Alignment Sun/Vulcan-Venus-Saturn

In order to celebrate the today celestial direction Sun/Vulcan-Venus-Saturn, here are some thoughts* on these stupendous Beings which together represent “the compass and square” of the Solar Logos, Its Architect of Active Intelligence (3rd Ray) and the Worker manifesting through the fiery Force of Mind (5th Ray):


For a Luminary, an initiatory Being of an extremely high level, the Orbit is the middle Path, the Path of balance and of victory, with which It identifies itself. If considered one and the same as its Luminary, the Orbit signifies spiral evolutionary progress.

This being so, it is surprising at first sight to ascertain that Orbits of the same Ray do not correspond to the various Luminaries: for example on the fourth it is not Mercury, lord of the Fourth Ray, but Jupiter, of the Second Ray, that revolves. So it is for all the others. The only exception is Vulcan, first Luminary on the first Orbit.

This unforeseen event introduces a new idea, and it is a good example of how one must not trust the proposals of the intellect, which often takes for granted and considers “logical” that which challenges its working rules because it transcends them.

In brief, the situation is the following:

ORBIT              1       2        3        4       5        6       7

LUMINARY   Vul.   Mer.  Ven.   Jup.   Sat.   Ura.   Nept.

RAY                1      4         5         2        3         7        6

which can also be written in the following manner:

LUMINARY     Vul.    Mer.    Ven.    Jup.   Sat.    Ura.   Nept.

RAY/ ORBIT    1/1      4/2       5/3      2/4     3/5     7/6     6/7

To repeat, therefore, in the solar Star the Functionaries do not occupy the Vertices corresponding to their Ray. Venus is not in the fifth position, but in the third, Uranus is not in the seventh, but in the sixth, etc..

What follows is an observation: the last table shows up a remarkable triple symmetry in the order of the Solar System:

1) –   Mercury and Jupiter

        4/2          2/4

2) –   Venus and Saturn

        5/3         3/5

     3) –   Uranus and Neptune

        7/6         6/7

It should be noted that the central Orbit, the fourth, belongs to Jupiter, in other words, to the Second Ray. Such symmetry demonstrates a precise act of will, to be respected and taken into consideration. The supreme Intelligence which guides the System towards its cosmic destiny has made this arrangement for a great programme of development of His, and all the creatures who benefit from it are called to understand and collaborate in proportion to their capacities.

VULCANFirst Ray on the first ORBIT.   1/1

(…) Vulcan is the Centre. As such it continually projects the other six Luminaries into the twelve Signs of the Zodiac, which by reaction project it by degrees into the opposite Signs. Consequently, Vulcan is simultaneously in six different positions and in no place.

The first Luminary therefore exercises totally its Function of first Vertex, not only because of the congruence of numbers but also because of its geometrical position.

In brief, in solar Space there exists a Centre of celestial, electrical Fire, responsible for the final Goal and for all the stages along the way; for all beginnings and for all conclusions.


SATURN.   Third Ray on the fifth ORBIT.   3.5

Concentration of the mind on Saturn signifies scanning the nucleus of the motive Intelligence of the solar complex. From It graded and sequential orders and plans are sent out which carry out the Will of Sun/Vulcan: it is the true operating centre of the spatial fleet.


An Orbit is constituted of three primary elements:

1) solar power, which establishes the law of its curvature at each point;

2) spatial magnetism, which reacts to that command in its most suitable and responsive region;

3) the Luminary’s intelligence, which interprets everything and creates the synthesis in a flight plan: “I am the Orbit”.

This is where Saturn’s influence assists, which designs and dictates all the Orbits according to the central Will, distributing roles and duties on a proportionate basis. Nothing prevents our ascribing to this Luminary (crowned by its rings) the merit for the actual arrangement of the Solar System.


Thus Saturn elaborates and arranges its project, always updated and new even though inflexibly aimed at the goal, but the vehicle, the disseminator of its inventions is the fifth Orbit.

(…) the fifth Orbit, by its nature and resonance communicates with Venus, Fifth Ray, the continuous variations of that stupendous, flexibly rigid Plan and Venus, in turn, carries out its phases with the approval and contribution of the general will.

Between Saturn and Venus (as between Jupiter and Mercury) a continual exchange of commands is in progress, received and understood by the Fifth Ray Luminary, demonstrating its dual nature, passive in receiving, positive in accomplishing. All this comes about because of the double symmetry of their Rays and Orbits.


Saturn takes thirty earth years for one revolution, and therefore stays for two and a half years in each Sign. Its function in the System is not as intimately connected to the Zodiac as Jupiter’s [12 earth years for one revolution, 1 earth year in each Sign]: this is deduced simply from the fact that its cycle does not coincide with those spatial divisions. It is sustained by a formula of values in which appear two, five and six:

it crosses two Signs in five years;

therefore it considers the Zodiac as a division into six sectors and synthesizes its polar opposites.


