Today, with the Sun entering the sign of Gemini, the Disciple Humanity focuses particularly on the need to become an aspect of Divine Love and Wisdom. Heart and Mind, joined and expressed by the Intellect of Love, initiate that transformation and spiritualisation of matter which will activate the contribution of human beings, in order to raise that magnetic radiation which makes it possible to unite what is divided and reopen the door of the True Heart of the Planetary Logos, the Hierarchy. As planetary Servers oriented towards Goal 6.3 of the evolutionary Plan, dedicated to Communion with the World of Ideas, we therefore solemnly assert, on behalf of the New Group of World Servers, the sixth of the 12 Assertions of the One Humanity (see introductory article and online ritual Celebration):
Humanity unifies with Intellect of Love

Library of the Wiblingen Monastery in Ulm – Germany
In this year 6.3 the unceasing thrust of the law of Love that is kept active by the 6th Ray of Devotion and abstract Idealism is united with the systemic law of Disintegration of the 3rd Ray of active Intelligence: the World of Ideas manifests its law by bringing to destruction all ideals that do not have the principle of Love within them, those ideals that do not express the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, the Master Builder. This Ray is connected, at the level of our Solar System, to the 2nd Law of Cohesion which unites what is divided, leading to unity in diversity.
Even the numerical approach synthesises a precise and orderly passage that only Gemini can unify: we are in the 6th sign from Capricorn (yearly occult beginning) and in the 3rd sign from Aries (esoteric beginning for the evolution of consciousness). The fundamental note 6.3 of the inner assertion and construction of the Plan is now magnified in the common consciousness, sealing the solemn moment:
“Everything is Proportion and Commensure in the World of Ideas governed by the Rule of Art. Exactness illuminates it. Everything, including joy and bliss, is ruled by Number. Therefore every Being shines and the Law leads in all its regions. The World of Causes does not encompass any chance, nor disorder or doubt. There is nothing there created by man, yet he has his causing reason.
The World of Ideas does not tolerate violence nor oppression, which are contrary to Harmony, its natural law.” (1)
Gemini, a sign that conveys precisely the pure 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, is that Magnet that accelerates transformative motions: Gemini “is the force which produces the changes needed for the evolution of the Christ consciousness at any particular point in time and space.” (2). The dualism of the Two Columns of Gemini is symbolic of that polar unity that constantly seeks the perfection of balance and harmony.
The beautiful ideal inspiring the imitation of the unitary Model is the relationship between the two Luminaries of Gemini, Mercury (Lord of the 4th Ray of Harmony through conflict and exoteric ruler of the sign) and Venus (5th Ray of concrete Knowledge and Science), its esoteric ruler.
Venus and Mercury are the Divine Hermaphrodite, that bond which leads the enlightened Mind and the loving Mind to intertwine so deeply as to delineate that synthetic unity between Reality and form, between Being and becoming, between the One and the manifold, that reveals, in a play of infinite symmetries, the pattern and texture of Manifestation. (3)
When Venus and Mercury work together, the builder of harmony and beauty is born, as the Thinker (Plato) suggests: “The divine is beautiful, wise, good, and all that is so; by these qualities the wing of the soul is nourished and increased in the highest degree, while it is consumed and ruined by what is ugly, bad and contrary to them”.
These two Luminaries teach us the use of the Mind, at its various levels: concrete mind, abstract mind and intuition or Pure Reason. This threefold aspect is embodied in the personality as Intellect, which the initially selfish and separative man uses to increase the power of his personality; but later, as his consciousness broadens, the intellect becomes the agent of expression of the Solar Angel (esoteric Venus), and its great capacities are placed at the creative service of group consciousness, of wise or intelligent Love.
“For the Human Kingdom came into existence by virtue of the energy of the third Ray, of Active Intelligence. The main function of humanity is intelligent creation.” (2)
“As the intellect develops and the power to concentrate on the mental plane grows, the fact of the existence of the soul becomes known and the focus of attention changes. There then follows the ability to concentrate in the consciousness of the soul, and thus to fuse the soul and the mind so that a unity occurs and man can begin to think ‘in his heart’.” (4)
So Dante suggests the Way:
O ye who have undistempered intellects,
Observe the doctrine that conceals itself
Beneath the veil of the mysterious verses !
(Inferno IX, 61-63)
This exhortation urges the intellect to go further, where the unseen reveals a new ‘doctrine’ or law, where the energy manifested as Love must be united with the mind, as an alchemical process that only the human being, the “Human Soul”, the fourth kingdom of nature, can implement:
“The conscious construction of future evolutionary forms, including the restoration of the hierarchical Plan on Earth, can truly be performed by the ‘seven groups of Egos on the mental plane’, the human Souls, the holders of the ‘manifesting force’ that is the fiery Thought or ‘Intellect of Love’.” (5)
“True illumination is related to the intellect, and should be — in its purest aspect — divorced from feeling altogether. It is a condition of knowledge, it is a state wherein the mind is brought into relation with God, and the longer that condition can be held free from emotional reactions, the more direct will be the communication between the soul and its instrument, and the freer from deterioration will be the imparted truths.” (6)
“Humanity in its heart of Hearts knows the meaning of Love, even if phenomenal appearances show otherwise, as if the Heart itself were relegated to the depths of Dante’s Inferno, but the ‘Heart of Humanity is healthy’, we just have to strive to emerge from the swamps of suffering and the spirals of desire, following the law of Cohesion, and unite what is apparently divided.
Plato speaks of two ‘impulses’ that do not constitute an absolute duality, because what is inferior is nothing more than an ‘image’ of the superior, the love of the senses imitates the paradigm or model of intelligent Love which, once expressed, integrates the sensible one. The intellect of Love encompasses the entire vital circumference of the entity (of being), and by transfiguring it, raises it to the Heavens; what is needed is to awaken THE INTELLECT OF LOVE, the intelligible that we all possess but which for many is still in a latent state.” (7)
An angel clamors in the Intellect of God: “My Lord, on earth, for all to see, there is a miracle whose quality arises from a soul that shines on high.” (8)
It remains a responsibility for all of us to discern the Way, we who daily set out to investigate the Truth, the light of true Culture that the Intellect of Love reveals:
“You, who determine the destinies of nations! Enter the laboratories, climb into the observatories, and, though you may not at once discover an analogy with social problems, your searching intellect will grasp the complexity of the structure of reality. You will realize the inseparability of the fate of human evolution from the cosmic processes. Therefore, real unprejudiced knowledge will be the sure guide to the future.” (9)
Let us conclude this journey into the Intellect of Love of Gemini, the sign that unites the opposite poles and urges us to raise our eyes to Heaven, with a marvellous image that Dante, in communion with the brotherhood of the Fedeli d’Amore (Love’s Faithful ones), gave of the Intellect of Love, initiating us to wonder, beauty, kindness, gentle love and the unity of Heart and Mind, through the verse, enchantment and magic that only the beauty of true poetry can express:
And if I lift my eyes so I can gaze,
a seismic shaking starts within my heart
that chases from my pulse my very soul. (10)
(1) Asserting the planetary Plan
(2) A. A. Bailey – Esoteric Astrology
(3) The Divine Hermaphrodite
(4) A. A. Bailey – Discipleship in the New Age II
(5) The creative Hierarchies and the Evolution (available only in Italian)
(6) A. A. Bailey – From Intellect to Intuition
(7) Raphael – The science of Love
(8) Dante Alighieri – Vita nuova, XIV 15-18
(9) Agni Yoga § 131
(10) Dante Alighieri – Vita Nuova, XVI 10-12