The Affirmation of the Disciple

[article by Martha G. and Frances G.]

The Affirmation of the Disciple  

“I am a point of Light within the greater Light,
I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of divine Love,
I am a point of Light within the fiery will of God.
And thus I stand.

I am a way by which men may achieve.
I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.
I am a beam of light, shining upon their way.
And thus I stand.

And standing thus, revolve
And tread this way the ways of men,
And know the ways of God.
And thus I stand.”

(A. A. Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, TEV p. 197)

Polarity Cancer-Capricorn – by Adriano N.

Let the heavens sing out humanity’s ascent into the supernal light shining upon Cancer from Capricorn (1st, 3rd, 7thRays) –

  • In Divine Law and Order humanity grasps a new self-knowing as functionary to become the way by which souls may achieve: Humanity in discipleship – serving the Divine Law and Order – enjoys full collaboration with the devic kingdom who lends etheric substance to the work of building the divine kingdom on earth.
  • Sirius, “the agent of universal love, the origin of karmic law, the parent of our solar system and the very soul of our Solar Logos, a point of emanation for cosmic and other avatars, the source of the Fourth Cosmic Path, the home of our planetary Hierarchy and the point in the heavens from which the work of our Hierarchy is directed, the origin of the mysteries of initiation, and the Star of Initiation for seekers on our planet”[1] stands behind axis Capricorn and Cancer for perfect fusion (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, EA p. 50).
  • Further, alignment of Cancer with Capricorn is achieved through the activity of sacred planet Saturn (3rd Ray), bringer of initiation. “Saturn is the focal point for the transmission of the cosmic mind throughout our entire seven planetary schemes.” (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, TCF 378)

These two cardinal signs lead to the right relationship or communion of ideas between Humanity and the 5th kingdom of Hierarchy. The Planetary throat center (Humanity) welcomes the gradating soul contribution of humanity within the lighted house (Cancer) as receives Ideas and grounds ideals into creative practice.

“We are beams of light shining upon their way”. We are the way through which Hierarchy externalizes. The disciple as trained observer stands steady and thus all of humanity rises.

In the emerging Aquarian energies, this recent Wesak festival (Taurus) intensified the urgency of true harmony within the 4th kingdom, the plane of humanity, and having passed through Gemini’s phase, where the two brothers impulsed into greater cooperation through the Christ love pouring through, now Cancer, the Door of humanity into incarnation, blends its watery substance of desire with devic etheric substance and begins to register its contribution in true Discipleship. Now, humanity purifies and deconstructs glamour, illusion and maya, traveling upon the ‘reversed wheel’ of evolution (the Disciple’s Path). Increasingly as humanity passes through purifying waters of Cancer, humanity learns to apply the Saturnian influence of cosmic mind into hierarchical service.[2]

Substance, esoterically understood is in reality cosmic etheric matter, or that of which the four higher planes of our seven planes are composed. From the human angle, ability to work with and in the cosmic etheric substance demonstrates first of all when the abstract mind awakens and begins to impress the concrete mind; an intuition is an idea clothed in etheric substance, and the moment a man becomes responsible to those ideas, he can begin to master the technique of etheric control.” (TEV 189).

A new realization in hierarchical responsive, Will to Good ensues. Humanity finds its feet in more effective occult transmutative power to “seal the door” upon separativeness. Humanity bends its little wills and therein begins to build its Temple upon the Mountain top (Capricorn, the sign of initiation).

Solar electric energy of plasma (matter activated by Fohat) blends with watery substance (etheric substance) as humanity becomes the builder of the rainbow bridge itself. Now humanity is impulsed into fiery illumination.  Humanity develops power to direct energy through the seven major centers via the laws of nature, the laws of the soul, and the antahkarana (the bridge between personality and then between soul and the monad).


The Human Centre, with its ‘units of energy’ extends its range beyond merely physical planes. (TEV 188) In the unified discipleship force, disciples direct fiery waters of substance into Source via the Logos. Disciples become self-assured as they intelligently project waters of substance into illumined fiery space preparing for a new fiery incarnation. Neptune (the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Cancer), hidden behind the Moon (the exoteric ruler of the sign), reveals a mystical consciousness which leads unerringly to the higher vision, to the recognition of the interrelation involved in man’s essential duality during the process of manifestation.  (Arcane School, BTF, Study 8 p. 71) The disciple expresses the law of correspondence in navigation of daily life, “as above so below.”

When the disciple becomes the source of strength upon which souls may stand, “The Planetary Life increases its function as a center in the solar system.” (Ibid) This planetary life yearns to find right relationship between those centers in Shamballa with the centers, head, ajna, throat centers of humanity. Through the communion with the Ideas, disciples participate actively in the resurrection of humanity. Disciples become Lords of Liberation in redemption of earth’s substance.

