In assonance with today’s celestial direction between Sun, Earth and Uranus, sacred Luminary of the Seventh Ray of Order and ceremonial Magic, we celebrate as one planetary Server, that is in the name of the New Group of World Servers, the Seventh among the Seven Energies of the One Humanity:*
Humanity is Order
Today, our beloved Earth, the solar Disciple, is conjunct, in the 7th quality or sector of Taurus [1] (Sign of the new Group of World Servers), the Divine Incentive and guardian of the Mystery of Light, with the solar Hierophant/Initiator Uranus, Lord of the ‘highest’ Heavens, the Divine Server of the solar Ritual and of the future human planetary Order.
It is the last step of the septennial ascent to the Summit of 2025, paced and punctuated by Uranus, [2] the mysterious and occult Planet: it is the highest evolutionary accelerator of Consciousness, the One who “makes all things new”, thus fostering and hastening not only the communion with the Light of Life [3] but also the irradiation of the hierarchical Order of the solar Builders for the benefit of Humanity, thirsting for golden Relations.
“Uranus stands for the order of the heavens, the firmament, the general community of stars and their systems. At the human level, it oversees that complex of norms, rules and conventions commonly referred to as civilisation and pertaining to the customs, habits and various practices of associated life. As a whole, civilisation expresses the culture of a people. Uranus therefore, through its seventh Ray, acts on the lowest level of creation and imprints on it the celestial order, which is not rigid, but flexible and progressive… Civilisation is inseparable from human evolution and, as such, it knows phases of growth and others of decay. The social rules, in fact, at first assert themselves with vigour and are constructive, then they deteriorate, become conventional and hollow, slow down the progress and must be replaced. Uranus provides man with the necessary energy and rhythm.” (E. Savoini, The six-pointed Star, unpublished paper)
The incursion of Uranus into Taurus’ fury awakens in the Disciples of the World a confrontation with the supreme Order, the rhythmic Principle of Life:
“In an absolute sense, Order is a spiritual value, essential and therefore unlimited and permanent. When it cyclically manifests itself, it takes on ever new and different forms and aspects, but the essence remains unchanged.” (E. Savoini, Order, 1987 – revised 2001, unpublished paper)
It is inherent in the timeless Reality, the supreme foundation of Creation, that “Boundless Immutable Principle; one Absolute Reality which, antecedes all manifested conditioned Being… The manifested Universe is contained within this Absolute Reality and is a conditioned symbol of it.” (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 3)
In the Lambdoma of the Ideas of Absolute Life we have stated that “Order is Freedom” and when it is manifested in Existence it serves the One Life, the Reality that is and exists, manifesting it in all planes of substance (up to the 7th physical level of Manifestation, where the Lord of the seventh ray sets His seal) [4], without depriving it of Its transcendence, identifying with Its purpose: “the progressive and total order, the Hierarchy of the best, the beautiful and the good”: the Order of the divine Creators.
A cosmic hierarchy rises towards the Absolute, arranged in ascending order of relative freedom.
“Order is identified with its own purpose, which is properly the global order for the Common Good.
Order is Will and it is the Power that exercises it. Without order there is no power and the presence of genuine power is inseparable from order.
The supreme summit of the common Good is freedom, total and maximum for all entities, and Order tends precisely towards this unique goal without limiting it, but expanding it. Wherever orders operate without freedom, one always discovers the presence of a pseudo-power, illegitimate, transitory and true adversary of the common Good.” (E. Savoini, Order, 1987 – revised 2001, unpublished paper)
“Order lives on freedom, and true freedom is only possible in Order.”
The entire potency of Order thus affirms that Principle which ceaselessly presses and drives towards the goal – its Will is to lead all lesser entities or realities to total Freedom, to Being.
“… the universe tends constantly and in every part towards hierarchical Order, and this process is in the making; it seems to pursue a perfection of its own… for the benefit and with the co-operation of all the forms it houses.” (freely taken from E. Savoini, A New Model of Space, only available in Italian)
“… the hierarchical arrangement is an essential feature of the universal, solar, planetary Order. It is, however, a Hierarchy of Functions, not of Persons who perform them. Certainly in an accomplished and regular Order these two aspects (Functions and Persons) are equalised and identified, but in all those formations that are still developing, and therefore necessarily imperfect, it is prudent to keep the two concepts separate. The Function is what it is, and it is impersonal, the functionary is still burdened with those impurities from which it is being stripped, and it can be of various evolutionary levels…
Seven co-operating Functions coexist in the Order… the Order, in fact, is endowed with a rigorous structure that is both the model and universal support of all forms…
(…) the universal method followed by the spiritual Order to encamp in Space with its liberating power, is the establishment of a system of centres, which direct it to raise its quality and improve its light.” (freely taken from E. Savoini, Order, 1987 – revised 2001, unpublished paper)
“Through the action of the seventh Function, the form appears as an integrated and harmonious whole, even though it is composed of such apparently dissimilar parts. Its work is magical, because it resurrects the One, and introduces it into the manifested world. … It is precisely through the work of this Function that an incoherent and ineffective group of men is transmuted into a coherent and integrated force, vigorous and unified, capable of great feats: a Communion.” (E. Savoini, Enzio’s words, Freedom, unpublished paper)
Such is the rhythmic and ritualistic Service of the rising seventh ray, guardian of the energy of fulfilment and perfection that seals Life in form, aimed at asserting at every level the essential Unity or Golden Ratio between all worlds – the universal Brotherhood (the idea of an ordered and hierarchical brotherhood: relationships based on functions).
