[Article by Aleksandr I.]
The infinite dance of Venus and the Earth forever celebrates the beauty of unfolding Mind within encompassing spheres of our Solar Logos. This dance provides the sense of synthesis relating the past to the immediate objectives of the Plan – the greatest Thought in making.
Since the dawn of time, and maybe before, our Earth was relying on the support of its elder Sister Venus. The presence of this brightest planet has always been an inspiration for sensitives of the human family, awakening thoughts of beauty and wisdom. It evoked memories of a long forgotten home.
Stories of ancient wisdom tell us that Venus, a dwelling place of fiery gods of wisdom, was a source of the impulse that brought the Fire of Mind to Earth, transforming an animal man into a human. The same time the Deity that encompasses all life on the Earth, the indwelling Heavenly Man, our Planetary Logos, came into physical etheric incarnation, taking an important step in His own evolution, carrying forward the principle of Manas (Mente), originated from an even higher cosmic plane.
Humanity is Thought in His Great Planetary Mind.
Those tremendous events were preserved in multiple stories in many folk traditions around the world. One of them is the myth of Prometheus, the titan who stole the fire from gods, bringing it to humans that dwelled in darkness. The same story tells that this carrier of Fire created man from clay. As retribution, Prometheus had to be chained to the rock of matter, giving his life substance to hungry vultures who came daily to torture him. Through the metaphor this story conveys the truth of how evolution strides in our Solar system – advancements made through fire impulses that come from “outside” with the price of greatest sacrifice.
Since those great events eons have passed, humanity has traveled a long way of evolution. This journey was steadily conditioned by gradual unfoldment of the seed of mind within the human race. Civilization after civilization, nation after nation, generation after generation have continuously nurtured the fire of mind within, until the time has come to kindle this fire.
Same as at the dawn of time, our elder brothers were closely watching the opportunities of time. The most advanced in their wisdom sons and daughters of the human race on Earth – the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet – have been standing with humanity, supporting and directing us. These invisible Guardians could recognize the Thought held by the Heavenly Man, the Planetary Logos. In Their meditation they could perceive the Plan to manifest that Thought.
The Elders could foresee the time was coming when another great event, similar to the ancient Venusian impulse, is possible. The same fire of mind that transformed an animal man into a human, could now transform him into a spiritual being, opening the doors into the Spiritual Kingdom. Same as in ancient days, this great event is and will be paralleled by a great advancement of our Logos, our Planetary God, making our planet sacred (that is, expressing His Soul Energy and Will, instead of those Personal) . And though the time was not there yet, the wise Guides knew the work of preparation must begin.
About six hundred years ago the Hierarchy sent forth an impulse to stimulate the mental plane of the human race. The most advanced people working in science, art, religion and statecraft responded to this stimulation first. The blossom of the European Renaissance was one of the initial signs of the future Soul spring.
The following centuries brought gradual development of humanity’s mental capacity. Invention of the printing press, advancement of science, inception of universities and schools boosted activity in all the fields of human life. One of the advancements was the emergence of public opinion and formation of multiple social movements focused on various humanitarian and political causes, advocating for betterment of overall human conditions. Humanity’s Thought gradually started revealing itself. And yet there was a long way to go, as most of humanity was still holding their seed of mind in a dormant state.
As the Elders met again in the Great Conclave about a hundred years ago, They could recognize the time of great tests is coming and that humanity must be getting ready for the next step on its long journey since the dawn of time. All those who had been on the forefront of human evolution were called to step up their efforts to hold the minds steadily focused in the light of their souls. They are forerunners of the future destiny of sons of men, they show the way for others to follow. Thus the New Group of World Servers was established.
The great Thought – the Divine Plan – started revealing itself in the minds and hearts of those who responded to the call of the Elders. The vision of the future humanity unified on principles of freedom, brotherhood and the common good became a magnet that through resonance brought together the most advanced sons and daughters across all nations, cultures and creeds. What unified them most of all was willingness to serve their fellowmen.
This union of servers was called to work to prepare people’s minds and hearts for the coming of the great Avatar of the Aquarian Age. Same as John the Baptist two thousand years ago, together they became a Group Forerunner of our times, ushering in the coming of the Christ. The time before the year 2025 was called “The Stage of Forerunner” – the time for revelatory exploration through experiments and practice.
