2024 Solar Rituality and Ephemerides

The TPS solar Sowing[1] intends to follow, “with a united breath and unified rhythm”, the causal and causing cyclic pulsations of the celestial Rhythms and Rituals: we raise our eyes to the Heavens in an attempt to recognise and assist, according to the systemic Model of Astrosophy, those Signs that guide and in-form the evolutionary advance of planetary and human Consciousness.

According to this understanding, these Signs or Directions between Heaven and Earth are then the most propitious Datesto introduce, into the field of general consciousness, Seeds resonant to the evolutionary Causal Energies: acting as a grouppart of the world servers, through our creative imagination, we are attempting to imitate the sublime Art of Ideas, those Powers that produce precipitates, in order to contribute to the ‘beneficent fulfilment’ of the planetary Plan.

Analogous to the ancient builders of sacred temples, orienting the sowing of the new Forms to the Directions among the celestial Formulators accompanies and assists the harmonic and conscious precipitation of the spatial Energies, of the Ideas, according to the Order of their Seven Rays.

The substance of the Fire of Space directs the human consciousness. Since it is acknowledged that even the rays of the moon help the growth of plants and affect inanimate objects, one may go a step further and admit the creativeness of the rays. Certainly the sun—the life giver—saturates the entire Universe; but the realization that the streaming rays impart a conscious force of energy will afford the most fiery attainments. Cosmos demands uniformity of striving in all things. Sensing the vibrations of the currents, humanity will discover the multifold creative transmissions of the rays. Thus does Cosmos bestow its treasures. The substantiation of these treasures is inevitable. Spiritual application should be accepted equally with the wondrous powerful impulse. Cosmic creation is built upon the foundation of spirit. A discovery comes in a harmonious fusion with a cosmic ray. The rays from heterogeneous elements bring immeasurable revelations to humanity.[2]

To build the Future by the collective creative imagination is not only possible, but dutiful, and powerfully beautiful: the Workshop of Thought and the Sowing of TPS dreams of a New Culture and Civilization and that of a New World Religion (the primary Goal and theme of the current Sixth seven years 2022-2028), at the Service of the general Plan of Evolution and of a new human planetary Order.

Specifically, in the current 49-year (1987-2035) construction cycle or first ‘strike’ of the 49-goal planetary Plan (Goals deduced from the Occult Teachings and foreseen for the evolutionary and conscious advancement of humanity and the planet in the current third millennium), 2024 corresponds to the step 6.3 – Communion with the World of Ideas (each year therefore corresponds to the assertion of the corresponding Goal and its sowing into the consciousness of the human group):

This is the third year of the Sixth Septennium since the informing energy of the Sixth Ray of abstract Idealism was assumed as the primary Energy to sow the values and ideals of a new Culture and Civilisation and a new World Religion:[3] a reunifying, synthetic, abstracting quality towards Essence, proper to the World of Ideas or Causes.

“The unifying power of the 6, without impeding the upward force of Ideas and their productions, guarantees unity of everything and thus the access to any of them. …

World of Ideas

= world of Intervals

= world of the Soul

= free consciousness

= intuitive level

= infinite

= harmony achieved

= centrality

= universal communion.[4]

In particular, in the Lambdoma living Matrix of the inner Cycle of the Plan, Goal 6.3 combines within itself the Primary Goal 6.6 – New World Religion and 3.3 – Group Initiation: the Human Group must initiate itself into the Idea of Universal Unity and Brotherhood, towards the Communion of the Worlds.

It is therefore necessary to conceive and activate the thought-form of a One Humanity, hierarchical, animated by the Will to Good.

A hierarchical thought-form that can only be Sevenfold:

Humanity is Will

is Love

is Light

Humanity is Harmony

is Thought

is One

Humanity is Order

And that it is good to sow at the 4 ‘corners of the world’ (see in the Signs of the Heavens the Cross of the Solstices and Equinoxes) and according to the 12 zodiacal stages of the Evolution of Consciousness (see Online Celebration of the 12 Assertions of the One Humanity).

6.3-2024 is the last of the Seven Steps towards the summit of 2025Goal 6.4, a crucial date for the fate of the Planet and the Hierarchy’s Externalisation.

We must be ready in Group Consciousness: Humanity is ever more powerfully impelled to unveil its essential Reality, its Soul, that Fourth Human Hierarchy which teaches us from the inner planes the conscious and creative governance of the Planet and its natural kingdoms and which will “restore the Plan of Love and Light on Earth”.

Here is the full document of the upcoming Ritual and Rhythmic Sowing, complete with the Heliocentric Ephemerides for 2024:[5]

2024 Solar Rituality and Ephemerides

[1] For the meaning and significance of the rhythmic coordination between the Signs of the Heavens and the TPS Sowing of Ideas, Formulas and Forms for a new Culture and Civilisation, see the documents presented in previous years in the ‘working direction‘ called Rituality on the Documents page in the 7th section ‘Ordering’.
[2] Infinity II § 11, Agni Yoga Collection.
[3] 6th Ray (Neptune, Mars): Communion, Community, Values, Ideals, Religion, Communication.
[4] From The Distant Goals, Goal 6.3.
[5] The last column of the Ephemerides reports the “49 Attestations of the Plan“, that is the daily Sowing of the 49 Formulas of the Plan oriented to 2025, inaugurated by the heliocentric conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn of November 2, 2020 in Aquarius (for the first time in the Sign of the New Erasince the Renaissance): the solstice of December 22, 2023, initial impulse of the year 6.3, is inaugurated with Formula 7.3 of the 23rd cycle of 49 days + 1 synthetic (this one dedicated to the general Formula : 0/0 The Planetary Order asserts the Plan of Love and Light), and so on throughout the year 2024.
Note the Centre of the Centres 4.4 of the 25th Cycle of such 49 Cycles of 50 days (2450 days, about 7 years), which will be on 11 March 2024: 4.4 FROM THE PLACE OF FIRE I CONTEMPLATE AND REFLECT THE MODEL.
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One Response to 2024 Solar Rituality and Ephemerides

  1. mcnamara says:

    The orbit of Chiron with the orbit of Sirius A with B, as synchronistic atom of the Universal Hologram Hermetic,…(the 50 days of Pentecost) as shown in the paradigm of the Great Singularity, acts as the comma to tune the octave into resonance, as the 7 ray whole notes of the esoteric cosmology each contain the others in themselves is the common cord of the universal octave, the “absolute unit” of the 49 of the 7 in 7 (The Model) whole notes made concurrent and conance in resonance into the 50…this is the Cosmic Tuning Fork, which aligns and at one’s and atones the infinite symphony of the Cosmic Cord. This “missing” comma restored as ideal and idea are made in form to tune in perfect resonance of the hidden mystery now revealed. Heaven and Earth come together in perfect tune. Now the tool, (the Great Singularity of the Chiron paradigm) (CGF),the tuning fork, will make the Whole Orchestra THE Cosmic Symphony.

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