Gemini 2021







Heaven has no age and knows no distance.
Therefore it connects all the things that are,
were and will be, everywhere.
Its will is unshakable, yet tolerant and compliant.

Heaven is a perfect fabric, without thickness and yet deep;
without flaws; bright; transparent.

It is the common Good of all creatures: precise and limitless.


According to the law of Heaven
I unite all peoples in the name of the common Good.




Heaven loves the innumerable lives it hosts and nurtures.
Therefore it contains everything and in all things is contained.

It is the great shining mantle of the Mother of the World
and it wraps her pulsating life.

It is the Life of all relationships.


According to the law of Heaven, I love all peoples.
I am a sailor of Heaven and I go from light to light.




Heaven is the abode of the creative fires,
which furrow it with their rays and make it vibrate with their rhythms.

The Star of Life shines in all its splendour. Its light is white and dazzling.


I am the Star of Life, which is the first and last Reality
and burns in the Fiery World.
And all are with Me.




Heaven is the perfect mirror, the Central Point.
It multiplies and spreads all the lights,
forms the images of Reality and remains unitary.

Infinite universal symmetry!

Here are two columns, both illusory, both true.
Two columns to support Heaven and Earth.


I am Heaven in man and man in Heaven.

I am communion and community.




Heaven builds, and in each structure repeats its infinite reality,
which is supported by two columns, that are just one, secret.

Heaven multiplies and divides two by two.
Thus it manufactures the worlds, holds them in itself and resolves them.

After so much work, what remains is Brotherhood.


I therefore call the Brothers, wherever they are, above or below,
to build the common ideal together.




Heaven is the common destiny, crossed by all orbits.
Heaven is the perfect Heart that out of love
throws to the periphery what it attracts with love.

Thus it communicates and speaks with the hearts that obey its law,
and supplies them with life, love and intelligence.


Since the One exists, religion is Will.
Since the Two exists, religion is Love.
Since the Three exists, religion is Light.




Heaven is the Sacrament, and makes things and actions sacred.
Heaven is the Order, and arranges the hierarchies of beings.
Heaven is Number, Relationship and Sound. Its works are accurate.

Heaven is universal Harmony.


I work to pray.
Work is the social ritual of man.







In this solemn year 5.7, which concludes the seven-year period dedicated to the work for the manifestation of a New Culture and a New Civilization, we celebrate the entry into the various zodiac signs with these magnificent Rituals, designed to “unite Spirit and Substance”, complying with the action of the seventh divine energy, and to make the creative Liturgy of the human group and work as effective, rhythmic and harmonious as possible, in accordance with the Planetary and Solar Rituality (see “Asserting the Planetary Plan”).



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