Directions of the Cosmic Temple: Gemini – Orion

On the day of the full moon of Gemini (Festival of Humanity or Festival of the Christ*), let us turn our gaze to Heaven, straight to the “Mind and the Heart of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being, the One Who will stay with us until the end of time itself and until the last weary pilgrim has found his way home”, Our Father who is in Heaven: Orion.**

The full moon of Gemini is the Festival of the Christ, and therefore also of the Great cosmic Christ: Orion.

In regard to the new perspective based on the “Zodiac” of the galactic plane, in the celestial sector of Gemini (which also includes the constellation of Cancer), Orion sits enthroned and dominates, Orion Who is the primary Constellation, and is considered the evidence of the One of Whom nothing can be said and in Whom we live and move and have our being.

His Name is sacred to the Light of Life (Light = AUR, OR): He is that celestial Hunter who chases the Hare of Matter with the help of the two aspects of the Mind/Manas (the Greater and Lesser Dog), sometimes represented as two snakes. Sirius, Spouse of Orion and Lucida of the Greater Dog, was in fact known as the “tooth of the serpent”, as well as the “bow” that shoots the triple arrow, the three stars of Orion’s Belt, towards Taurus/Apis.

Like the Boötes constellation [in this ‘galactic’ hypothesis associated with Sagittarius, the opposite Sign to Gemini], Orion is analogous to Atlas, the One who holds up the world: in fact, between the zodiacal constellations Taurus-Gemini and mirroring the conductor of the solar Chariot, Auriga, the arm of Orion ‘sustains’ the galactic anticentre.

This “Place of Command” between the Milky Way and the Ecliptic is veiled by the symbol of the Head of the cosmic Christ associated with the Sirius-Gemini relationship, that Magnet with two Pillars of the Intellect of Love, that underlies every manifestation of our current Second Solar System.

At a higher level, it has been assumed that Commander Orion is a “radiant double center at the top of the head that finally synthesizes the 7 minor Centres of the head” (the seven Stars of the Great Bear) in the 3 central petals or the 3 Aspects of the cosmic Monad (the Three Kings of the Belt of Orion?).

The X of Orion is an hourglass, a double pyramid, a double chalice, a helical Cross: the Driving Force of cosmic Life, emanating in Seven Rays or Rishis from the Bears through Their Reflections, Sirius and the Pleiades, the two Wings of Orion.

In the Egyptian Mysteries Orion corresponds to the celestial Osiris who presides over the Kingdom of souls, to which every Pharaoh-Horus ascends, through the southern Star Alnitak of Orion’s Belt (“the Three Kings”), [1] to become immortal and rejoin the Heavenly Father (Monad), together with his Consort, the Mother Isis/Sirius (Soul).

The solar Fire, the Consciousness, rises and returns to the House of Life: Orion is the Sign of Resurrection, the constellation of Sacrifice and of the Liberation of the Christ in us, our certainty of glory.

Betelgeuse is the main Star: it is the red giant that keeps all the stars known to us in its most powerful magnetic field, in the galactic Arm of Orion. It is a cosmic solar Plexus, seat of cosmic “sensitivity” (see A Treatise on Cosmic Fire).

Betelgeuse, with reference to the Belt of the Three Kings or crossing of the X of Orion, is symmetrical to the very bright Rigel, that center of contact between Orion and Eridanus, the river that flows into the ocean of the southern hemisphere, the road that connects the world “of the living and the dead”, distributing or withdrawing life.

Rigel is a bright double star, and it is the foot of the Hunter placed on the river “burned by fire” in which Auriga or the Chariot of the Sun fell. Eridanus and Auriga (the Charioteer) are the two Constellations that detected, for astronomers/astrologers of yore, the southern and northern ‘duties’ of the Milky Way, with Orion in the centre.

It is worthy of note that the celestial river Eridanus was not only associated with the Nile by Hellenistic astronomers, but later also with the Italian river Po; and the Po flows from the pyramidal peak of Monviso, which by analogy would therefore correspond to the star/peak Rigel of Europe, with the three summits of Monte Rosa as the Belt of Orion, Mont Blanc as Betelgeuse and Geneva as Sirius/Isis: an Alpine Orion that certifies and releases the power of Heaven on European Earth.

As above, so below.