There were two major tasks. Foremost the minds of people had to be activated and stimulated, shifting from emotions to the mental plane. And, as for the world itself, the major change had to come, breaking the barriers of separations and of prejudice, which were keeping men apart from each other till this time.
The Forerunners Group was also tasked with finding each other in all the nations and coming into a telepathic rapport with each other. Thus the New Group would come to self-recognition as a living being – an organism – a vibrant body that has a role to play within the planetary wholeness.
As any living organism, our planet has seven centers of vivifying whirling life. This Forerunners group is destined to become the center of the Vision – the Ajna Center – the Third Eye of the planet. This is the mystery that is still to be revealed. It is a wonder to reflect what would it mean for this group to be the planetary Eye, considering that “Energy follows thought, and the eye directs the energy”.
The New Group of World Servers, being a living organism itself, has its own seven centers of vivifying life. Spiritual groups of various schools and traditions form the Heart Center within this Group Being. Heart performs two major tasks in any living body: to anchor the principle of Life and to pump the vital energy via blood to all the organs and cells within the body. There is another role that any heart can play, as indicated by the Christ last time He walked on Earth: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”.
There were many tools that were offered by the Elders to the Group of Servers. One of the most powerful is the science of Invocation that allows to call for help from Great Ones in times of need. Another potent tool, which had never been trusted to the sons of men before, was given with great caution to those who guard the Heart of the Servers Group: the evocation of the Will.
The Great Ones also gave a warning to the Servers: “mind is the slayer of the Real.” John the Baptist’s head was cut and so the Group Forerunner is warned to not “lose their heads” by being trapped by power of the lower mind. Their task is to transcend the mind to live the life of Soul. The entire Humanity will face the same challenge in the far future – at time of the Judgement Day. But being the prototype of the future humanity, the World Servers should be prepared to face this test already now.
We have been called to be the part of this greatest spiritual adventure ever unfolded on this planet. We have support and tools to help us. There is a lot of work ahead and time is now.
On this day when Venus stands across the Sun in direct opposition to the Earth, let us evoke the fire of mind within the human race, and let us call the highest Venusian fire within us to take the great step forward according to the Plan.
Humanity is Thought. Let Venus help us.
For Further reflection and meditation as we invoke the power of Venus.
“I would ask you to remember that, in our planetary development, the emphasis of the entire evolutionary process is on the MIND and on the various aspects of the mind—intelligence, mental perception, the Son of Mind, the lower mind, the abstract mind, the mind as will, the Universal Mind.” (Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, 71).
“(…) Each Heavenly Man is linked with one of His Brothers under the Law of Mutual Attraction (…) a link is found between the planetary Logos of the scheme we call Venus, and the Logos of our scheme. This psychic interaction has its cyclic ebb and flow, as ebbs and flows all life force. In Lemurian days came a period of close interaction which brought about an incarnation on the physical planet of the Logos of our scheme, the Head of the Hierarchy, and the One Initiator. (…)
This question of the coming of the Lords of Flame to the planet Earth is deeply involved (as stated above) in the relationship existing between the Heavenly Man of the Earth scheme and the Lord of the Venus scheme.
(…) The Venusian scheme is—as stated in the Secret Doctrine—in its fifth and last round; its humanity is very far ahead of ours in certain particulars, but the momentous occurrence in the third root-race was due to the following causes, and not to the factor of the greater advancement of a certain group of human beings:
First, the Venus Scheme, viewed as a logoic centre, is more active than ours, and therefore its radiatory magnetism is far more widely spread. Its radiation is such that on the buddhic plane it swept within its magnetic radius that chain in our scheme which is composed predominantly of buddhic matter. Then, via that chain, it magnetised the corresponding globe in our chain, and this resulted in a specific vitalisation in the dense planet itself.
Second, just as in the case of man, certain triangles of force are found at different stages of evolution, or (to word it otherwise) different centres become geometrically linked, (…) so, in the case of a Heavenly Man, or of a solar Logos, a similar event occurs. Such an event transpired in this round in relation to the centre which our planetary Logos embodies. It became geometrically linked with two other centres, of which Venus was one, and logoic Kundalini—circulating with tremendous force through this adjusted Triangle—brought about that intensification of vibration in the human family which resulted in individualisation. (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, TCF, 367-369).
