Humanity spiritualises Substance

Today, as the Sun enters into the sign of Cancer, the main source of the 3rd Ray in the current cycle, the diffuse light of Substance itself, the “dark light” of matter waiting for the light of the soul to impart its stimulus to it, we solemnly assert, as planetary Servers oriented towards Goal 6.3 of the evolutionary Plan, dedicated to Communion with the World of Ideas, the seventh of the 12 Assertions of the One Humanity*:

Humanity spiritualises Substance

Cancer, Sign of birth and generation, encapsulates the whole issue of Rebirth: it is not desire that causes the return, but the will and the knowledge of the Plan of Evolution. It is not the need to attain ultimate perfection that stimulates the Ego to experiment in form, for it is already perfect. The primary incentive is the sacrifice and service to be rendered to the lesser lives that depend upon the higher inspiration (which the spiritual soul can give) and the decision that they too should attain a planetary status equivalent to that of the self-sacrificing soul…

Moon (non-sacred 4th Ray) and Neptune (6th Ray), who, in this Sign, convey the energies of the psychic nature and of form, and also tend to the attainment of purpose through conflict, rule Cancer powerfully. The form and the lower psychic nature which They control produce the battlefield on which they “face in decisive battle” their higher correspondences, soul and spirit, matter being the lowest expression of spirit, and this, matter in its most sublime condition. This phrase is the real key to understanding the Cancer-Capricornus relationship.

Sublimation is the spiritualisation of substance.
(TPS – Genesi delle Idee – 6. Sintesi, only available in Italian)
In the name of the One, Brotherhood is realised, the Hierarchy of Love that is the fiery summit of the sublimation or spiritualisation of substance.
The sublimation of life is of the utmost importance, both for the individual and for humanity as a whole.

Once the individual disciple, and humanity as well, symbolising the world disciple, have mastered the process of transference in this respect, we shall see the new order of individual service and of world service established, and therefore the coming in of the awaited new order. (Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Healing, p. 127)

In Cancer… when the powerful influences of the Moon and Neptune are combined with the seventh ray (which synthesises physical expression) and the third (which produces intense activity in matter)**, it is realised that all the energies involved tend to bring about the descent of the soul into the flesh, into the three worlds of human experience and life…

The spiritualising of forms might be regarded as the main work of the seventh ray, and it is this principle of fusion, of coordination and of blending which is active on etheric levels every time a soul comes into incarnation and a child is born on earth. The soul is the principle of sentiency, underlying all outer manifestation, pervading all forms, and constituting the consciousness of God Himself. When the soul, immersed in substance, is simply sentiency, it produces through its evolutionary interplay an addition, and we find emerging quality and capacity to react to vibration and to environment. This is the soul as it expresses itself in all the subhuman kingdoms in nature. When the soul, an expression of sentiency and quality, adds to these the capacity of detached self-awareness, there appears that self-identified entity which we call a human being. When the soul adds to sentiency, quality and self-awareness, the consciousness of the group, then we have identification with a ray-group, and there appears the disciple, the initiate and the master. When the soul adds to sentiency, quality, self-awareness and group consciousness, a consciousness of divine synthetic purpose (called by us the Plan), then we have that state of being and knowledge which is distinctive of all upon the Path of Initiation, and includes those graded Lives, from the more advanced disciple up to the planetary Logos Himself. But forget not that when we make these distinctions it is nevertheless one Soul that is functioning, acting through vehicles of varying capacities, of differentiated refinements and of greater and lesser limitations, in just the same sense as a man is one identity, working sometimes through a physical body and sometimes through a feeling body or a mental body, and sometimes knowing himself to be the Self…(Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology I, pp. 53-54)

All that at present prevents the glory, which is the soul, and the radiance which emanates from the God within the form, from shining forth in its full power, is the matter or form aspect. When that has been consecrated, purified and spiritualized, then the glory and the light can indeed shine through… (Alice A. Bailey, The Labours of Hercules, p. 22)

Humanity is the planetary light bearer, transmitting the light of knowledge, of wisdom, and of understanding, and this in the esoteric sense. These three aspects of light carry three aspects of soul energy to the soul in all forms, through the medium of the anima mundi, the world soul…
The downpouring spiritual Triangle and the upraising matter Triangle meet point to point in humanity when the point of balance can be found. In man’s achievement and spiritualization is the hope of the world. Mankind itself is the world Saviour, of which all world Saviours have been but the symbol and the guarantee…
The blending of the deva or angel evolution and the human… is a mystery which will be solved as man arrives at the consciousness of his own solar Angel, only to discover that that too is also but a form of life which, having served its purpose, must be left behind…
Thus humanity serves, and in the development of a conscious aptitude for service, in the growth of a conscious understanding of the individual part to be played in the working out of the plan and in the rendering of the personality subject to the soul, will come the steady progress of humanity towards its goal of world service.
 (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, pp. 100-101)

Every human being who reaches the goal of light and wisdom automatically has a field of influence which extends both up and down, and which reaches both inwards to the source of light and outwards into the “fields of darkness”. When he has thus attained he will become a conscious centre of life giving force, and will be so without effort. He will stimulate, energise and vivify to fresh efforts all lives that he contacts, be they his fellow aspirants, or an animal, or a flower. He will act as a transmitter of light in the darkness. He will dispel the glamour around him and let in the radiance of reality.
When large numbers of the sons of men can so act, then the human family will enter upon its destined work of planetary service. Its mission is to act as a bridge between the world of spirit and the world of material forms. All grades of matter meet in man, and all the states of consciousness are possible to him. Mankind can work in all directions and lift the subhuman kingdoms into heaven and bring heaven down to earth. (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p. 538)

The evolution of the Spirit envisages that the Hierarchies constituting the spiritual Triad (Atma-Buddhi-Manas: the Triple I) rule, love and shine in the three lower worlds and realms through the Fourth human Hierarchy, thus reuniting Heaven and Earth. “The fourth Creative Hierarchy is the great expression of the conscious will and sacrifice of the Solar Logos, and the great symbol of the intelligent union of spirit and matter. (TPS – Le Gerarchie creative, only available in Italian)

Through the Christ and the Buddha, humanity can now establish a close relationship with Shamballa and then make its own contribution—as a world centre—to the planetary life. Pervaded by light and controlled by the Spirit of Peace, the expression of humanity’s will-to-good can emanate powerfully from this third planetary centre. Humanity will then… enter upon its destined task as the intelligent, loving intermediary between the higher states of planetary consciousness, the super-human states and the sub-human kingdoms. Thus humanity will become eventually the planetary saviour. (Alice A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 163)

In this solstitial summit, when the doors open wide on a new, infinite horizon, the heart of the One Humanity, like a Sun, Source of Life, warmth and light, an Initiate Server and Saviour of the world, golden section between Hierarchy and Humanity, reveals its Essence, the Christic Principle that radiates the saving power of Love and Light, that elevates to Heaven as it brings Heaven to Earth.


*   See introductory article and online ritual Celebration.
** Cancer transmits, in the current precessional cycle, the energies known as 3rd and 7th Ray, connected to active Intelligence and ritual Order and Magic…


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2 Responses to Humanity spiritualises Substance

  1. Rinus says:

    Thanxxx ❤️❤️❤️🍀⭐️

  2. Suzanne B. Miller says:

    Always reminders and inspirational clarification of a high order… Always a synthesizing energy in these comments.. a ” core truth”. Always
    .. gratitude for these illuminating insights…

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