Series of Meetings 2024: The Seven Rays and the Science of Harmonics

The new cycle of online TPS meetings for 2024, dedicated to

The Seven Rays and the Science of Harmonics

will start on the 19th of December.

After three years of meetings dedicated to Astrosophy, to the love and wisdom of the Heavens, we now want to explore together the esoteric Relationship between the Seven Rays and the Science of Harmonics, the other two fundamental bases of our Work for the Future, of the Sowing of Ideas, Formulas and Forms for a new Culture and Civilisation.

The Teaching of oriental heritage on the Seven Rays was in fact related to the Science of Harmonics (imparted throughout the western world by Pythagoras and recently by Hans Kayser) by the thought of Enzio Savoini, who inspired the systemic vision of the human Group and the evolutionary Plan, in imitation of the universal hierarchical Model. [1]

Son of the Relationship between these two occult Sciences is thus also the Cycle of 49 Goals and years (1987-2035) of our systemic “roadmap” to assert the planetary Plan in the field of general mentality. In this Table of the Plan, we are experiencing the Sixth Septennium of such inner and outer Cycle and Sowing, sacred to the Sixth Ray of abstract Idealism and Devotion and to the New world Religion (6.6 – 2027), and the coming 2024 guides our steps according to Goal and Fire 6.3 – Communion with the World of Ideas.

Well, according to the esoteric interpretation, the World of Ideas is the World of Principles that cause manifest Forms, through the combined vibration of Sound and Light:

Idea = Sound + Light

The Sciences of creating Sound (Harmonics) and revealing Light (the Seven Rays), naturally fulfilled by the evolution of consciousness, prepare us for the possibility of hearing and seeing our own Essence and the essence of all things, of measuring their Qualities instead of their quantities.
Light and Sound are the two wings we need to ascend to the World of Causes and learn to live in Communion with it, applying its Laws more and more consciously to the flow of Becoming and formal multiplicity.

At an ‘operational’ level, Goal and phase 6.3 of the evolutionary Plan envisages the assumption of responsibility by the human Centre, as Essence or One Humanity, to combine within itself the two primary Goals “3.3 – Group Initiation” and “6.6 – New World Religion”. Humanity, through its responsive and ready units, at the gates of the crucial Date of 2025 must assert and radiate the Will

– to be One,

– to be one of the Three planetary Centres, along with Shamballa and Hierarchy,

– to be a Sevenfold organism,

in imitation of the universal hierarchical Model.

The Group of World Servers, the ‘responsive and ready units’ of the Third Centre (Humanity), must learn to apply the Science of hierarchical Order (based on sound and light), and prepare themselves for the New Phase/Era, in harmonic Group formation.

To acquire the understanding, also intellectual, of the Seven Rays, which Harmonics allows, is the task and glory of our time, in order to collaborate consciously to the Initiation of the human Group planned for the Age of Aquarius, under the aegis of a New world Religion, or Brotherhood, guided by the Fifth Ray of Mind and Knowledge and the rising Seventh Ray of Order and ceremonial Magic.

Knowledge and Will-to-Good will, in due time, lead us to orderly and joyful Communion among men, between worlds and with the causal World of Ideas (the 4th Buddhic Plane of the planetary Hierarchy) and, at last, in septenary, triune and unitary formation, we shall be able to unfold and re-establish the Plan of Will, Love and Light on Earth.


For those interested in participating, here is some logistical information about the meetings dedicated to

The Seven Rays and the Science of Harmonics


The meetings (IN ITALIAN ONLY) will be held online on Thursdays (except the first one), 7 – 8.30 pm GMT (on Zoom):

  • 3 introductory meetings:
    • 19 December 2023
    • 18 January 2024
    • 22 February
  • 7 meetings on the Seven Rays and Intervals:
    • 21 March
    • 18 April
    • 16 May
    • 13 June
    • 19 September
    • 17 October
    • 14 November
  • 12 December – closing and reopening


To register, fill in the application form; if you need more information, please write to

These meetings are free of charge or by donation. [2]

[1] See the TPS Documents section or various articles.

[2] Further information on how to eventually donate will be provided to subscribers.


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2 Responses to Series of Meetings 2024: The Seven Rays and the Science of Harmonics

  1. TPS Editor says:

    It will be in Italian, but we might offer an English Course on Astrosophy ( starting from Aries-March.

  2. Suzanne B. Miller says:

    Will this be offered in English?

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