I am your Joy

“Be, be, be joyous; not through desire, but through the striving of spirit. Be joyous; not through ancestral desires, but through the command of the entire consciousness, in order to create that luminous thread which unites all worlds. Be joyous; not because of the success of works already decayed, but in knowledge of the predestined and of that already inscribed in the scrolls of the future… Thus, understand that joy is a special wisdom.” [1]

With great skill the Master of Agni Yoga teaches us the Truth and beauty of unceasing Being. The creative joy, achieved through the expansion of consciousness, shines in the heart and mind of the disciple who, filled with gratitude for the generosity of the Teaching, advances steadfastly. With enthusiasm, oblivious of self and his own limitations he enters the magnetic current of joy and rises to discover new truths.

“Even during the difficult days you know that strength issues from joy. I said long ago that ‘joy is a special wisdom.’ Verily so, because joy must be observed, discerned, and realized… Man possesses the highest gift—to know joy. The lofty brow is given in order to perceive the Highest. From the far-off worlds to the tiniest flower everything offers joy to people. A new store of strength flows at each joy, because therefrom issues tension, which opens one more gate… the sparks of joy glow forever. Through Our long lives We can confirm that joy is unforgettable and serves as an influx of strength. Happy are those in the Subtle World who can affirm joy. When We say, ‘Joy is hastening,’ it is verily near… Look around broadly and gather all the flames of joy.” [2]

Light is joy.

Indeed, a characteristic of joy is radiance. It is not happiness, which is quiet and intimate, it is not yet bliss, which is supreme and indifferent. Joy communicates, conveys, illuminates, overwhelms. The rays launch the penetrating joy of divine Intelligence into Space. Nature, touched by those rays and immersed in them, is pervaded with joy: for this reason plants and herbs bloom, minerals crystallize and the sea and sky smile. The joy of living sings in puppies, in children… and in the hearts of the elderly, if they have lived well.” [3]

Creative Intelligence is Joy, the song of Light.

Today a majestic and solemn chorus of creative Intelligences fills the Space with Joy. Let us celebrate, as one chorus, the luminous symphony of the annual alignment on the ecliptic plane of the Sun–Earth Polarity with the “Star of the Individual” or “Star of Intelligence” Alcyone, the “central Sun” of the luminous Chariot of the Pleiades – according to esoteric Astrology the Origin and central pivot of the Seven solar Systems (the cosmic Septenary of which ours is a part).” [4]

“From the spheres of the stars wherein dwell the gods of light that wisdom descends to the inferior spheres. In the system of the ancient priests (Hierophants and Adepts) all things without exception, gods, the genii, manes (souls), the whole world, are conjointly developed in Space and duration. The pyramid may be considered as the symbol of this magnificent hierarchy of Spirits.” [5]

Today, from the summit of the pyramid of the Highest Heaven, the inexhaustible source of Joy, the Star Alcyone, “the focus from which, and into which the divine breath, Motion, works incessantly during the Manvantara” [6], with Its sacred Third Ray Essence weaves spirals of cosmic, solar and earthly lights to realise the divine Plan. Sparks of joy light up space and every motion is led to victory. “… A spark of higher energy has been given to each man, and as its bearer he is invested with a lofty duty. He is a bridge to the Higher Worlds.” [7]

In the solar system Saturn administers Truth, which is Light, and as a 3rd Ray Planet it has a special relationship with the Earth with which it shares the same energetic signature of active Intelligence. Man is endowed with the same principle to carry out the constructive process of sacralisation of matter through the evolutionary path of consciousness which, through a practical experience, conquers an ever more inclusive vision. The joy of unlimited refinement leads him ever closer to the far-off worlds and the entire Cosmos.

“… One must learn to grow up to them, to the joy of the nearness of the White Brotherhood, the joy of the possibility of cooperation with Them, the joy of constant broadening and deepening of the understanding of life and active cosmic laws… Let the thought about the existence of Brotherhood help to open the heart. Then cooperation will appear not as a duty, but as JOY. … Hail to the containing heart! … Be full of light and joy. Walk the path of great service to humanity, and in everything and to everything apply the measure of the highest path; precisely, do not lose sight of great COMMENSURABILITY.” [8]

“… Cosmic essence affirms joy in the human heart, and in the heart of Cosmos, and in the heart of an Arhat. To the Bearer of the sacred pledge of the future We send Our Might for the completion of the earthly path.” [9]

The Light that sacralises this day with Its rhythmic motion of cosmic fire urges and focusses the Creativity of planetary Servers who revive in human minds and hearts the power of the winning affirmation with which the Master of Agni Yoga, in the 1920s, began to summon them through a Call to the world:

I am your Joy

The sevenfold Call [10] which the Master made resound in the consciousness of Humanity is still vibrant with power today and with His eternal wisdom He set forth the foundations of the New World and pointed out to the disciples the bulwarks that are needed to realise Being, according to the creative power of the Seven Rays.

