Love creates Universes

Love can create universes. Love and Wisdom are equal.*

“At the basis of all Creation lies a great impulse, or striving toward manifestation. This is the very same impulse, or thirst for existence that induces man to incarnate. In its higher aspect it is divine Love and also sublimated human love. In ancient times, precisely Kama, the God of Love, was revered as the greatest God. God is Love, and in love and through love is each of his manifestations conceived. The whole Cosmos is held by the Cosmic Magnet, within the order of Be-ness… Divine Love generates all worlds.” [1]

Love is, therefore, a directing and creating principle, and is the foundation of our solar System of Second Ray, the divine Ray, of Love-Wisdom, the ray of the Master Builder:

“The energy of Love-Wisdom is the will to unify, to synthesise, to produce coherence and mutual attraction and to establish relationships, but—remember this—relationships which are entirely apart from the consciousness of relation or the realisation of unity. It is the fact of unification as seen from the beginning and as existing ever and forever in the Mind of God Whose will embraces past, present and future and Whose mind does not think in terms of evolution or of process. The process is inherent in the seed; the evolutionary urge is the inevitable accompaniment of life in manifestation. It is the Will to unification.” [2]

“Ray II is occupied with the first formulations of the plan upon which the form must be constructed and the idea materialised, and (through the agencies of this great second emanation) the blue prints come into being with their mathematical accuracy, their structural unity and their geometrical perfection. The Grand Geometrician comes thus to the forefront and makes the work of the Builders possible. Upon figure and form, number and sequences will the Temple be built, and so embrace and express the glory of the Lord. The second ray is the ray of the Master Builder.” [3]

Today, on the solar Plane of the Ecliptic (heliocentric perspective), the two celestial Spouses, Earth/Gaia (3rd Ray), She who sings Her thirst for Heaven, and Uranus (7th R), the Lord of the highest Heaven, the great Unveiler, renew their Promise of Love [4], conjunct in Taurus; while, on the geocentric level, i.e. the one pertaining to the precipitation of energies on the Planet, Sun–Moon–Mars (2nd–4th–6th R.) are in conjunction in Scorpio with Calliope, the Muse with the beautiful singing voice, on the very day of the new moon.

“The luminaries are making it possible to speed up humanity’s path” [5] and when, as it is now, the acceleration takes place on the battlefield of the zodiac equator Taurus-Scorpio (4th Ray), where Light creates harmony and Harmony illuminates, under the aegis of Uranus and the counter melody of Mars (exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio, now in opposition), the occasion becomes propitious for the people of Gaia, to emerge as triumphant Disciples.

The Lord of Order, He who makes all things new, in a duel with the Knight Templar of Love, He who pushes towards the light, the invincible solar Warrior who translates desire (Kama) into action, evokes the deeds of Humanity so that It takes on the responsibility of being an enlightened Guide, of rising up against his own errors, capable of transmuting desire into will-to-good, and returning to Love-Wisdom, the Christic Principle, the Victor.

Fighting is like building.

“Love is the great universal Builder: its Wisdom or divine intelligence supports and arranges the celestial order, the Cosmos.” [6]

Let us contemplate the beautiful vision, in the premonition of victory, and let us turn the heart of the planetary Server, filled with gratitude, to the Order of the divine Creators, to the solar Orchestra, to the “model of models” that we have to imitate in order to learn the Art of loving and creating according to the ancient Precept:

“Be aflame in heart and create in love!” [7]

“According to the sapiential Tradition, the solar System can be understood as an Orchestra of conscious, magnetic and intelligent Lives: of planetary Logoi, of Singers or Musicians who, on the scene of the Ecliptic, perform and interpret, each in its own way or according to its Ray quality, the celestial Score. This Music, or common Plan of rendition, emanates from cosmic Composers and is rewritten ‘to His measure’ by our Conductor (again, according to His essence, the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom): the solar Logos, the cosmic Being guiding our Sun and its system.” [8]

“Today, on Our Day, I shall tell how the power of Beauty summons into the World of Fiery Completion. Creativeness through the power of Cosmic Love is infinite. The space resounds with the affirmation of the law of Cosmic Love. The rays are intertwined in powerful unity. Only by united Rays was it possible to (…) [help transmute life on earth and radiate the fire of Unity, the Beauty of Union!]”. [9]

On this day, then, let us strongly reaffirm the supreme Idea or Reality of infinite, spatial Love, our primary Magnet and Motive, our Master in the Heart.

We assert with a joint, orderly and causative action, the Seven aspects of Love, the 7 formulas [10] chosen according to Goal 6.2 as Beacons to magnetise Space and orientate hearts to the Infinite, to the Bases of the New World Religion:

Love is Will-to-Good
There is no love greater than love
Love is the universal Motive
There’s no love without harmony, nor harmony without love
Love and Lightning do I manifest
Love, the victorious!
Love creates Universes

From Heaven to Earth, from Earth to Heaven, a single song resonates.

“… the air is tense and the fiery cross of love
will cover the field of your battle,
and the song of harmony will ascend.” [11]

“Beautiful is the Battle, and beauty is the Victory.
I go out onto the field, and sing.
My song scares the Enemy.
And all the Warriors who win today answer me,
and those who won and those who will win.

Why are you fighting, Warrior?
I fight for you.” [12]


* Agni Yoga Series,  Leaves of Morya’s Garden I § 28

[1] Helena Roerich, Letters vol. II: 1935-1939 – 2 July 1937
[2]  A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 597
[3] A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology I, p. 159
[4] The Greek myth tells us that Uranus, the divinity identified with the starry Sky (Uranos), was the husband of Gaia/Earth, “She who sings” (from the Indo-European root *GA – to sing), She who thirsts for Heaven. The moment of the conjunction between the two Luminaries celebrates the marriage; the etymology of espousal: the Indo-European root SPEND– expresses the idea of feast, of libation to sanction a sacred pact, and spondeo was the name given to the verses of the songs that accompanied the libations. The term responsibility, for example, derives from the same root.
[5] Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of Morya’s Garden II § 221
[6] Genesis of Space (only available in italian)
[7] Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 176
[8] See article: The solar Orchestra
[9] Agni Yoga Series, Fiery World III § 29
[10] For the other 6 formulas dedicated to the Seven aspects of Love see articles:

Earth conjunct Pluto: Love is Will-to-Good
Earth conjunct Jupiter: There is no love greater than love
Earth conjunct Saturn: Love is the universal Motive
Earth conjunct Mercury: There’s no love without harmony, nor harmony without love
Earth conjunct Venus: Love and Lightning do I manifest
Earth conjunct Neptune: Love, the victorious!

[11] Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of Morya’s Garden II § 108
[12] Excerpt from: “Book of Rituals” – by Enzio Savoini


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