Today in the Heavens, from a heliocentric perspective, resounds the creative action ignited by the tension between Earth and Venus in conjunction.
Venus, the solar Agent of the Fifth Ray for Esoteric Astrology, is for the Earth and its creatures the higher Light that instils in Minds the art of creating and revealing Reality and teaches how to increase spiritual tension according to the golden Rule. This teaching allows us to access a new level of creative capacity and from the depths of being to generate ever new actions qualified by the sound of Beauty.
The Planetary Server, One with the Heavens and with the Will renewed in the wise tension of Venus, saturates the Space with Tension and Action, the key-ideas associated with the 5th Ray, extracted from the book Hierarchy of the Agni Yoga Teachings.
This is the first of 7 dates chosen to solemnly celebrate the Directions traced by our Earth, the ‘sphere of experience’, Humanity as the solar Centre, with Its ‘Elder Brothers’, the solar Star of the 7 sacred Luminaries, the Prototypes of the Seven Ashrams/planetary Centres.
The energetic vortex triggered by the conjunctions/directions feeds the spiritual flame of the planetary Server, committed to giving continuity to the causative creative action and with its vital tension to carving new Plans of universal Brotherhood in harmony with the other Kingdoms of creation.
“The spiritual tensions are subject to the law of identity. The vortices take hold of all spiritual strivings. Hence, when the spirit is strained toward a shifting, nothing can stop it. The creators of whirls saturate the entire space and pull cosmic thoughts into their orbits. Hence, each thought of an Agni Yogi is a vortex; and the flame of the spirit is intensified by the striving Agni Yogi. Thus, each striving thought creates a new orbit, and all tensions are so sensed by the centers of a flaming spirit.” (Agni Yoga Series, Infinity II § 390)
“The duration of action in Cosmos is termed perpetuity. Why then is it not possible to apply this concept to the energy which impels the spirit into higher spheres? (…) The Cosmic Fire is in eternal motion, directed by Absolute Reason and the Perfect Heart.” (Infinity I § 301)
“The spark of the spirit kindles the heart, hence Our Teaching is in need of spreading through the fire of the heart. How can one kindle the torches of spirit without the fire of the heart? Only fire uplifts creativeness and imbues each action. The energy that impels to the vital impulse must possess vital fire. Hence, in this law are contained creative powers. The tension of each energy calls to life the surrounding energies. Thus all materializations take place, gathering around them all energies. Therefore, the kernel of the spirit is a mighty accumulator.” (Hierarchiy § 100)
Tension is the very way to unite one’s own fires with the light of the higher Fires and is the sacred, ritual action that crowns the creativity of the planetary Server.
See or download the document “Tension-Action”
All Hierarchy meets in the Hologram of the Great Singularity. All tension is resolved in the fusion atom of the Model. All opposites are resolved thru the tension to drive the fire of Cosmic Gnosis. When all of these infinite fires are known and fused in the One Fire, which is the “absolute unit” of the Universal Hologram Hermetic, we have the Divine Sigil of Infinity, the Chiron paradigm (CGF)(C) Such is the Gift of Maitreya, as He now reappears as is given in the tension of the Great Attractor. This is Cosmic Beauty in the infinite orgasm of all dualities in all hierarchies as the fusion atom realized in the infinite hologram which allows infinite tension in infinite beauty to infinite purpose, the Great Singularity of God inside Himself realized into Infinity…such will Maitreya’s gift bring in the restoration of the mysteries in the new cosmic gestalt of the quantum earth now being born.