There are laws in the cosmos that govern the mutual relations between beings.
Among these is the law that affirming ‘As above so below’ guarantees the relationships of analogy between the planes of reality, visible and invisible, and establishes, along the chain of consciousnesses, the connection between Hierarchy and Humanity.
“How does humanity expect to approach the Highest without acknowledging the entrusted earthly representatives of Hierarchy? How can a link be established if humanity does not admit the greatness of the Chain of Hierarchy? Thinking is infected so extensively by the poison of conceit that the entire cosmic balance is disturbed. Thus, on the way to Us one should adopt all the affirmations concerning Hierarchy as an anchor of salvation. Verily, Hierarchy is like a wondrous Light for humanity! As a mighty Shield, Hierarchy stands on watch! Hierarchy is affirmed as the link between the worlds!” (1)
Similarly, the law that states ‘Like attracts like’ is a guarantee of contact between the Masters and that part of Humanity, the New Group of World Servers, which has become ‘magnetic’ to the hierarchical call and which, in turn, becomes a magnet for all mankind.
“A single principle, the Magnet or Cosmic Love, rules all attractions between seeds, atoms, currents, energies; it acts in every (spatial) centre and keeps its law unchanged: ‘like attracts like’.” (2)
And it is precisely Magnetism, the precious energy that Jupiter, vehicle of the 2nd Ray, pours out in vibrating waves, that puts the seal on this day when, according to the heliocentric vision, the Lord of Love meets, in the loving waters of Gemini (also vehicle of the 2nd Ray), with Venus, esoteric Ruler of the Sign and Mistress of right building.
“Because the Ray of Love-Wisdom, the second ray, pours through Gemini it becomes apparent how true is the occult teaching that love underlies the entire universe. God is love, we are assured, and this statement is both an exoteric and an esoteric truth. This underlying love of Deity reaches our solar system primarily through Gemini, which forms, with the constellation of the Great Bear and the Pleiades, a cosmic triangle. This is the triangle of the cosmic Christ and is the esoteric symbol lying behind the cosmic Cross. There is ever the eternal triangle to be found behind the fourfold phenomenal appearance.” (3)
Magnetism and loving Intelligence, Buddhi and Manas, meet and merge; the Magnet, or cosmic Love, pulses like a Heart and radiates into Space its luminous and sapient Intelligence, that Intelligence which has built the worlds and is well concealed in the heart of every being waiting to reveal itself as the Intellect of Love.
“The great magnetic power is omnipresent. It is the first aspect of substance and spreads the will-to-love throughout all the expanses of Space. Suns and planets, flowers and crystals are bathed in divine Love, which, leaving them free, guides them on their paths, brings them together, coordinates them. Each entity loves according to its own nature, goes where it will and always finds the paths of its destiny provided and prepared by the magnetic field. In the boundless immensity of Cosmos the lover and the beloved seek each other, find each other and unite. Whether it be stellar systems, atomic dust or forms of knowledge, a single law leads to the final union of all consciousnesses.” (4)
This meeting of lights profoundly affects Space, the womb that nurtures and sustains all, and makes it blaze with the fire of perfect, uplifting Love.
Every consciousness, educated and kindled by the flame of the common Good, nourished by Beauty and Harmony, drawn by the loving power of the Hierarchy becomes in turn a magnet capable of gravitating ever more closely around the solar Heart, immersed in the magnetic field of divine love until it merges into the One.
The Intellect of Love is thus a love of intelligence, which sees, observes, understands, discriminates, loves and in loving builds.
The Intellect of Love is a conquest, the conquest of a discriminating, courageous and resounding heart, fused with an equally daring and wise intellect.
A heart and an intellect capable of soaring beyond the dust of the usual to land on the luminous shores of the Infinite where the dissensions of dualism cease and Unity triumphs.
“Here is the fulfilment: universal fusion. When the Cosmos is perfect and intimately governed by love, the fusion will be total and the unity of BEING will triumph.” (5)
In this tension towards the One, Humanity turns to the Hierarchy as an anchor of salvation in the perilous sea of becoming; beyond the fog of untiring desire, beyond the illusions of the lower mind, beyond the blindness of the small self, Humanity begins to catch a glimpse of the luminous ‘roped party’ of consciousnesses that leads to the path of return, freeing man from the oscillations of the formal world.
“How does the Brotherhood live? How does the Brotherhood act? From Our Abode the threads of Our creativeness are stretched to the hearts, as inspirations to humanity.” (6)
Let us therefore grasp these shining threads and tread the vertical path, the path that connects us to the Spirit.
Inwardly following the dance steps of Jupiter and Venus, bathed in the light of Gemini, the lights of intuition and mind will blend, demonstrating the essential unity of all things beyond the apparent manifest polarity.
“… after all sorts of complicated calculations,
there only remains salvation by the path of the heart.
(Heart § 418)
1. Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 338
2. E. Savoini, Comments to Infinity I, p. 158 (only available in Italian)
3. A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 348
4. E. Savoini, Op. cit., p. 67
5. Ibid., p. 167
6. Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 29
This is the Greatest Truth, of which is my experience. Physical love mist be perfected into the perfect lover before it can be sacrificed into Immortal Being. This is my story, and this must be known to the whole world. When the intuition and higher mind are fused in physical love, then and only then is the sacrifice ready to achieve this great achievement….this is the fifth initiation. When the Sigil of the Great Singularity of the Model of the Universal Hologram Hermetic ((CGF)(C), is planted in the Mind of mankind, the fusion in thought will cause the heart in act to sacrifice the form in the perfection of the physical lover, to achieve that perfect love, and in the gift of the broken heart will make this sacrifice back to the Creator. This is Love Divine, the greatest gift the lover can make…To make this gift, the lover must be perfected, so sex and love must be fused in this ideal to this achievement. The whole world is lost without it, and to live without physical love in escape, in retreat or isolation, will keep this from happening….and never can this be accomplished until the fire is accepted and done in real experience can the Power be ignited in immortality. This is the most precious gift a form in flesh can do, and that is the love God knows and accepts, as God has been and always will Be, The Perfect Lover….as All who come before have done, as God himself has done.
The Path must be taken by the use of the head and heart. (Ray 2, Love/Wisdom)