The planetary Server “… who sacrifices the lesser self, puts all his mental power into assisting the evolutionary impulse. He accepts the spiral, that is, he accepts never to return to the same ‘place’; he is in perpetual, regular motion; he is an eternal celestial nomad. He does not live for himself, but only to execute higher wills, thus co-operating with the Universe. Following paths along spiral lines, he recreates planetary, solar, stellar motion. He is free, flowing in Space, yet focussed on service. He is active and yet indifferent. He provokes events and does not bear the burden of them. He has realised what BEING is and suffuses Space with joy. [11]

“The joy of the future is ordained.” [12]

Joy will be the distinguishing note of the coming age, the precious gem of the new Religion.

“There is coming a future era of new joyous, constructive life, based on the great cooperation of peoples. It will be a new revival and purification of the Testaments of all the great Teachers. [13] “Up till now the mark of the Saviour has been the Cross, and the quality of the salvation offered has been freedom from substance or the lure of matter and from its hold… The future holds within its silence other modes of saving humanity. The cup of sorrow and the agony of the Cross are well-nigh finished. Joy and strength will take their place. Instead of sorrow we shall have a joy which will work out in happiness and lead eventually to bliss. We shall have a strength which will know naught but victory and will not recognise disaster. … But “after weeping cometh joy, and that joy cometh in the morning”. Only the dawn is with us as yet—the dawn of the Aquarian Age. The full tide of light is inevitably moving upon its way towards us.” [14]

In the radiance of the new Age with our minds focussed firmly in the Light and the talisman of Joy in our hearts let us forcefully respond to the Call of the Spirit who ceaselessly calls the Workers to the building of the future Temple. Let us keep alive the vision of human destiny, resolutely united with the divine Hierarchies. “The true destiny of humanity… [is ushering] in the new era of joy and of peace and spiritual synthesis—that synthesis which we call brotherhood. … The faith of many has kept the door ajar… It is only when faith finds active expression upon the physical plane in right cooperation and sacrifice (even unto death) that the door can be forced wide open and divine intervention become possible. It is only when the vision and dream of peace… gives way to the determination to take every possible means to achieve that peace in practical ways upon the physical plane that the inner spiritual forces will be enabled to work also more actively on earth.” [15]

Radiant and filled with joy we strive for a bright Future. We affirm the victory of joy. “… No one can oppose the joy of achievement. … Joy is a consummation. Thus, let us cultivate it as one would most precious blossoms… Joy… comes to visit us on a light-winged ray of Hierarchy. Who knows from what Infinite Source sounds the call to joy? How many know that already the time of manifestation of joy has approached? But the law is immutable, and therefore joy is a special wisdom. How long ago this was said! But in spiral evolvement it gradually becomes real and comprehensible. Likewise grows the heart, and the consciousness, and fiery wisdom. We do not see how the grass grows, but we perceive the evidence of the growth. So too with the joy of achievement.” [16]

“Brothers, let us gather in the hall of joy! The flower has unfolded; raised is the great wheel. Our Joy descends to the nether worlds and rises to the Brothers in the Supermundane. We sing to daring Our best song.” [17]

The path of Light sings, and boundless spaces resound! *



[1] Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 96

[2] Helena Roerich, Letters vol. II –  7 May 1938

[3] E. Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. Theory of Light I, unpublished paper, September-November 2001

[4] See The Order of Orion (only available in Italian)

[5] H. P. Blavatsky, Anthropogenesis

[6] Ibidem

[7] Agni Yoga Series, AUM § 67

[8] Helena Roerich, Letters vol. II – 19 July 1937

[9] Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 85

[10] I am your Bliss

I am your Smile

I am your Joy

I am your Rest

I am your Strength

I am your Valor

I am your Wisdom

[11] E. Savoini, Comments to Infinity II § 101-104

[12] Helena Roerich, Letters vol. II – 16 July 1935

[13] Helena Roerich Letters vol. I – 2 June 1934

[14] A. A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, pp. 233-4

[15] A. A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 256-7

[16] Agni Yoga Series, Fiery World II § 258

[17] Agni Yoga Series, Agni Yoga § 10

* Agni Yoga Series, AUM § 78

** From the Gospel according to John 15; 11


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