The Sophia of the Divine Human Being

In the day of the first golden section of the year (starting from December solstice day), here is the recording of a talk on “The Sophia of the Divine Human Being” held on April 30th 2021 at the online 35th Conference of the University of Seven Rays (USR-SRI) – see link.

In living Symbols, Man is the Square in Form, crucified between Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Matter, and rises as a 5-pointed Star to express “Sophia”, the Wisdom at the Service of Love.

This is the Golden Ratio between Personality and Soul, Earth and Venus, which resolves the dualism of the One and the Many through “the most beautiful of all bonds” (Plato-Timaeus). The supreme proportion between the fifth spiritual kingdom and the fourth human kingdom frees the power of Fire to unite Being and Becoming through Beauty, Truth and Goodness.


Here is the full text:

The Sophia of the Divine Human Being – text

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One Response to The Sophia of the Divine Human Being

  1. mcnamara says:

    The background of development from cosmic relationships, and how they have become manifest thru time and space is well expressed in this information. (Item 39 should be read by all). The physical extension of Sophia and all of the geometry and number and all relationships, and how all relationships are responsible for each other, for any of them to be identified, as math cannot be without all of the numbers, and the geometry, the scale, the septenate, and any field of being, requires all of the parts to it to exist. So all expression as truth is holographic, and cannot be divided from itself. No number alone means anything except in context to the whole if which it is. This whole universe of beauty is inner connected, and by knowing this inner connection can all things be known. This whole universe is the power station as it becomes itself, as the outer pyramid objective exoteric represents in perfect microcosm, the macrocosm, and the three basic laws of attraction, economy and synthesis. From this holy trinity, the hermetic genesis as universal, is the same throughout time and space. As such, is this recognition the result of this universal Sophia…Infinity in its perfection to know and become. What is now to be given, is the inner core to this outer extension of the pyramid as seen and known in the objective. As number and relationship extend into the infinity, so that extension will use and follow the design as so is know and shown here in the hermetic whole. The inner side, the inverse, the subjective mirror of it, inverse to universe, the thought to the thoughtform, can now be expressed as the Great Singularity. This Singularity, expresses and “forms” in thought of it, as IT brings together all of the parts of it to BE It as thought of it, is it. And as thought of it to be it, so this thought of it creates it.. This genesis “point” is the infinite point beyond time and space, as as such is the hidden genesis as it waits in quantum of potential as the mind of God so waits to Become. This becoming is Being…This hidden singularity, as expressed in the outer pyramid ,is the “mirror” of this outer form, and as abstraction can be represented by the laws of attraction, economy and synthesis in their perfection of Sophia. This Sophia is the divine spark in the mind of God, and this “spark” is the creation engine of everything, as everything contains itself in itself This is the whole hologram of Being. This is the “lost” (being invisible/indivisible cause). This is the “seed” causality, which by knowing, can all so create and BE…This is the “atomic/atmic” “point” as the Center of the Great Spiritual Sun, both as actual and as archetype. So is the Whole cosmic order alchemical. of all ALL Being. This ALL BEING “point” is the secret as shown in the Chiron paradigm “Chiron and Group Fusion”…This inner secret of the Whole in relationship as expressed in the objective design (as the physical pyramid) (if understood by this) and extended into geometry and number, so the whole orchestra of the Hermetic Zodiac design is patterned to attract and know this as the Will of God….This is the Great Attractor, The Great Singularity, And as in inverse, as the physical symbol expressed in the pyramid, as the “lines” or “sides” of the pyramid can be “compressed” or “extended” into both the small and large, beyond measure both large and small (as this is the abstract which allows this thought, by the laws of attraction, economy and synthesis), is this perfection known, as God is Known…By this Knowing as “Core Being” in every “point”, so is correspondence shown in the physical bodies which all share to IT as its genitor to it.. When this “seed” atom burns in the inner mind of the one who seeks God as truth, so this will grow and become the Beauty which is this universe to every atom to so Become to BE. This reinforcement extends into infinity, and Becomes the Infinite Power Station .(as the Power Station of Maitreya.).This is pure intuition as actual, the true Creator, which can now work in every mind, when it is allowed and known, and those who do not know, allow it to be known.(C)

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