“Brotherhood. No greater concept can be named, none which could so crown human relations and correspond to the essential nature of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. Therefore the Brotherhood is called threefold. It extends between the three worlds as a firm bridge. It is almost impossible to imagine the contact of the earthly with the Fiery World, but under the panoply of Brotherhood such confluence is made possible.” (Agni Yoga Series, Brotherhood § 8)
“The immediate objective of the human kingdom is consciously to establish systemic relations, and be actively, and consciously, part of group work.” (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1216)
“The seventh ray will bring to the consciousness of the coming initiates the concept of group service and sacrifice. This will inaugurate the age of the “divine service”. The vision of the giving of the individual in sacrifice and service, within the group and to the group ideal, will be the goal of the masses of advanced thinkers in the New Age, whilst for the rest of humanity, brotherhood will be the keynote of their endeavour… The seventh ray will foster the group spirit, and the rhythm of the group, the objectives of the group, and the ritual-working of the group will be the basic phenomena.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology I, p. 361)
There is no escaping the glorious ceremonial of Life, it is therefore necessary to ‘entify’ or embody ever better the hierarchical Order in action, subjective and objective, individual and collective (both internationally and in relationship with other kingdoms), to consciously learn to co-operate in a co-ordinated manner for the common Good, so that the One Humanity, the planetary Consciousness, can be restored to its solar, cosmic and universal responsibility.
“A great Oneness reigns in Cosmos as a powerful law. Only those who adhere to this law can verily take part in cosmic cooperation…” (Agni Yoga Series, Infinity II § 48)
“… He who accepts the truth of Order within himself becomes its bearer, and is part of that host of luminous entities that build the final victory with sacrifice; he shares its free discipline, its labours and joys.” (E. Savoini, Order, 1987 – revised 2001, unpublished paper)
The Disciple of the One Humanity, with growing awareness of his destiny as a solar angel, as part of the fourth creative Hierarchy, wields the sword of the Will-to-Good and asserts his identity with Order, according to the Law, [5] obeying the rhythmic and ritual impulse of Life itself.
Our Power is sacrifice.
(The Call § 353)
“The Hierarchy impels humanity to boundless affirmation. When the spirit in its growth is imbued with this realization, then its path is determined as a near one. Therefore, so much is assigned to the spirit to whom a place in the highest flight is accorded. The spirit who stands on the highest rung in the Hierarchy penetrates the most distant worlds… Thus, the spirit striving toward the far-off worlds is the bearer of the full Truth.” (Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 383)
* The Seven Energies of the One Humanity, according to the Seven Rays (the Motive or conscious Agents of cosmic, systemic, planetary and human Evolution, and of the kingdoms of Nature as well) – see articles for more details:
Humanity is Will – July 23
Humanity is Love – December 7
Humanity is Light – September 8
Humanity is Harmony – August 19
Humanity is Thought – June 4
Humanity is One – September 21
[1] The last 5 degrees of a zodiac Sign
[2] See “The seven steps towards 2025”
[3] Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of the planets “falls” in this sign [Taurus]… hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness—substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions. It is interesting to note that in Scorpio, Uranus is exalted which gives indication of the success of the task which the Uranian forces undertook. Achievement is attained. (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 400-1)
[4] “The Lord of Ceremonial Order or Magic is now coming into power and is slowly but surely making His pressure felt. His influence is most potent upon the physical plane, for there is a close numerical interrelation between (for instance) the Lord of the seventh ray and the seventh plane, the physical, just as the seventh root race will see complete conformity to and a perfect expression of law and order. This ray of order and its incoming is partially responsible for the present tendency in world affairs toward governmental dictatorship and the imposed control of a central governing body.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology I, pp. 25-6)
[5] The Law of Sacrifice: associated with the 4th Ray of Harmony through conflict and thus particularly connected to the 4th human Kingdom and the 4th creative Hierarchy, it is among the seven laws of soul or group life that reveal to us how to serve the demands of the Plan of evolution in a more powerful and purposeful way.
Order and Freedom is the Great Singularity working by its own freedom it its order…and when this Model is planted into the decision of Self, it will fulfill itself. Such is the Sigil of perfection to the fusion of both of these goals in that perfection, as together do they all have the freedom of their perfection, which is the order of the transpersonal identification, which is now to be restored on earth, as is given in the Chiron paradigm (CGF)(C).