I am the Door

As the annual cycle draws to a close and the Light takes more and more possession of the inner sky, we celebrate the solemn entry of the Sun into Sagittarius (1), the Power that propels the seeker of Truth towards the One and keeps him on the Path. At the same time we make the Christic assertion associated with this Sign resound with ardour in the Living Space, as one planetary Server (see introductory article):

I Am the Door

The symbolism of the door, often present in the various initiatory teachings and also in religious traditions, is a source of multiple suggestions, starting, banally, with its meaning as a crossing point between two experiences, between two worlds, between one reality and another.
And how many times, again in the Teachings, the pilgrim is urged not to stop ‘at the door’, on the threshold, but to go beyond and pass through, with an act of courage and will, those gates that, once passed, prove to be non-existent!
“What new ways are disclosed by communion with Infinity! Seek these treasures; in them is the guarantee of your advancement. Of what use is knowledge which brings one to closed gates marked by the sign “we know no more”?(2)

It is as if to say that the boundary separating visible and invisible, tangible and intangible, and even matter and spirit, is a boundary that exists as long as one is immersed in dualism, as long as one succumbs to polarities, as long as one is content with thought and research restricted to what one already knows; having recomposed the unity and strengthened by the aspiration that raises one towards the unknown, every door is crossed without realising it, with a firm foot and the eyes turned towards the Master.
So it is necessary to advance “simply, applying love, courage, and readiness. This is not the time for bloated bubbles; pompousness is totally out of place, especially if you think of how Christ washed the fishermen’s feet. In simplicity of life, in awareness of the value of service to the New World, love for all that merits love opens the Gates. (3)
And it is precisely the Master of Love, Christ, who can well say “I am the Door”, since through him Humanity can pass into the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’, that reality of consciousness that dwells in each one from time immemorial but must be ‘forcibly taken’.
It is the Gospel of John (4) that bears witness to this affirmation of Christ who, through the simile of the sheep and the shepherd, shows himself in his function as Saviour and guardian of every human soul: I am the door: if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved”.

Within each man there is a golden ‘door’ that allows passage, that leads into the spiritual Kingdom; a door that opens every time man aspires to the Good, the True and the Beautiful and, conversely, closes every time man gets lost in the meanders of selfishness.
That door is the Heart.
The heart tuned to the beats of the Heart of Christ, the heart that has become One with the Heart of Christ, allows us to throw open the gates of the finite and give space to the Infinite: “The succession of gates which lead to new spheres We shall call Infinity. Creativeness of spirit increases with each new current of evolution. (5)
The Infinite is, in the end, the true door we must cross to realise Brotherhood, horizontally, between man and man, and vertically, between Humanity and the ‘new spheres’; needless to say, no door must be crossed, the Infinite is not ‘beyond’ a boundary and therefore it is only the eyes blinded by the dust of the world that cannot see what is ‘visible’ to the Heart.

But then how to see? How to proceed? How to cross the threshold/non-threshold?
“People may ask, “How can we reach the final Gates? We know the rules and the signs, we don’t waste time, and we remember how to observe the Teaching—but what shall we do if we find the Gates closed?” To answer this question, let us turn once more to the mysteries of ancient Egypt, for these mysteries were paths of life with a scientific basis. An accepted candidate had to walk to the Teacher without slackening the rhythm of his pace. Before him stretched a luminous line, which he had to follow without deviating from it or touching it. The chambers that he passed through were illuminated with fires of various colors. At times the line almost disappeared; but finally it began to shine and, as it were, turned into a dazzling ray that passed under a massive closed door. The door appeared to be impassable, for there was no lock or handle. It was decorated and reinforced with bars and plates made of various metals. The timid in spirit grew confused and broke the rhythm of their pace; but a candidate who knew the meaning of the immutable went forward resolutely. The barrier crumbled when his body hit it, and he entered the final Chamber… The symbol of a massive door falling to pieces expresses best of all how a person should act. Nowadays know-it-alls mock the idea of breaking a wall with one’s forehead, but the ancient Egyptians came up with a beautiful symbol of the power of our essence…(6)

The whole of Humanity stands on the threshold of the door to Infinity; it begins to see its transparency, it begins to hear the ‘music of the spheres’, it catches glimmers of joy, of beauty, of Harmony. Having reached the gates, it hears the Call louder and louder and frantically looks for a way to cross them, still unaware that its strength lies in her essential nature, in its divine spark which finally turns impetuously towards the Home from which it left for its human adventure.
And Christ is there, at the door, waiting for every human ‘pilgrim’.
It is He who leads us towards the Father, it is He who urges us to take our place among the members of the spiritual Hierarchy, it is still He who opens for us the doors of the Fiery World that burns and vibrates in our hearts, if only we knew how to listen.
“Much that has been told about the heart must also be applied to the Fiery World, but with particular acuteness. (…) Beginning with the ordinary light formations visible to the open eye, up to the complex fires of the heart, we are led into the realm of the Fiery World.(7)

And so it is from our earthly experience that we must set out on the paths that lead to Christ and, from Him, to the Father.
From the Earth depart innumerable paths that lead to innumerable doors, all open to the Infinite; by treading those paths and passing through those doors Humanity will embody the claims of the Christ and will be, in awareness and responsibility, the Door, the Way, the Truth and the Life, the Son of Man, the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection, the Light of the world, the Bread of Life, the Alpha and the Omega, the Unborn. It will be able to affirm “I Am” and, One with the Father before Abraham was, take Its place in the cosmos.

The Earth, as the esoteric Ruler of Sagittarius and the hierarchical Ruler of Gemini, will therefore in turn become that luminous, magnetic Door that will release Light and Love into the entire solar system.
“… the hierarchical ruler of Gemini is the Earth itself, which is a non-sacred planet. The Earth is also the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, the polar opposite of Gemini. These are the only two constellations ruled by the Earth, and this fact is of major significance, creating an unusual situation in the solar system and a unique relation. The cosmic line of force from Gemini to Sagittarius and the reverse is subjectively and esoterically related to our Earth, thus guaranteeing its soul development, the unfoldment of form as an expression of that soul, and leading our sorrowful humanity upon this woeful planet inevitably to the very gate of initiation in Capricorn. In this statement and in the fact of the pain and sorrow which are distinguishing qualities of our planetary life lies hid a secret mystery. Through this relationship and through the medium of the potencies pouring into our planet, a situation is set up which I might express in the words of the Old Commentary: “When the dual forces of the cosmic brothers (Gemini) become the energy of the one who rides towards the light (Sagittarius) then the fourth becomes the fifth. Humanity, the link, becomes the Hierarchy, the bestower of all good. Then all the Sons of God rejoice”.” (8)

“Traveler, fear not to look upon the Gates of Light.”

(Fiery World II § 470)


1. This article celebrates the Sun entering into the Sign of Sagittarius. The videos of the online ritual Celebrations of the Entries into the 12 Signs with the Christic Assertions are available at the following Playlist: Ritual·e · Rituel – Zodiac 2023
2. Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 9
3. Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of Morya’s Garden II — Illumination § 128
4. Gospel according to John, 10; 1-10
5. Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 113
6. Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of Morya’s Garden II — Illumination § 352
7. Agni Yoga Series, Fiery World I § 1
8. Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 356


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