“Human individualisation, or the emergence of the self-conscious units on the mental plane, is involved in a larger development, for it synchronizes with the appropriation of a dense physical body by the Planetary Logos (…)” (TCF, 690).
“We have seen how the characteristic method of individualisation in this solar system is the result of force emanating from the cosmic mental plane, which sweeps into activity those entities whose function it is to form the body of the ego out of their own living substance on the mental plane and thus, through their own quality and nature, endow human units on the physical plane with the faculty of self-consciousness, thus producing Man. It is their work also to energise the mental units of all men, and to co-ordinate, by means of the force which they embody, and to energise the sheaths of the threefold lower man, so that they may in due course of time intelligently express the will and purpose of the indwelling Thinker.” (TCF, 717)
“As regards the origin of the fire of mind something more may be learned through studying the various methods of individualisation. In connection with man these methods are three in number as far as we can tell (…) These methods are:
First, the method pursued on the moon-chain (the planetary manifestation previous to ours), when, through innate force and energy, the conjunction of the three fires was brought about and the fire of matter contacted the fire of Spirit through the latent presence of the fiery spark of mind. This spark of mind, working through the instinct, drove the material form or substance, into such activity that it was enabled to reach up to heights where its opposite pole could be contacted. Animal-man aspired; Spirit answered; the vibration of the germ of mentality had permeated the substance like yeast. Thus was consciousness awakened. In the previous solar system, in connection with the Heavenly Men, this was the method pursued by Them, and These advanced cosmic Beings entered into consciousness and mastered the three lower planes of the cosmic physical,—the planes which man is endeavouring to master now. They individualised as the result of work accomplished during incomprehensible aeons of endeavour. The earlier solar system was much longer in duration than this one will be, and force in matter was generated by the progression of the ages. It was the period of the vitalisation of the spirillae in the physical permanent atom of the Logos.
In this method of individualisation, the emphasis is laid on the fact that the principle of manas is a part of the logoic character, and is part of His very nature. It, therefore, has its origin in His Being or Self; it is part of the content of the logoic Causal Body, and therefore permeates all manifestation which originates with Him. Hence the accuracy of the statement that cosmic manas originates on the cosmic mental plane, and is a portion of the fire that animates that plane.
Second, in the second solar system, and in connection with the method employed therein, another point merits attention. This fire of mind has its source in a constellation until recently unrecognized by exoteric science as having any relation of an intimate nature to our solar system, owing to its tremendous distance away. The sun “Sirius” is the source of logoic manas in the same sense as the Pleiades are connected with the evolution of manas in the seven Heavenly Men, and Venus was responsible for the coming in of mind in the Earth chain. Each was primary to the other, or was the agent which produced the first flicker of consciousness in the particular groups involved. In every case the method was that of a slow evolutionary growth till the consciousness suddenly blazed forth owing to the interposition of force, apparently from an extraneous source,
1. The Logos………………………….. | Solar System………………….. | Sirius |
2. Seven Heavenly Men…………… | Planetary scheme…………… | Pleiades |
3. Heavenly Man…………………….. | Earth chain…………………….. | Venus |
This second method therefore is that which is brought about by the hastening of the evolutionary process through influences from outside; these tend to awaken consciousness, and to bring about the merging of the poles. The first method touched upon was that of the earlier solar system. The method we are now considering is the distinctive one of this solar system and will persist till the end of the mahamanvantara.
That the earlier method was seen in the moon-chain is only evidence of the steadfastness of the Law of Repetition by which every large cycle includes, in its earlier stages, all the lesser, and repeats the earlier procedure. This is a recognised fact, for instance, in the building of man’s physical body, for the foetus reproduces all earlier stages and forms till the human is achieved; again, as we know, the fourth round reproduces briefly the earlier three but has its own distinctive quality.
- The Method of Initiation. In this second method the “Rods of Initiation” are used to effect certain results. These rods are of four kinds:
- Cosmic, used by a cosmic Logos in the initiations of a solar Logos, and of the three major planetary Logoi.
- Systemic, used by a solar Logos in the initiations of a planetary Logos.
- Planetary, used by a planetary Logos for initiatory purposes, and for the third, the fourth, and fifth major initiations, with the two higher.
