Scorpio Full Moon: the Art of Thought

Seeds for a New Culture

Scorpio Full Moon: the Art of Thought.

Love is the source of any creative Thought.

The Earthly World in its essence is antagonistic to the Subtle World, because every chaotic state threatens subtle constructions. The same difference exists between the Subtle and the Fiery World, for the sediments of the former are not in the nature of Fire. Therefore every fiery thought receives an opposition from both the subtle and the earthly world. But one can conquer this condition only through fiery tension, because the fire of spirit is needed for the consuming of chaos and its transmutation. Fire is not directed there where reason tries to argue with chaos. The fire of the heart penetrates through chaos and transmutes it into a useful substance. The laboratory of the heart is powerful, and thought itself must be purified by Fire.

Fiery World II, §46, Agni Yoga Collection
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