Signs of Heaven year 2021 – Third quarter

As already indicated in the previous ‘discontinuities’ (at the solstitial beginning and at March equinox) the energies and qualities of Aquarius (5th Ray) dominate the evolution of planetary and human consciousness and forms especially in this cycle 2021, which has therefore been recognized as a sort of prototype-year for the whole coming Era, inaugurated by the epochal conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn (at the geocentric level on December 21, 2020, the day of the solstitial impulse, while at the heliocentric level on November 2, 2020).

Day and year are the two Breaths of our planetary Logos, and are occultly and essentially connected to each other: esoterically, the year 2021 can therefore be considered a solstitial, or initiatory,[1] year for the Great Planetary Service – Aquarius.

In this Sign,[2] Jupiter and Saturn, solar Love and Light, attest to the need to understand and plan the universal Brotherhood: the essential Unity or Golden Relation between all worlds.

It is indicated that only in the 3rd decanate of the Age of Aquarius (in about 1,400 years) humanity will achieve fraternal unity through right relationships. Yet, at the causal level, of the fiery thought, the plane of the human Soul, it is here & now that one must assert universal Brotherhood, the primary Idea of Aquarius, and sacrifice everything for this Goal and Reality. Then that glorious future will be evoked on Earth, in due course.

Aiming at the Goal, let us therefore look at the third step of 2021 (quarter of cycle), to ‘square the circle’ of the possibilities provided by Heaven, by the World of Causes (heliocentric perspective), and assist the evolutionary march to the best of our ability.[3]

Heliocentric Chart – 3rd quarter of cycle 2021

Inner wheel: 21 June 2021 h 3.33am UT – Outer wheel: 22 September 2021 h 7.21pm UT

The June solstice peak is the midheaven or highest cusp both of the entire circle/year 2021 (between two beginnings/December solstices) and of the arc traced by the axis of the Aries-Libra equinoxes: our Earth, from the heliocentric point of view, has now ascended to the initiatory mountain of Capricorn (Rays 1-3-7), and ‘sees’ the apparent Sun plowing through the Gate of Cancer (Rays 3-7). Cancer-Capricornus is the Direction that raises consciousness to the high vibrations of the Sun of the Suns Sirius,[4] the Prototype of our Sun, source of cosmic intelligent Love.

It is therefore time to solemnly celebrate the new vision of universal Brotherhood:

May human consciousness ignite in the Great Service!

It is time to solemnly assert reality beyond appearances: the growing power of the will-to-good which, in the silence of the here and now and in the depth of the cycles, is raising the unstoppable wave of the one humanity’s goodwill that will change the face of the Planet.

It is time to remember that humanity is responsible for choosing the right direction; that it is responsible for its own thinking, the carrier of any energy and quality. Energy follows thought, the creative power that builds and destroys universes, builds cathedrals of love and exterminates populations.

Never before has it been recognized that humanity is a collective individuality responsible for planetary well-being and malaise. Never before has it been recognized that the human mind lies if not enlightened by the will-to-good, by the responsible and responsive love for the Common Good.

The 2021 Summit Planetary Directions reveal all of this:

– the persisting square (90°) between Saturn in Aquarius (3rd R. in the 5th) and Uranus in Taurus (7th Ray in the 4th R., now conjunct to the alleged solar 1st ray Vulcan) reveals the ongoing battle: the constructive or destructive sparks of the general conflict between immature free will (based on attachment to a partial good and to the already acquired) and responsible wisdom, that sees and works for improvement in all senses, increasingly discriminating the potential and resources in the field. On a subjective level, of the inner causes, it resounds powerfully the Call to a harmonic synthesis between the Group of world servers (the planetary Ajna Center ruled by Taurus) and the Executors of the Plan at the inner guidance of humanity and the planet (the Hierarchy or the Planetary Heart Center, Jupiter as the esoteric ruler of Aquarius;

– the powerful and ‘dramatic’ opposition between the solar Love Jupiter and the couple Mars-Venus (the desire-mind Kama-Manas), between Aquarius and Leo, impels to the spirit of humanity (the Disciple-Earth, in trine to the Two) the abandonment of the personal or national point of view and feeling, in the name of the Great Service, of the Common Good: the fiery Thought, of the united Hearts, is the force of the hierarchical Work.

Mercury (4th Ray) is still, as in the two previous discontinuities, in Capricorn, with Pluto (1st R.), in double sextile at the 6th Ray of Neptune in Pisces, reflecting the splendor of the supernal Light that announces the Master Server that the world awaits.

At the September Equinox, the Liberating 1st Ray of Pluto in Capricorn will be ignited and irradiated by our solar Angel Venus (in conjunction: see the Outer wheel in the chart).

These are initiatory times, times for assuming responsibility to serve the Second Advent:

As the Expected One approaches,

I move to meet Him.

With that I recognize Him.