All this is, in reality, an aspect of the great creative process; Ideas, emanating from the buddhic levels of being must be clothed in matter into the abstract levels of the mental plane (where they are associated as ideal Formulas); then they must be clothed in matter of the concrete mental, astral and etheric planes; later, with dense matter, finally they will assume a physical Form.

It is the magnetic (love) relation between the man and the ideas which has made its apprehension possible. In the great creative process, he must give form to the idea, and thus the creative humanitarian comes into being and the divine creative intention is thereby aided.

For example, the idea that all humanity is imbued with dignity (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) is only now breaking through into every country no matter the extent of suppression and dis-information. We know this to be true as well, when in 2015, there emerged a planetary campaign called The Sustainable Development Agenda which expanded dignity to include the earth (a long-held tenet of First Nations Peoples throughout the world). In one way or another all the New Group of World Servers find creative expression to that one idea of responsibility for world goodwill. In this regard, we demonstrate that “I am a point of light within the Greater Light” (Spiritual Triad) who “in standing thus, treads this way, the ways of men and knows the ways of God”.

We are designers of the Plan in light of Purpose. Purpose must be implemented in the current world in which we live and in a way that is relevant to the times.  We affirm our capacity to distill human experience into directed purpose which perfectly aligns with the will of the Planetary Logos and thus we become the path. (TEV 194) Love is ever more perfectly expressed, as humans develop skill in playing a crucial role at spiritual liberation.

“Let the Lords of liberation issue forth,” let them (humans) bring succor to the souls of all, through perfected cooperation in the fourth or human kingdom.

We are reminded of Rule VIII for disciples and Initiates: “Let the group find within itself response to the greater seven groups which carry out the hierarchical will with love and understanding. The group contains all seven, the perfect group. The lesser seven, the greater seven and the planetary seven form one great whole, and these the group must know. When this is realised and the Law of the Supplementary Seven is understood let the group understand the Three and then the ONE. This they can do with the united breath and the unified rhythm.” (A. A. Bailey, Rays and Initiations, RI)

Humanity is Will

 is Love

is Light

Humanity is Harmony

 is Thought

is One

Humanity is Order

This rule assigns to humanity participation in the planetary role of directing force through first the laws of nature, then via the laws of the soul and finally into the laws of Life itself. The septenaries include: the solar light of the Seven rays are the central septenate of energy; the seven groups of Ashrams within the Hierarchy; the lesser seven are the seven types of humans and also the seven root races; the supplementary seven… the seven centers of energy in the human.

“The Law of the Supplementary Seven can be worded as follows:

“The Law demands the entrance of that which can effect a change.

The Law demands that right direction should then guide the entering forces.

The Law demands that the changes thus effected remove the form, bring quality to light and lay the emphasis upon life. [152]

The Law demands that this is brought about by the One, working through the Three, energising the Seven and creating the straight line from there to here, and ending in a point which ignores the Three.”

When, the rule goes on, this is understood and applied, then four things happen:

  1. The group must understand the nature of the Three.
  2. The nature of the One must be grasped and comprehended.
  3. The group must work through the medium of the united breath.
  4. The group must attain a unified rhythm.” (RI 151-2)

“On the surface, this rule appears to be one of surprising complexity and immense difficulty. It deals with so many groups and septenates and this seems to complicate understanding considerably. Yet everyone is dealing with the multiplicity of units and combination of forces which make up daily life and which create untold variety in life circumstances.  … Advance into the world of spiritual values and into the realm of triadal existence (in which the initiate moves) is definitely an advance into simplicity. It is an advance from the complications of the multiplication table and its resultant arithmetic into the simplicity of the symbolic formulas as used in the higher mathematics; it is a moving out of the world of kaleidoscopic figures in constant movement, into the world of meaning; it is a process of getting behind the world of effects into the world of causes, realising that one simple cause or directed movement of energy can set in motion a myriad of effects. The way of the initiate is not a complicated one, once he has grasped the fact that he must release himself from the world of seeming and of illusion and stand free in the world of light, where all stand clearly revealed. Then he can begin to face the lessons and take the training which will enable him to handle energy—having released himself from the control of forces—and begin to direct energy in conformity with the
great Plan.” (RI 149)

[1] Maureen Temple Richmond, “Sirius” Esoteric Astrology, summer 2020
[2] “On the fourth subplane of the mental plane there will be, in the immediate future, a period of intensified evolution for the units of the fifth rootrace, prior to their passing out of and into another race, globe, chain or scheme.  We have on the fourth subplane of the fifth plane the centre of interest for the present race and the day of its opportunity. Here can be seen the awakening of the higher consciousness, and the first ripple of perception of, and vibratory response to, the causal body.” (TCF 431)
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One Response to The Affirmation of the Disciple

  1. Jo says:

    Beautiful, my friends.

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