- Hierarchical, used by an occult Hierarchy for minor Initiations, and for the first two initiations of manas by the Bodhisattva.
When man individualised in Lemurian days (about eighteen million years ago), it was the application of the Rod of Initiation to the Logos of our Earth chain which brought about the event and touched into activity certain centres in His body with their corresponding groups. This application, bringing about consciousness on some plane, may be regarded as literally the awakening of the lives concerned to participate in intelligent work on the mental plane. Animal man was conscious on the physical, and on the astral planes. By the stimulation effected by the electric rod this animal man awoke to consciousness on the mental. Thus the three bodies were co-ordinated, and the Thinker enabled to function in them.
All Rods of Initiation cause certain effects:
a. Stimulation of the latent fires till they blaze.
b. Synthesis of the fires through an occult activity that brings them within the radius of each other.
c. Increase of the vibratory activity of some centre, whether in man, a Heavenly Man, or a solar Logos.
d. Expansion of all the bodies, but primarily of the causal,—this also in speaking of all the three types of Entities.
All these results were seen when the Heavenly Man of our scheme took initiation eighteen million years ago. This initiation was brought about—as earlier pointed out—by a peculiar juxtaposition of chains, globes and schemes, and caused such a stimulation of all the latent manasic units within His body that a downflow of pure manas from the planetary manasic permanent atom was possible along the path of the planetary antaskarana—a channel which exists in the case of the planetary Logos, and which has not to be built as in the case of man. Along with this juxtaposition came a similar alignment with one of the Pleiades, permitting of manasic influence from that source.
Third, the third method of individualisation is the one to be followed in the next solar system, though it will have its faint beginnings in this one. It is not based on latent activity as in the first case, nor in electrical polarity as in the second, but in a peculiar process of “occult abstraction” (using the word “abstraction” in its basic sense as “the drawing out” of essence). This occult abstraction is brought about by an effort of the will at present incomprehensible. The first method of individualisation is that of the third aspect, or latent activity, and follows the line of least resistance under the Law of Economy; the second method is the purely electrical one, and works under the Law of Attraction; whilst the third method lies hidden in dynamic will and is as yet to us impossible and incomprehensible.” (TCF 345-351).
“Man passes into the fifth kingdom through the transmutation of the discriminative faculty of mind, which—as in the animal’s individualisation—brings about at a certain stage a spiritual individualisation which is the correspondence on higher levels to what transpired in Lemurian days. Therefore, we have:
Instinct . . . . . . The key from the animal into the human kingdom or from the third into the fourth kingdom.
Manas . . . . . . The key from the human into the spiritual kingdom, or from the fourth kingdom into the fifth kingdom.” (TCF, 335)
“The fifth Hierarchy will rise to its full power. This will precede the Judgment Day, and will mark a point of tremendous struggle, for the manasic vehicle “manas” (which they embody) will rebel against the translation of the life within (the buddhi). There will, therefore, be seen on a racial scale and involving millions simultaneously, a repetition of the self-same struggle which embroils the man who seeks to transcend mind and to live the life of Spirit. This will be the final Armageddon, the planetary kurukshetra, and will be succeeded by the Judgment Day when the Sons of Manas will be cast out and the Dragons of Wisdom rule. This only means that those in whom the manasic principle is over-potent or under-developed will be considered as failures and will have to wait for a more suitable period for development, while those who are living the buddhic life, and in whom it is waxing stronger—spiritual men, aspirants, disciples of various degrees, initiates and adepts—will be left to pursue the natural course of evolution on this scheme.” (TCF, 705-706)
“It appeared to Them at that time that it would be necessary to do two things before the coming potencies of the Aquarian age could profitably be employed. First of all, humanity must have its consciousness elevated to the mental plane; it must be expanded so that it included not only the world of emotion and of feeling but also that of the intellect. The minds of men must be made widely and generally active, and the entire level of human intelligence must be raised. It was necessary, secondly, that something should be done to break down the barriers of separateness, of isolation and of prejudice which were keeping men apart from each other and which They foresaw would increasingly do so. Cycle by cycle, men were becoming more and more wrapped up in their own selves—satisfaction and exclusiveness, and racial pride. The result of this would lead inevitably to wide cleavages and the erection of world barriers between nation and nation, and between race and race.” (A Treatise on White Magic, p.405.