(Aquarius from the Book of Rituals)


Following the signs of Heaven, here are the causal Formulas intuited by the “group consciousness” for the 3rd quarter cycle of 2021. May these seven Directions guide our steps towards the New Humanity, beyond inhuman pettiness:

  1. Sun/Vulcan-Earth in Cancer-Capricorn

May human consciousness ignite in the Great Service

  1. Jupiter in Aquarius

The solar Love teaches the Culture of Joy

Jupiter in Pisces (from 20 September)

     The solar Savior leads to the Mystery of Unity

  1. Saturn in Aquarius

The solar Light activates the power of Brotherhood

  1. Mercury in Capricorn

The enlightened Mind reflects the splendor of the supernal Light

  1. Venus in Leo

The fiery Thought is the force of Hierarchical Work

  1. Neptune in Pisces

The Lords of Compassion unite with the solar Christ

  1. Uranus in Taurus

The solar Master of Ceremonies initiates to the liturgy of the cosmic Temple


In order not to miss the dates of energetic accentuation of this third quadrant 2021, see the following video accompanied by invocative/evocative Formulas for each heliocentric conjunction between the Luminaries for the next 3 months. Every moment, like every day, is unique and unrepeatable, but some days are like flowers among leaves:

Yoga of Heaven – 3rd Quarter 2021

Among these Directions to follow, we point out the heliocentric alignments between our Earth (the Disciple-Humanity) and the 4 ‘deep’ Luminaries:

– on July 18, when the Sun-Earth axis will be aligned with Pluto in Capricorn, while on the same day Mercury joins Uranus in Taurus: Unity in Being is the summit of Liberation and The vision of the Heaven uplifts to the splendor of the True;

August 2 will be the turn of Sun-Earth-Saturn in Aquarius: The solar Light activates the power of Brotherhood and The power of the Great Service irradiates in the human Hierarchy, and in every heart thanks to the encounter between:

Sun-Earth-Jupiter at the edge of Aquarius on August 20, when The solar Love teaches the Culture of Joy, a month before Its equinoctial entry (September 20) in Pisces, the saving waters that guide to the Mystery of Unity;

– in Pisces, on September 14, the Sun-Earth meet Neptune, the solar Christ and Lord of cosmic Compassion: The One Humanity invokes the synthetic power of the Mother of the World, the Waters of Infinity.


At the reverse geocentric level, the one pertaining to the precipitation of energies on the Planet down to the individual level:

Geocentric Chart – 21 June 2021 h 3.33am UT

The predominant square in the Fixed Cross (of the Discipleship) between Saturn and Uranus, herald of battles and resolutions, is highly intensified at the solstice by the Moon in Scorpio and by Mars in Leo, while is diluted with difficulty by the fast and flexible Mercury retrograde in Gemini.

Yet, the quintile between the revolutionary Uranus and the Master Jupiter in Pisces introduces constructive energies of salvation and “beneficial fulfillment” through the trine to the Sun at the Gates of the illuminated House.

Thus, the propulsive opposition between Pluto and Venus in Cancer, in good relation to Neptune in Pisces, triggers a new cycle for human consciousness, pushing from the depths the emergence of collective motions invoking increasingly urgent reforms and transformations. 

May human consciousness ignite in the Great Service


[1] December Solstice = Sign of Capricorn, the Gate of the Gods, the initiatory Summit.
[2] Jupiter (1 Earth year in a Sign) passes from Aquarius to Pisces (2nd-6th Rays) on 20 September 2021 (and geocentrically on 14 May until the end of July, and then retrogrades into Aquarius until 29 December), while Saturn (2.5 years in a same Sign) will remain there until 2023.
[3] The 4 Formulas of the Causal Cross of 4 Impulses of the Circle 2021 (solstices and equinoxes) are:
  1. Incipit Vita Nova! (A new life begins!)
  2. May the new alliance of the World Servers be affirmed
  3. May human consciousness ignite in the Great Service
  4. May the Planetary Order assert the Culture of Infinity
[4]Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun. They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, Lucis Collection, p. 466).
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3 Responses to Signs of Heaven year 2021 – Third quarter

  1. mcnamara says:

    May this common work for all humanity be confirmed by all in each one…..transpersonal identification in personal responsibility to the Higher Self. …

    • J says:

      >>””By this hologram where the individual and the whole are ONE BEING….where the responsibility of the Self is the same with the Greater Self…as they are the Same Self…..and by so knowing and doing, by the same process and pattern, as above, so below, do all ALL so serve and Become.. the ONE“ << TY mcnamara for the sharing here of the clarity of your realization, as i reach for….. and at this point for me/I…just being more and more aware of the planets as living beings in relation as TPS communicates, with the direction of that relationship unfolding…is an initial “step”.

      • mcnamara says:

        Much light to you…..The Planets, and all Beings, from small to large, simple to complex, have in their inner core of Being, a pre quantum of God to Become….this is shown in the Chiron paradigm ‘Chiron and Group Fusion”.(c)..It is called The Great Singularity…and is looked for by science and all who want to know from where we come and where we go. All are alive, at different points of awareness and service. In their inner core, all know this, yet it remains unconsciousness until their individual journey, takes them past “themselves” and into sacrifice into the larger field of service of which is their realization (initiation) by this transpersonal identification….it is by this realization that they serve on greater and greater levels of awareness….such as particles serve to make the atom, the atom the molecule, the next level of life above or beyond the one which has brought them there…So it is with man, and so it is with planets…and stars…The planets, in their inner knowing, by their service in Being, so know and serve each other to a common task which the group transpersonal identification becomes in their service (solar system)(and zodiac)….so they, as all parts do, so serve the common whole of which they are in one in truth of Being….This ONE in Being is the Great Attractor to this Singularity….This Singularity is the Mind of God in action to Become…..So each becomes more in its field of Being by this communion of realization…..and this common pattern of becoming is the hologram of the ALL….There is ONE Hologram as a pre quantum, which in the atmic point .transcendent. every potential contains….All the Planets,(and all men and atoms) and all of the Gods, all share and know this in their Highest Self….So they all work to this never ending service of perfection and love….and this can now be known by mankind…….

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