The human Group toward a planetary System and Order

Today it occurs, at the higher causal / heliocentric level, the alignment between Saturn (3rd Ray) and Mercury (4th Ray) in the initiatory Sign of Capricorn (1-3-7 R), in a large trine (120°) to the exceptional Scorpio-Taurus (4th R) full moon alignment of next days (24-26 October) between Sun/Vulcan-Venus-Earth-Uranus, which transmits all the cardinal 1-3-7 Rays of the Power/Will line.

In order to celebrate it in co-measurement, here is a video which presents the ‘right direction’, that is, the concepts of System and Order applied to human ‘right relationships’:

The concept of System, or “sturdy composition of elements”, is applied to the whole human Group, which is destined to learn to “cooperate in a coordinated manner towards a Purpose”, or the common Good, in imitation of the higher Models and Orders:

“… the immediate objective of the human kingdom is consciously to establish systemic relations, and be actively, and consciously, part of group work.” (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis Collection, p. 1216).

Here is the text of the video: The human Group toward a planetary System and Order.

See also the texts “Principles for the development of a System” and “Asserting the Planetary Plan” in the TPS Documents page.

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