Pluto in Aquarius – Global Regeneration

Destruction, death, regeneration, rebirth.
These challenging passages give us an idea of the power of Pluto’s work, the regal Lord of 1st Ray, that today, according to the heliocentric perspective (1), majestically crosses the energetic boundaries between Capricorn, where he has resided since 2008, and Aquarius, where he will be stationed until 2043.
In Capricorn, its adamant work has manifested in the evident disintegration, noticeable even to the distracted eye, of the structures that until now were capable of supporting our culture and civilisation; a disintegration that has been accompanied by a parallel, and far more destabilising, disruption of many inner certainties and established mindsets, which, for ready consciousnesses, is nothing less than the transition from an unsettling upheaval to a new, albeit troubled, birth into the Light.

Some are terrified by destruction, some rejoice in it. But for you each fallen wall provides a new pathway to Light.” (2)

“Madly do people rush about, not knowing the future. Doomed crowds are hastening to destruction. Their course is bearing them to the abyss. Observe where the madmen are headed. Revealed is an abyss of new transgressions. Obvious manifestations fail to alarm the brains of the half-witted. To the fool the time is an empty one, but grave it is for those who discern the Light.(3)

The substance that informs Capricorn is a substance governed by the Earth element, whose watchword is contact: driven by the power of the 1st, 3rd and 7th Rays that innervate the Sign, the Capricorn vibrations mould the substance and the supernal light that runs through it works ceaselessly to magnify and elevate it, freeing it from the opaque meshes of crystallisation.
Air is the element that connotes the Sign of Aquarius, with all its values of expansion, immateriality and lightness: thought, which is nourished through the force of the 5th Ray with which the Sign is interwoven, takes flight from the realm of forms to the World of Ideas and in this process of spiritualisation, which nevertheless maintains the formal experience acquired in Capricorn, lays the foundations for a total renewal of its contents, expressing itself as a constructive initiating will.

Pluto in Aquarius challenges Humanity to regenerate itself, to harmonise with the celestial motion that proclaims an inner, rather than outer, Renaissance, urges it (in imitation of the Hierarchy, governed precisely by the Sign of Aquarius) to manifest its role as a planetary Centre in the fullness of its potentialities of will, love and light.
Pluto is the principle of destruction and death that disintegrates forms to spiritualise them, realising that process of renewal that allows the imperishable essence to find ever new ways to express itself and fecundate consciousnesses.

“When an energy is shifted multifold forces are strained into action. During the shifting of a country all levers come into play. Creativeness, which leads to the Cosmic Magnet, is tensed by the lever of Light. But when a flux of the dark forces pulls toward destruction, all cosmic forces come into action. Visible tension brings into play only visible action. Invisible tension acts invisibly. Thus, each impellent striving has its spheres of action, and the national shiftings are intensified through two channels.(4)

Pluto urges every member of Humanity to abandon the proud and arrogant prerogatives of ‘personal consciousness’ and turn, driven by the power of Aquarius, towards that ‘group consciousness’ which does not mean massification or loss of identity, but on the contrary fosters the conquest of the awareness that every man and every kingdom of nature is part of the common divine offspring, the conquest of that subtle unity based on animic consonance rather than on fictitious outward equality or, worse, on inequalities made legitimate.

Pluto prompts our minds to create new thought-forms, luminous and refined, capable of bringing to light the riches hidden in the inner depths; Pluto is indeed the mysterious and frightening god who rules over the underworld, but also the divinity whose power extends over everything precious that the underground holds, the fruit of purification and sacrifice.
The Luminary is also connected to the 1st unmanifest Hierarchy, ruled by the Sign of Pisces, the first and highest of the 5 unmanifest Hierarchies, and connected to the III cosmic Ray or III divine Aspect, the intelligent Substance, the product of the first solar system: the use of the reawakened intelligence can therefore lead Humanity to enlightenment and Pluto works on the intelligence of the substance (sensitivity, unconscious, instinct, intellect and beyond) to remove all the obstacles that stand in the way of the realization of this evolutionary goal.

Pluto therefore sets to break down the old structures of thought and in Aquarius It acts particularly on the structures linked to the action of the 5th Ray, gradually allowing the energy that permeates the Sign to manifest in its crystal-clear purity:

– knowledge, pursued selfishly and as a barren instrument of power, will give way to the Wisdom that knows the common Good and consequently pursues it in all its outward manifestations;

– the aptitude to rationalise and analyse, which underpins criticism, will give way to the wise discrimination that sees what is needed and hastens thoughtfully, moved by the recognition of the inherent divinity that dwells in every living being;

– thought used to serve oneself, and often tinged with facile opportunism or sterile depersonalisation, will evolve into the luminous capacity to create thought forms that are harmonious, useful and beautiful, fulfilling its task as a powerful tool for constructing reality;

– Science, now supported by materialistic thrusts that deny the reality of the subtle world and thus condemn it to exploring only the visible and the tangible, will open up to the immaterial, will extend its gaze beyond the veil that conceals the Real and will free man from the heaviness of matter to return him, in concert with its sister, Religion, to the Heaven of which he is the son;

– the cold detachment, the desire for personal power and the scientistic drift that dehumanise man and his work, will turn into ‘divine indifference’, the luminous capacity of the heart to ‘make no difference’ and love one’s brothers and sisters unconditionally and oblatively.

Brotherhood is the Aquarian flag of the New Age and Pluto, which today with its passage into Aquarius is in conjunction with the Sun, makes the banner that must guide Humanity towards its next evolutionary achievement shine even more dazzlingly.
“Why do We remind about Brotherhood just at present? Because people in their despair will come to seek the scattered seeds of the predestined Brotherly Community. Let us not be confused by the oscillations of the pendulum of life. Despair may be the forerunner of recovery of vision.(5)

The conjunction between Pluto and the Sun recalls, rekindles and reinforces the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn that occurred heliocentrically at the same degree of Aquarius in November 2020: the prodromes of the New Age had been sown in space by the two Luminaries that devise and design the Plan of Love and Light, and now Pluto, the last of the slow Luminaries to transit Aquarius in these last two centuries, picks up the baton of this celestial promise and, having swept away the rubble, is preparing to urge the rebuilding of the human and solar Sanctuary.

“Here and everywhere”, we connect the place of Work
to the extreme regions of Space,

so that the Temple may grow and be like a star.
We mark trails of fire linking the Temple to the constellations,
as our work celebrates the rising community.
Rays from us to the stars – Rays from the stars to us.
We open channels for the stellar energy, 
so that it falls and flows in all parts of the Work. (6)



1. The passage of Pluto into Aquarius for the geocentric perspective occurred on January 21, 2024.
2. Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of  Morya’s Garden I, The Call § 376
3. Ibidem § 385
4. Agni Yoga Series, Infinity II § 340
5. Agni Yoga Series, Brotherhood § 6
6. E. Savoini, Rebuilding the Sanctuary of human life, unpublished text, 1976


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3 Responses to Pluto in Aquarius – Global Regeneration

  1. mcnamara says:

    Cosmic Fire in the Great Singularity of the Chiron paradigm (CGF)(C).

  2. mcnamara says:

    Discern the Light NOW !

  3. Suzanne B. Miller says:

    A shining promise of the New Paradigm

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