Sagittarius Full Moon: the Art of Thought

Seeds for a New Culture

Sagittarius Full Moon: the Art of Thought.

Love is the source of any creative Thought.

It is the quality of the psychic energy that is most important. Truly, psychic energy exists in full potential even in its lower manifestations. In the lower organisms, it is expressed in instinct, but not consciousness. The lower quality of psychic energy corresponds to the lower layers of the atmosphere and circulates in them. And in humans, it functions in the lower centers of the organism.

One has to know how to control the psychic energy and direct it toward attainment. Psychic energy is refined through a proper way of thinking. Striving toward the heights is the best task for the Brahmarandhra center.

Of course, one cannot force oneself to direct one’s thought upward. This direction of thought becomes natural, but only after long experience. Alternately, the psychic energy uplifts us, and the next level of consciousness created by it in turn refines the quality of energy.

The Great Serpent, again seizing its tail, completes the circle.

The degree of refinement of energy can be seen in one’s radiations. The ability to perceive these radiations will be a token of the victory of consciousness.

Agni Yoga, §471, Agni Yoga Collection
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