The second aspect of the seventh energy

In this year 5.7, the last of the fifth seven-year period of the Plan, whose Goal is the “Creative Liturgy of the Group and of the Work”, we intend to focus on the seven aspects of the seventh creative energy, which manifests as Order, Ritual and Ceremonial Magic, publishing excerpts from “The Book of Rituals” (whose translation is underway). [1]



One more time, to learn it properly:

«The seventh divine energy unites Spirit and Substance».

There is no difference at all between Substance, Space, Love and Magnetism. The group of the System [2] is the bearer of this cosmic truth, on which it has based its philosophy and all its work from the very beginning. The magic of the seventh Function is the sacrament of the union between Life and Space.

In the Infinite they are inextricably united everywhere, and only conceptually they can be distinguished. In the apparently finite, separate and closed world of forms it would not be so, if the seventh energy, indispensable co-worker of the fifth and sixth, did not intervene. In fact, the fifth manifests the form, the sixth illuminates its content and the seventh perfects and enshrines the union, or nuptial, between the two. Only then there is an exact, living and sacred correspondence between inside and outside.

This is the general situation of manifested Nature, be it visible or invisible. The numerous forms built by man are exceptions, which can contain and express authentic doses of divine life or be profane, desecrated and degenerate.

Once this is understood and acknowledged, there is no difficulty in recognising the power, necessity and ceremonial magic of the seventh intervention. It works wonders because it loves Love (Space) and lights it up with the fire of Life.


All manifest things have a symbolic value, and in fact it is rightfully said that Nature is a great Book of Symbols, which, despite appearances and through them, leads the reader, by means of the significance, to the inner truth. This procedure is characteristic of the sixth divine energy, as it has been said several times.

When the seventh steps in, the intermediate phase of meaning, so to speak, is no longer necessary, because then the thing is what it symbolises. Symbol and reality coincide. It is because of its action, for instance, that the host of Catholic liturgy, once it is consecrated, does not stand for Christ, but is the Christ himself.

Here we see clearly the power of synthesis of the seventh energy, which reflects the first.


It is worth specifying that the sometimes complex ensemble of any liturgy, built in any period, is in itself a form, and as such, for what has been said above, is the symbol of its content. Therefore, if it is not revived by the authentic power of the seventh Lord, who works on forms but is never closed in a form, it remains a mere formal expression, and does not convey the reality, but only a substitute for it. It is not enough for those who celebrate to read a formula or perform a gesture to work creative magic. The truth of the Spirit cannot be deceived.

The Officiant must therefore be expert and above all conscious and determined, if he wants to turn the profane into sacred”.




This article is published to orient minds and hearts according to today’s celestial direction, the quadrature (from a heliocentric point of view) between Jupiter (2nd Ray) and Uranus (7th Ray).
The Lords of Love and Ceremonial Order and Magic confront each other (quadrature) at the centre (Sun/Vulcan) of the solar scene/sphere. This “squaring of the circle” radiates into Space the new Rhythm of the Heart, whose sacred liturgy strengthens the solar Culture on the blue Planet, in the Planetary Plan (today’s quadrature constitutes Vortex 5.5 in the Lambdoma of Neptune-Uranus).
Within the walls of the square city (a symbolic image of the Plan/Lambdoma), the celestial Polarity (Jupiter-Uranus) leads towards the beneficial fulfillment of the “act as if” rule: it unites the exterior with the immanent divine, it is the “Voice that calls in the desert” its loved ones and gathers them into an integrated and harmonious whole (it recalls the quadrature of 2000, Goal 2.7 of the Plan of 49 years from 1987 to 2035 – see the text “Asserting the Planetary Plan”, in particular the Polarity of Goals 7.2 – 2.7).
[1] Here are the previous posts:
The first aspect of the seventh energy
The fourth aspect of the seventh energy
[2] By System we mean a human Group structured according to the harmonic principles of Reality (see “Asserting the Planetary Plan”).
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