To summarize, the third Luminary from its fifth Orbit designs the flight plan of the whole fleet; it presides over the karmic retribution of all living beings, or rather administers solar justice. Son of the One and the Two, it carries out huge, luminous tasks; it effects the synthesis between solar will and spatial love, which is the splendour of motive Intelligence. When orders are received from Venus, they are carried out.


VENUS.  Fifth Ray on the third ORBIT.   5.3

Venus expresses the Fifth Ray: exactly that fifth, fatal principle, the intellect, which the physicist uses for his patiently calculated analysis, complex and dualistic: that dazzling light of applied reason which fascinates him till it blinds him.

The quality of the Fifth Ray, known as concrete Science, seems to have little in common with the Greek-Roman myths of Venus; but its energy, producer of dualism, is ambiguous because it is ambivalent and tends to delude or deceive the person who uses it without following Mercury on the solar Path which passes between the opposites erected by Venus. This Luminary is the cause of dualism and is dual. How could it not be so? It appears as the morning star and as the evening star; it precedes or follows the Sun. Venus is the faithful executor of the projects elaborated by Saturn (we will go into that) in order to accomplish the purpose established by Sun/Vulcan. Venus is responsible for everything manufactured on all globes and directs the Labourers to the final crowning of their efforts.

Venus is the heart of the five-pointed Star. As the morning star, it launches life into manifestation and, as the evening star, it guides it out of manifestation, when it is liberated from form.



The Earth, which moves between Jupiter and Venus, is certainly conditioned and perhaps guided both by Saturn, which is on the same Ray, and by Venus, owing to resonance with the third Orbit. In other words the Earth extracts vital fire from Saturn and spatial fire from Venus. The group forms a ternary, and thus a triangle, which merits consideration. If the period of earth rotation is assumed as a unit, the cyclical relationship between the Vertices of that triangle is the minimum common multiple between 8/5 (cycle of Earth/Venus) and 1/30 (cycle of Earth/Saturn): it is the number 48, to be understood as the common rhythmic basis of the three planets. The harmonic examination of this interval, after the usual reductions of an octave, indicates:

48/2 = 24/2 = 12/2 = 6/2 = 3

which is the number of divine Light, the Third Ray!


As the third Vertex of the triangle, the Earth is the younger daughter of Saturn and Venus, and the fruit of their relationship, the consciousness of that geometrical form. It could also be affirmed that the Earth is the variable measure of their interval. The earth’s centres are lighted and governed by Saturn, while the fields and spaces in general depend on Venus.



Man’s constitution is like a micro-solar-system. Whether he knows it or not, whether he accepts or refuses it, he is made in the image and resemblance of the great cosmic Entity that gave him birth, and with whom he shares and experiences each phase and process. In man seven Luminaries, that is seven major centres of psycho-physical value, are alive and present, which react to the vital energies which pursue each other in Space.

The state of conformity between the micro- and macro-system reveals all there is to know of every man: evolutionary level, service, maturation, health, destiny, past and future. Man, in his dignity, is capable of aiding or holding back the development both of his own micro-system and of the macro-system, which he reflects in miniature.

The Solar System is not unreachable or extraneous to human affairs, as is commonly thought. On the contrary, it is sculpted in man’s very constitution, and is impossible to escape from it. It is possible to prepare and educate man to collaborate with the Solar System in an intelligent, orderly, new way.

The concept of direction does not regard only Luminaries and their dynamic geometry. It is not exclusive to the depths of space and is not without repercussions in the world of men. In the realm of the spirit (each man is a citizen of it, by inalienable right), the direction is the main instrument for establishing the course, opening a channel of dialogue, transmitting and receiving energies, arriving at established goals, remaining in the centre.

In the geometrical sense of which we have spoken, every man is a centre and, as such, free to activate directions with any other centre. To begin with, it is necessary to mark out the direction; then one watches that ray, listening and contemplating.

Separation does not exist in Infinity, so there are no distances. It is sufficient to imitate the Solar System which orientates its Luminaries (its seven centres) to attract from Space what is necessary for life. Each man, being a micro-solar-system, can and must begin to work. With his free will (Vulcan) he chooses and establishes the goal, sustained by love (Jupiter) and desire to know (Saturn). The fourth centre (Mercury) teaches him balance and calm; the fifth (Venus) trains him to choose between the many ways of expressing and receiving. The whole work is coordinated by the seventh centre (Uranus), which respects the sacredness of spatial communion (Neptune).”

* Extracts from “The Solar System in Space”, 1993, unpublished text on Heliocentric Astrology by E. Savoini.

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