Anyway, a close kinship unites Turin (the European Aldebaran, the Eye of Revelation) to the Egyptian world: Turin and Cairo are united by the 3rd Ray harmonic curve, like Stonehenge, Paris, Geneva, the Mont Blanc, Rome, Mecca…, and the supposed planetary East Pole (near the Maldives), equatorial Centre sacred to the Eye of Taurus precisely, along the Meridian of the Light of Shamballa, Origin of all the equitonal lines of Ray or vital directions of the planetary Sphere.

All roads lead to the Centre. All roads come from the Centre, where everything is golden Light.

Every day at the zenith the stars Deneb (Orpheus) and Capella (Ptah) fly over Turin (Taurus, the letter U of the AUM***, the Light, the first Cause), the city which has this golden, vital and radiant function for Europe, on behalf of Geneva (associated with the planetary heart center) [2], together with the other Italian centres connected to the Fixed Cross: the magnet of the Gran Sasso near L’Aquila (Scorpio – the A, the Thought, the base) with which it supports the ridge of the Apennines, the backbone of Italy, perpendicularly to the Lion of San Marco in Venice – the M or Sacredness; finally the Angel – Aquarius, the synthetic O – would all be reflected in the unitary Spirit of the Soul of the Italian Nation (ruled by the opposite sign, Leo).


On this day of profound Invocation and Calling, the spirit of humanity is resurrected and asserts its fiery Identity:

I am the Great cosmic Christ, source of Liberation


* According to the esoteric viewpoint, the full moon of Gemini is dedicated to the Christ energy (Buddhi = Love-Wisdom), or to the Christ as the initiator of humanity to loving understanding, to the Intellect of Love (Venus, esoteric ruler of Gemini, merged with Mercury, the exoteric ruler, thus creating the Divine Hermaphrodite).
Often referred to as the Festival of Humanity or the Festival of Christ, this decisive event honours Christ and celebrates the potential of humanity so that it can resolve duality and make goodwill flourish. On this day, the Christ represents the whole of humanity in a supreme act of invocation. He calls upon the human spirit to unify it: the soul and the personality, the lower and the higher self, merged into “one new man”.
Just as the goodwill of the men and women of the world becomes more and more unitary, we can feel the energy of the higher spiritual counterpart to goodwill, the will-to-good. The lesser invokes the greater and the higher factors are evoked and respond according to the measure of understanding and dynamic tension expressed by those who invoke – and this, in a nutshell, is the esoteric impulse behind the Festival of Unity in Gemini.
This is also one of the reasons why the World Invocation Day is celebrated on this date, precisely to encourage as widely as possible the promotion of the use of the Great Invocation, indicated as the new “Lord’s prayer” of the Age of Aquarius.
** In this liturgical and solemn year, the seventh of the fifth seven-year period, we intend to celebrate the Full Moons as dates or directions of connection with the supreme stellar sources, rulers of our local universe, our cosmic Abode, the Entity in which “we live, move and have our being”.
To nourish this inner, rhythmic and powerful rite, we present at each ‘celestial appointment’ some extracts from the text The Order of Orion, “an astrosophical investigation of the solar and cosmic essence of humanity” (only available in Italian at the moment), to trace the possible infinite paths between the Moon and the One.
[1] The Stars Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka correspond to the 3 Buddhas of Activity in Shamballa, the Three Aspects of our planetary Logos, and to the 3 Magi who honoured the Advent of the Bodhisattva-Christ on Earth.
[2] “… the outlets of planetary energy through the means of which great and general effects are produced in the external, planetary life. In this fifth root-race, there are only five such outlets as far as effects on humanity are concerned; man’s responsiveness to them, is demonstrated by the fact of their relative importance in conditioning world events and world affairs. Wherever one of these outlets for spiritual force is found, there will also be found a city of spiritual importance in the same location. These five points are:
1. London — For the British Empire
2. New York — For the Western Hemisphere
3. Geneva — For all of Europe, including the U.S.S.R.
4. Tokyo — For the far East
5. Darjeeling — For all of central Asia and India.
Later, two more points or outlets for energy will be added to these but the time is not yet. Through these five places and areas in their neighbourhood, the energy of five rays pours forth, conditioning the world of men, leading to effects of planetary significance and determining the trend of events… Together, they form five centres of `impelling’ energy today”. (Esoteric Astrology, pp. 457-8)
*** Besides many definitions of the word Aum let us recollect that: A is Thought—the Basis; U is Light—the Primary Cause; M is Mystery—the Sacred. (AUM § 132)


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