ‘evolutionary pattern (II)’, which is among the three primary Patterns of Synthesis together with Uranus I and Saturn III, ultimate Triad of solar Luminaries, acts as the ‘astral permanent atom’ or, from another point of view, as the Heart of the Sun, distributor of the Second energy, of Love-Wisdom (buddhi). Neptune is one of the major or synthesising planets, that it is an “absorbing” or “abstracting” planet, and that it is connected with the process whereby eventual perfection is demonstrated. The Son is made perfect, and the cosmic incarnation is brought to a close. (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 900)
Sirius influences our entire solar system psychically via the three synthesising schemes—Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. (Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 666)
This Luminary, which according to the esoteric Philosophy is one of the two solar Mothers (the other one is Jupiter, 2nd Ray), focuses — with reference to humanity as a whole — the influence of Pisces (2nd and 6th Ray), the sign in which it sails until 2025, and urges the heart of humanity to pour out the saving force of its essential Unity = Christianity, of the Buddhi Principle and to realise Unity in diversity, the unitary Synthesis of Communion, a specific feature of the New Culture and of the New World Religion.

At this time, I purpose to trace certain major conditioning streams of energy, as they proceed forth from their emanating source—via certain constellations and planets—to the Earth and, from within the radius of the Earth, reach the individual disciple, again via certain major planetary centres. In this way that great Synthesis (which is qualified Life in appearance or manifestation) can be seen in definite activity, producing solar, planetary and individual effects and thus demonstrating that intricate relation which unites the human atom to the great Lives Who are the sum total of that which is manifested. […] In this interplay of Lives and Their emanating streams of forces and energies and in the major determining life activities of That in which all forms—including the human—live and move and have their being is to be found the inevitability of ultimate achievement, the unalterability of law and the expression finally of divine unchangeable Purpose. (Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 424)

Today, therefore, in order to celebrate this luminous solar conjunction we can assert the idea of ​​Synthesis, the 6th basic principle of the New Culture, with the formula that expresses it:

Synthesis is the triumph of the One

“The Universe works and stays together in freedom because it is One, because it is governed by absolute Unity, because it is an unlimited communion of relative units.” (TPS — Genesis of Synthesis)

Unity is the supreme foundation
and it is

Each manifest entity is a synthetic sign of the Real that contains a Value or central essence. All Existence, the substance of Reality and Manifestation, is therefore the symbol of the Life contained in it and tends incessantly towards its Revelation, to the gradual realization of Unity in multiplicity, to Synthesis.

In the Teaching, we read that in the whole Universe there is a law demonstrating the fact that all things—abstract and concrete—exist as one and this is the law of Synthesis, the first of the cosmic laws, governing the thought form of that One of the cosmic Logoi in Whose consciousness both our system, and our greatercentre, have a part. It is a unit of His thought, a thought form in its entirety, a concrete whole, and not the differentiated process that we feel our evolving system to be. It is the sumtotal, the centre and the periphery, and the circle of manifestation regarded as a unit. (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 567-568)

This cosmic law governs the tendency to unification; only in this case, it is not the unification of matter and Spirit, but the unification of the seven into the three, and intothe one. These three figures primarily stand for Spirit,for quality, for principle, and not so primarily for matter, although matter, being inspired by spirit, conforms. The Law of Synthesis has a direct connection with One Who is still higher than our Logos, and is the law of control exercised by Him upon the Logos of our system. This is a spiritual relationship that tends to abstraction or to that synthesis of the spiritual elements that will result in their conscious return (the whole point lying in that word “conscious”) to their cosmic point of synthesis, or of unification with their source. Their source is the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID. (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 147-148)

… the Law of Synthesis is the law of a coherent will-to-be, persisting not only in time and space, but within a still vaster cycle. (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 150)

… The mystery lies in the realisation that all is carried on in a divine co-operation that has its base outside the system. Hence too the fact that the first Logos is called the Destroyer, because He is abstraction, if viewed from below upwards. His work is the synthesis of Spirit with Spirit, their eventual abstraction from matter, and their unification with their cosmic source. Hence also He is the one who brings about pralaya or the disintegration of form—the form from which the Spirit has been abstracted. If we carry the analogy down to the microcosm a glimpse can be gained of the same idea and hence ability to comprehend with greater facility. The Ego (being to the man on the physical plane what the Logos is to His system) is likewise the animating will, the destroyer of forms, the producer of pralaya and the One Who withdraws the inner spiritual man from out of his threefold body; he draws them to himself the centre of his little system. The Ego is extra-cosmic as far as the human being on the physical plane is concerned, and in the realisation of this fact may come elucidation of the true cosmic problem involving the Logos and “the spirits in prison”, as the Christian puts it. (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 148-149)

The way back to the original Idea, Abstraction, is that return to Unity or Unification that causes spiritual Uplifting, the progressive ascent through a process of Fusion, or fiery interpenetration, which leads from individual to group consciousness, and then planetary, solar and cosmic consciousness.

