Aquarius 2021







Having heard the Silence, having recognized the beginning,
I serve the common Good.
I pour vital energy into Space, which spreads everywhere.
Not a drop of my water is lost.

So I feed everything that begins and grows freely.

So I nurture fulfilment and promote the Good.


By pouring water of life I prepare the way back
for the Master Server that the world awaits.




My waves carry magnetic love into Space, swinging.
From Space I receive waves of love and I purify them in myself.

I am the heart that calls, waits, receives, revives.

I give, I do not hold back.

Thus I draw my rhythm in the Infinite, co-measured to the common Good.


With every heartbeat I call the Lord of Love and Space,
and I await Him and meet Him everywhere.




The water of life is poured out in abundance,
but according to right doses. To each his measure, in due time.
I invent the way of all that grows.

I stand between the beginning and the end,
between the will and its goal and I unite them in the most direct way.


I count the steps of the Lord who comes.
I call Him, and lead to Him.




All centres pulsate, and their emanations
flow into the Centre of the centres,
the perfect Heart from which the impulse of infinite life restarts.

By imitating those pulsations, I lead hearts to the One who governs them.
Thus I follow the Way: I transmit oscillating energy for the common Good.


You come to us, and we to You.
We are all on the path and already united in the encounter,
because the Centre of the centres is here and everywhere.




I build the two sides of the Way: otherwise, who would ever find it?
And I fork and split the Way,
so that it can be reached from all regions of Infinity.

I command the duality of the heart: otherwise, how would it pulsate?
And I multiply the hearts so that they learn to collaborate.


My power is great because I manifest the truth of the heart.
Otherwise, who would ever discover it?




The Server brings and pours the water,
the thirsty one drinks: the water unites them.
Then nothing prevents it from completing its cycle
and returning to the One who poured it out.

This is the sign of the new religion,
capable of worshipping the infinite life of Space, imbued with Fire.

Therefore I await the One who rules the communion of Servers
and is the last of the Servers.


The water flows and collects at the bottom; then it rises to Heaven.
Thus it obeys the alternating motion of spirit.




The water, descended by gravity to quench
the thirst of the Abyss, does not know where to go.
It has united Spirit and Substance, but its task is not completed:
it must return to the Heavens carrying along what it has nourished.

It then flows upwards, because of its lightness,
and unites Substance with Spirit.

Here is the law of the heart
that beats to build the sacred Order of the Universe.


As the Expected One approaches, I move to meet Him.
With that I recognize Him.








In this solemn year 5.7, which concludes the seven-year period dedicated to the work for the manifestation of a New Culture and a New Civilization, we celebrate the entry into the various zodiac signs with these magnificent Rituals, designed to “unite Spirit and Substance”, complying with the action of the seventh divine energy, and to make the creative Liturgy of the human group and work as effective, rhythmic and harmonious as possible, in accordance with the Planetary and Solar Rituality (see “Asserting the Planetary Plan”).


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