“5. The evocation of the will.
This is, for disciples particularly, the new and most necessary development. As I oft have told you, the average aspirant confounds will with determination, with fixed intention, with self-will and one-pointed attention. He does not realise that the will is that divine aspect in man that puts him en rapport with and then controlled by divine purpose, intelligently understood in time and space and implemented by the soul as the expression of loving application. The mode par excellence by which the will can be developed is the cultivation of the recognition of the divine Plan down the ages. This produces a sense of synthesis and this sense of synthesis ties the man into the plan through recognition of:
- Its inevitability, therefore demanding cooperation.
- Its success, therefore evoking wise activity.
- Its immediate objective—to which all the past has led.
- Its rightness—to which the intuition testifies.
It is not easy for the disciple in training to associate the sense of synthesis and the use of the will together and to realise that a cultivation of this first ray perception is a potent mode by which the highest aspects of the spiritual will (as yet embryonic within him) can be unfolded.” (Discipleship of the New Age II, 298-299).
“The present cycle (1945-2025) (…) is called technically “The Stage of the Forerunner”. It is preparatory in nature, testing in its methods, and intended to be revelatory in its techniques and results.” (The Externalization of the Hierarchy, 530
“The second point made, based upon the occult platitude that “energy follows thought,” should carry inspiring implications to the earnest disciple, if he truly considers the statements made and regards them of practical application.
Two things, I told you, are the result of thought, and though these may be mentally grasped by the intelligent disciple, they are very seldom understood. They are:
- Thought generates energy commensurate with the potency of the thinking, and qualified by the theme of the thinking. You will see from this, therefore, some of the implications contained in the meditation I have assigned you. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” is a statement of the Christ. From that demonstrating personal centre of thought, energy will stream down into the physical brain, via the etheric body. It will then condition the type of living, the expression and the influence of the man upon the physical plane.
- As a result of focussed thinking “in the heart” the spiritual eye opens and becomes the directing agent, employed consciously by the initiate whilst doing his work under the Law of Sacrifice. What is meant here by the words, “in the heart”? The soul is the heart of the system of the spiritual man; it is the seat of the life and consciousness which animate the personality, and it is the motivating potency in every incarnation, according to the experience conditioning the expression of the spiritual man in any particular rebirth. In the early stages of experience, this “eye” remains closed; there is present no capacity for thought and no ability to think in the heart: i.e., from soul levels. As the intellect develops and the power to focus upon the mental plane grows, the fact of the soul’s existence becomes known and the goal of attention changes. There follows the ability to focus in the soul consciousness and so to fuse the soul and the mind that an at-one-ment takes place and a man can then begin to think “in his heart.” Then also the “eye of the soul” opens and energy from soul levels, intelligently utilised, becomes directed from those levels and pours into what is now ambiguously called “the third eye.” Immediately the personality in the three worlds begins to express itself as the soul upon the physical plane, and will, purpose and love begin to control.” DINA II, 289-290.
“As the energy of a human being, seeking incarnation, passes down from the plane of intensive purpose, the mental plane, into the physical vehicle on the gaseous or fifth subplane, so a somewhat analogous stimulation takes place in the body logoic. A somewhat similar process can also be seen in connection with this energy in a human body as it stimulates the life of the individual cell, and brings about relatively its intelligent co-operation in group work, and its ability to take its place in the body corporate. It is so with the human Monads, the cells in the body logoic. When science recognizes this fact (which will scarcely be yet awhile) attention will be turned to the volatile essences of the body, to the heart centre particularly, and its relation to these gaseous elements. The heart will be found to be not only the engine which circulates the life fluids, but also the generator of a certain type of intelligent essence which is the positive factor in the life of the cell.” (TCF 702)
There are among us already, it seems likely, souls who are fusing the unfolding energies of the three paths of individuation. Planetary, systemic, and cosmic. Every day, one encounters new hints of synthesis, patterning and rhythm.
Beautiful post and well composed!
This in support of the Great Singularity, now being revealed by Maitreya in this correspondence. Great Effort and work in the Reappearance as is given in the Chiron paradigm, (CGF)(C), and supported in all correspondence, as is given here.
An absolutely comprehensive, well formulated and expressed synopsis of this pray and crucial topic!! Wonderful!