And it is the harmonic affinity between spirits, or Consonance, that opens the doors to Inspiration, that resonance to the divine Reality that awakens the synthetic perception of Intuition, the central light of Understanding, the jewel of the unifying work of the mind… the direct knowledge of the ideas inspired from Above and understood by the enlightened mind that reads the symbolic reality of forms. And Vision, that is revealing contemplation, in the unceasing process of Mediation or unifying intercession between ideas and forms, brings the multiple manifestations of Truth back to their synthetic Principle… (TPS — Genesis of Synthesis)

[…] When man reflects in himself all cosmic functions, he measures through himself the possibilities evidenced in Cosmos… When a synthesis of spirit is built, from the cosmic fires and the psycho-life of the heart, then man can be told that the centers of cosmic fires show analogy to the centers of Cosmos… the principle of creativeness is established as infinite fire, as infinite vision, as infinite hearing, as the all-containing heart. Strive toward attestation of the Fire of Infinity! (Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 200)

The Infinite, wrote Enzio Savoini, an enlightened thinker of our time, is not just a number, like the One, which is Life. It is the synthesis of all the qualities and powers of numbers, which are Sounds, Lights and magnetic Centres. (Real and Unreal, unpublished paper)

[…] Much keen-sightedness, untiringness, devotion, has been laid into the foundation of each synthesis. It is understandable that the man who develops the power of observation sees around himself many generalizations and apprehends how much more attractive these broad paths are. Indeed, synthesis is based upon convincingness and attractiveness. Synthesis so broadly encompasses the essence that negation is alien to the synthetic mind. One must not attribute the special gift of synthesis to certain fortunate individuals. One must industriously develop within oneself this precious quality. (Agni Yoga Series, AUM § 501)

Now, for a broader understanding of the meaning of the term Synthesis it is also useful to refer to what Etymosophy tells us about it. This word originates with the prefix that indicates union, syn, “with, which is the Greek equivalent of the Latin cum, which expresses the action of binding oneself in the relationship, witnessed by the Sanskrit sam/saka, similar. And the Greek term synthesis, composition, derives from the verb syn-tithemi, to put together, in which tithemi, to put, originates from the Indo-European root *DHA- in which we can recognise the sound components [hā] to raise, [d] the light: to light the fire, “to put the sacred fire on the ground… Synthesis therefore indicates:

the fiery essence of communion

In the Agni Yoga Teaching the Master says that on the path of the Hierarchy, of Communion synthesis is the one luminous path of the heart. How can seekers radiate the rays manifested if there is no flame affirmed in their hearts? It is precisely the quality of a magnet that lies latent in the heart. The loftiest creativity is pervaded with this great law. Thus, every consummation, every unification, every cosmic union is achieved through the flame of the heart…” (Agni Yoga Series, Heart § 1)

Law, Love, Union or Synthesis—all these great energies have seeped into the human consciousness and now provide the platform upon which the new civilisation can be founded, the new approach to God be taken, and new human relations be implemented. Three great rents (1), therefore, now exist, as well as numerous smaller and less important ones, to which no reference has been or need be made. Three great Sons of God at the moment of initiation made a major contribution to the human consciousness through their determined will-to-law, will-to-love and will-to-synthesis. Mankind was thereby aided to move forward more easily along the “lighted Way”, to pass through the halls of maya, aided by the light pouring through the rents made in the separating veils by perfected divine Men at the very moment of Their triumph. A fourth great rent still remains to be made as a result of the energies released and the gained good which the three earlier rents have made possible.  This fourth major rent will be made by humanity itself, standing with “massed intent”, focussed through the groups which are externalisations of the Ashrams of the Masters.  It will therefore be made at the time that the Hierarchy takes physical shape upon the earth again. (Alice A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, p. 194)


*TPS – Introduction to Astrosophy, Chapter 5: The perspectives system of Astrosophy
1) The first major rent was made by the establishment of the Law of God, and this is portrayed for us symbolically in The Old Testament in the story of Moses…
The second, and much the most important rent, was made by the power of the second aspect when the Christ subjected the Master Jesus to the fourth initiation and Their joint influence was triumphant over death.
Another rending of the veil… took place when Saul of Tarsus saw the glory of the Lord and was changed into Paul the Apostle. His forward moving and potent directness and sincerity, pushing along “the road to Damascus”, forced him to penetrate through one of the separating veils… Whilst thus reaching out to the light, he wrote that epistle about which so much controversy has raged—The Epistle to the Hebrews. In it the results of the rending of the third veil provide the keynote and express the first and highest aspect, as the two earlier rents lead to the revelation of the third and second divine qualities. This first aspect is seen as synthesis, as the Communion of Saints, and as related to the Lord of the World, Melchizedek.
(Alice A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, p. 192-193)


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2 Responses to 6.6 – Synthesis

  1. McNamara says:

    The three aspects, each the seven in the three, and each in the ONE, are in the One Hologram, as in each other, the Center of the Heart at the atmic “point” of Will in the Mind of God, now revealed in the Great Singularity which is the Genesis of All synthesis as it realizes Being…the ultimate fusion in perfection, by economy, attraction and synthesis is the Great Singularity made.

  2. Karo Miller says:

    Thank you for this. I appreciate receiving them.

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