Mother of the World – Solar Festival of Taurus

Today, Solar Festival or Full Moon of Taurus, Earth and Moon in the opposite Sign (Scorpio), is the fifth of 12 Festivals in this year 6.2, dedicated to the Mother of the World – celebrations consecrated to honouring the feminine Origin as the “Substance of Love that illuminates everything”.

The full moon of Taurus coincides with the great Wesak festival, which becomes more meaningful with every passing year in view of 2025, the year in which the Disciples of the World will have to stand by the side of the Masters as a single Entity, to guarantee the continuity of consciousness between Hierarchy and Humanity.

Immersed in the energy of the sign and united with all those who at all times and in all places are working to restore the divine Plan on Earth, let us therefore vigorously impress in Space the formula which epitomizes the power of the Mother in Taurus:

Beauty is the radiance of the Mother of the World

The luminous flow emanating from the Mother is pure “dark” Light, the Light of Space that we perceive only at night and which highlights Her infinite offspring: those points of clear, discontinuous, radiating Light that are the phenomenal evidence of all the celestial consciousnesses She nurtures in Her womb.

The Light of the Mother, then, does not make itself known but magnifies Her children: it is magnetic spatial Love. Without it there would be no Beauty.

In the sign of Taurus the Beauty of the Mother shows itself in all its splendour in both hemispheres of the earth: in the clear skies and the unique, brilliant colours of the grasses and flowers of spring and in the profusion of spectacular shades of autumn.

The radiant Beauty that the Mother treasures within herself speaks to us of the subtle world, of Light and Love, of Infinity, of light and powerful spirituality, that power that calls to the Fiery World of Accomplishment.

“In Beauty the Infinite will manifest. In Beauty the teachings of the seekers of Spirit are illumined. In Beauty we are not afraid to reveal the truth of freedom. In Beauty we kindle the radiance in every drop of water. In Beauty we transform matter into a rainbow.
There is no ugliness that will not be swallowed up in the rays of the rainbow… There are no fetters that will not decompose in the freedom of Beauty. How can we find words to discuss the universe? How shall we speak about the evolution of forms? How shall we raise the consciousness to a level where it studies the fundamentals? How to advance humanity to a point where it cognizes the world scientifically? Every cognition is born in Beauty.” (Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of Morya’s Garden – Illumination § 322)

The realization of Beauty will save the world, we read in Agni Yoga. Indeed, the Beauty of the Mother is the cause of what we perceive as beautiful not only with our physical senses. It is precisely that radiance and subtle magnetism that enchants like magic and enlightens the minds and hearts of those who have eyes to see and are therefore able to see that beauty everywhere. Every existing thing, in fact, even if degraded, is built around an original nucleus of Beauty and the work of those who strive towards the Common Good consists precisely in trying to nourish that seed in themselves and in the world, in order to save it.
Those who understand Beauty cannot help but share it and thus magnetically guide human beings towards the Light.

That which is truly beautiful is also good, just and true: Beauty is the splendour of Truth.

“Urusvati is right—a wondrous truth is in beauty. Cosmos affirms evolution by this formula. Cosmos directs the world to the mastery of beauty. Yes, verily, the Mother of the World possesses the Magnet of Beauty. And wherever the Spatial Fire has collected the fiery affirmation of its forms, the fire of the spirit manifests itself.(Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 178)


The mysterial Formula of the Mother is interwoven with the Words of power of the Master of Masters, solemnly sounded in the Living Space, and asserted in the One Heart of humanity at the entrance of the Sign of Taurus:

I am the Light of the World

The sign of Taurus, whose motto coherently reads “I see and when the Eye is opened, all is Light”, conveys into the solar System the energy of the fourth Ray: the Light of Beauty that springs from the chord, the sound agreement between Spirit, Substance and Intelligence.

“Taurus guards the secret of Light, which reveals the Sound, the creative Agent of Space, and illuminates the initiate, the ‘Light of the World’. It leads from illusion to the Light of revelation and pours radiant light upon all human beings, whose individual vision must open, reacting to the cosmic light”.

The Master of Agni Yoga says to those who follow Him: “Kindle with love the light of beauty, and with action manifest to the world the salvation of the spirit.(Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of Morya’s Garden – The Call § 354)

It is a short and extremely powerful command that summarises in a simple and clear way the disciples’ task: to be Light, to be an example, thus manifesting to the world the saving action of the Spirit. The Light is kindled by an act of Will, for Love; it is fuelled by Joy and radiates Beauty.

The Great Master thus addressed his disciples: You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” (Mt. 5, 14-16)

The disciples’ action must therefore illuminate the world. It must be recognisable, loving, radiant, subtle, magnetic like that of the Mother and at the same time directional, precise, beaming, punctiform like that of the Father. Beauty must emanate from it, an ordering, unambiguous and differentiated rhythm must originate, planned according to the celestial cycles and the dictates of the Hierarchy of Masters.

“(…) Cosmos, the Builder, and its reflection, the microcosm, live by the same law. An unlimited harmonizing process goes on in Cosmos. He who seeks Truth will discover the beauty of unending Be-ness.” (Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 66)

“The principle of analogy is applicable to all that exists. Life diverges along the radii of the heart because these radii correlate with the Cosmic Magnet. Those spirits that advance by way of interweaving are so harmonized that they manifest an analogy which creates the highest and purest harmonies. The creativeness of the spirits on the planet will be revealed as a new chord created by this harmonization. These harmonies are very beautiful, since they are related to the harmonies of the higher spheres.

When one can manifest the creativeness of the spirit which is directed toward the radiance of the Mother of the World, then truly reflected is the world of highest tensions. And the analogy leads to eternal striving into the spheres manifested by the Cosmic Magnet.” (Ibidem § 180)

Let us therefore revere the Magnet of the Mother, the vibrant heart of the Cosmos, which with every beat calls out to Her children, preparing for them a luminous path of Beauty.


See the calendar of all the celebrations online (passages into the 12 Signs and Solar Festivals of the full and new moons 2023 – in UTC hour) – with related links:

Online celebration dates 2023




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One Response to Mother of the World – Solar Festival of Taurus

  1. mcnamara says:

    Thank you for your beauty. The Center of the Cosmic Magnet is the Beautiful Cosmic Singularity, the Great Singularity, the Living Sigil which produces the All as is the Mind of God. This Model is the Center from which the Will of God is born as Beauty blossoms in every point to Become. Such is known in the Center as abstract and real in simultaneous creation as Beauty IS.So is the Center in correspondence to All in every atom to BEcome…as shown in the Chiron paradigm, the fusion of the moon and sun, the duality of birth into Being, as the conscious and unconscious meet in the Beauty of realization as that Beauty is outpictured in all thought in form…Such is the Model exact of the universal hologram, the living sigil of infinite magic. By this Model is the universal septenate genesis throughout infinity….Shamballa Infinite…and All can BE as ONE.

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