Principles of Living Geometry

In order to celebrate the exceptional alignment between

  • Jupiter (2nd Ray: the Master of solar Space, Love and magnetism),
  • Sun/Vulcan (1st Ray, “the great magnet” and “Heart of Sun”),
  • Mercury (4th Ray, the Lord of Harmony and of the illuminated Mind as messenger of the Gods)
  • and our Earth (3rd R, “the field of experience”)
  • along the Gemini-Sagittarius zodiacal axis (the wise onepointedness towards the common Good),

here is a fundamental philosophical teaching* about living Space:

Principles of Living Geometry

Here are some extracts:

“1 – Life is a reality that nobody can disprove. It’s the governing Principle of the Universe. Any activity, any creature descends from Life.

2 – Life is present, contained and diffused in Space, which is therefore alive and dual.
3 – Arithmetic and geometry study laws and qualities of Space. That is why they are living realities.

We cannot study what is alive through inanimate instruments.

4 – Space manifests Itself in two ways: subtle and concrete.

The subtle way expresses itself through qualities, which are limitless. The concrete manifests through quantity, which is limited.

The description of Space must therefore pertain to both ways:

the subtle, qualitative, boundless;

the concrete, quantitative, finite.

5 – The subtle mode exists within the concrete, which is not present in the subtle.

6 – The two spatial modes are not separate, and they are both alive. Together, they host the community of creatures.

7 – Subtle and concrete are arranged in hierarchies, which from the One descend to the manifold and ascend back to the One, to Life …




Subtle mode of the point.

The subtle point has no dimensions, so it has no extension: it is neither small nor big.

It has no creative function or power (they are up to the centre), so it is passive, feminine and receptive. It is the field. Since it is unlimited, it coincides with infinite Space: only one point exists, which receives and conveys all living qualities.

Concrete mode of the point.

The concrete point represents and quantifies the subtle one. It assumes whatever dimension and formal aspect and it appears separate. The concrete points, like the subtle, are not creative: they take in and oscillate but do not irradiate. They are the many expressing the Mother, the subtle point.


Subtle mode of the centre.

Like the subtle point, the subtle centre has no dimensions, yet is positive and radiant. It is the Father. It rules the field (that is, the subtle point) which does not subsist without a centre, just as it does not exist without a field. In other words, it is the centre of the point.

The subtle centre is the life spark that animates Space and governs it. Since the subtle point is only one, there is also just one absolute centre: only one subtle point and one subtle centre exist.

Concrete mode of the centre.

The concrete centre manifests itself in whatever manner and quantity, yet according to law:

given two centres, there is a third one, which is their centre.

This principle brings back to the absolute Centre.

It’s good to remember that the concrete centre, like the subtle one, is always radiant, alive and dominant.


Relationship between point and centre.

1 – Stating that point and centre are inseparable and interdependent means, from the point of view of living geometry, that they love each other. One cannot exist without the other. This is the genesis of spatial magnetism, that is, of love that holds the Universe together.

2 – The extremely powerful relationship between point and centre does not appear in the concrete mode, which has not yet manifested it. This is a thought that has not been much considered, due to the existing confusion between the concrete point and centre, the one being hard to distinguish from the other.

This is a problem of primary importance and has to be resolved. Many things will change, in life and art, when we will eventually be able to discern, in the concrete, between point and centre, and therefore able to understand their mutual attraction.

3 – Spatial love between point and centre, be they subtle or concrete, kindles the Light of the world, cyclical and living. The stars in the heavens, actual and bright objects, manifest it. Intelligence, human or of a different nature, and in short all the lights of our Cosmos, from atoms to galaxy clusters, and to the Light of mind, express it as well.

There are shadows only in the concrete, limited and inconsistent, which give emphasis to the Light. Space, which looks dark at night, is the passive Light of the point, indispensable in order to grasp the positive radiance of the stars.


The issue of the relationship between point and centre will be resolved in our modern age. Nowadays art lags behind and stutters, yet it is a useful stasis, during which hearts grow to recognise the truth of Light, freeing themselves from the enchantments of the brain.

We affirm therefore that concrete and subtle are a single entity, with a dual aspect, as one set governed by the same laws in a different yet compliant way …

quantity is the quality of the concrete,

it keeps the two worlds together and overrides what seems to distinguish them.

Uniting them means to open a conscious passing from one to the other, and that is quite something, because it defeats death.”


We, the human monads have to be aware and progressively conscious of this living-spatial Reality by loving and understanding Its points, centers, directions, ideas, colors, sounds, vibrations, forms …

We must learn the Art of Being and Building of Life into Space in order to express our fundamental infinite Humanity or Presence in the subtle and concrete worlds.

We will be our spatial Essence, the Fourth Ray and Human Hierarchy of Harmony and Beauty, and will “house” the Light by expressing the mathematical exactitude and order of Spirit into Matter:

“Ray of Harmony gives to all forms that which produces beauty and works towards the harmonising of all effects emanating from the world of causes, which is the world of the three major rays. The ray of beauty, of art and harmony is the producer of the quality of organisation through form. It is in the last analysis the ray of mathematical exactitude and is not the ray of the artist, as so many seem to think … The fourth ray is essentially the refiner, the producer of perfection within the form, and the prime manipulator of the energies of God in such a way that the Temple of the Lord is indeed known in its true nature as that which “houses” the Light.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psicology I, p 49-51).

* By E. Savoini, thanks to Mauro, Enrica and Simon for the translation.

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