2.5 – 5.2 Vibration and Substance

From the Lambdoma of the Genesis of Ideas:

2.5 Vibration is the quiver of Substance


5.2 Substance is the base of Spirit

The Polarity of ideas expresses and realizes the primary relationship between:

2.2 Space is infinity fecundated by Life

5.5 Manifestation is the emergence of the divine Design

In this article we pursue understanding of contribution between vertex 2.5/5.2 in the context of 6.1 year/Goal’s work, toward the new Esoteric World Religion. Let us as one “magnetize infinity” in this spatial field of service at the time of the Jupiter/Venus heliocentric conjunction.

In this moment, the line becomes the point. Vibration irradiates substance into myriad multiplicity. “[…] The magnetic vibration has molded all creative manifestations. Thus, Our close co-workers, having accepted the beauty of the Teaching, will be strengthened by the magnetic vibration.” (Agni Yoga. Infinity II § 158)

2.5 – Jupiter and Venus dance enraptured in Divine polarity… Vibration alone is an idea without an ideal, a container without the contained, a Lover without the Beloved. When Jupiter conjoins in the illumined Light of Venus, the sacred Mystery penetrates into the world of Substance, and the polarity 2.5/5.2 comes alive. All creation grows fecund and gives itself in limitless expansion.

We may visualize Substance quivering into new possibility, all directed forward upward, outward downward, into the One. The quiver contains protects embraces like a baby in the mother’s pouch until in divine law and order enlightened awakened Substance is ready to emerge and do its work. Life quivers as it seeks manifestation in form. The devas are ever ready to give assistance.

In the Sacred lambdoma 7×7, 2.5 is the binder through illumined vision. “The starry sky is the most beautiful symbol of the interval 2.5, and it is worth examining it better… From aboard any heavenly body all the others can be seen (it is merely a question of having the right means at one’s disposal, there are no natural impediments), only the prospects vary. So streams of light link every star to all the others that exist, and, as their number is very great or unlimited, these luminous threads make up a tissue without gaps, without a break in continuity. The starry universe seems to be made of disparate solitudes whilst is a living reality of perfect communion.”

It is here that 2.5/5.2 gives itself to the work of 2022. We strive toward communion with the Father.

The Masters ask us to strive for the higher worlds in a calm coherence of heart and thought, thus establishing what could “direct our consciousness. Jupiter and Venus.” (Agni Yoga, New Era Community § 32)

In Gemini, 2.5 is emboldened when the Cosmic Christ symbolically reveals Itself to humanity. In collaboration with the devic kingdom, Hierarchy drives this Great Mystery into ever more the material world. Humanity becomes the light of the world.

“In the pulsating Space of Life, any Formula, that is, any association of Ideas, is a Vibration. The component ideas, in fact, vibrate with sounds and lights, which combine in a new vibration, more complex, but always harmonious and luminous.

[…] Vibration is the key to Heaven. It is caused by the combination of Sound-Light and generates the Form. It is the key to a Door without a door, that is, the Center where everything communicates.” (Enzio Savoini, Man on Planet and in Heaven – from Italian: L’uomo sul pianeta e nel Cielo, 1998)

Through contemplation from multiple planes, energy and force unite and a sacred communion occurs. We celebrate those starry energies reassured by the Father’s fidelity to its spouse, the one whom is called Mother of the world, Venus, who in turn brings to her bosom the All whom she loves identified in the Father.

The Triangle Shamballa, Venus and Earth are joined in Holy Family.

Now in perfect resonant collaboration, 5.2 takes on its work. The energy of Vibration finds its way into the Substance to be elevated. 5.2 becomes both an architect and an engineer as it constructs new and better models. “I build the new civilization… it is both the newest and most ancient. That is why it is most perfect.”

Witness the Cosmic Christ impressing humanity with ever more illumination. Witness humanity so enlightened as it collaborates more effectively with the heavenly kingdom and finds effective expression with ever more creative intensity. These sacred planets assist and strengthen humanity’s determination as it finds its feet in the tumult, as it learns to stand in this fiery activity and as it becomes ever more an useful actor learning in group purpose to redirect the involutionary power into an evolutionary arc. When energy and force unite, a sacred communion occurs. We celebrate those starry energies reassured that the Logos will never move away from its holy spouse, Sacred Mother, substance transmuted, the all whom Venus loves.…


“When we speak about Spirit and Matter, we have in mind the higher meaning of Matter. When we speak about the liberation of Spirit, we refer to those manifestations which can be called material life units. It must be known that in speaking about these unifications under various forms a downfall of the spirit is understood. For the spirit, being made manifest in matter, must aspire to the higher functions together with matter. Matter is impelled to creativeness which gives rise to forms of life. And the spirit must know specifically how sacred is the sojourn in matter. The cosmic concept of the Feminine Principle as Matter is so lofty—the Truth is so far above the worldly understanding! Only a pure and elevated consciousness can appreciate this comparison. It is difficult to dissociate Spirit from Matter.” (Agni Yoga. Fiery World III § 304)


5.2 builds ever more effectively the new civilization in all its forms – systems, cultures, the new world Religion, purifying and energizing new forms all bridging humanity with the Heavenly Man. In the starry heavens those sacred Triangles – the Avatar of Synthesis, Shamballa and Venus, pour into planet Earth and recognize a new receptivity as humanity responds and awakens pushing closer to the 5th spiritual kingdom. Humanity receives the Christ energy and builds new structures. Humanity experiments as it forms new collectives. Humanity seeks communion with the All.

“The Spatial Substance is traversed by a thrill that shakes and renews it. By its nature it does not resist, and is furrowed in all directions by great trails of fire. A great desire affirms itself and responds; the great Mother obeys the celestial will and prepares to cover it with innumerable forms.” (Enzio Savoini, The Solar System in Space, from Italian: Il Sistema solare nello Spazio, 1993, rewritten 1999)

“[…] People want to see matter in everything, and they are right, but only if they acknowledge its many states and properties. The very word “matter” is a good one and is akin to the great concept of Maternal Matter. At present, in the age of the Mother of the World, one should pay special attention to all that is related to this magnificent Foundation. Besides, it should be understood that it is this concept of matter that includes all possible properties of the substance out of which all is born.

It is said that matter is crystallized spirit, but one can also say it differently, because everything, starting with the subtlest energies, is matter. It would be a great limitation for one to deny the principle of the one fundamental energy, for by doing this he will also deny matter. What then would such an ignorant person have left? It is time to return to the word “matter” its true meaning. He who considers himself a materialist must respect matter in all its forms. It is unfit to call oneself a materialist and deny the very essence of matter. […]” (Agni Yoga. Supermundane III § 638)


Year/Goal 6.1 – In poised alignment with The Father, Generator of All Life, this polarity of 2.5/5.2 conceives the new platform for Communion with the Father. 2.5/5.2 polarity contributes to the new Communion by binding together atomic filaments that direct back to the All in Life.

“Eternal Fire fills all bodies, and through them is unified with the higher fiery energy. In such a manner is the Universal sap worked over and over. This mysterious, ever self-regenerating substance cannot be named otherwise. Thus everything manifested serves for the renewing of the Eternal Substance. The circle serves as the best representation of the cooperation of energies.” (Agni Yoga. Fiery World II § 400)

This new communion enlivens new Esoteric World Religion. Transfiguration appears with a new communal ethic, a trans-cultural interplanetary ethics based upon the Great Law of Compassion. Now Substance radiates having been saturated by Fohat. Now the polarities of gender Mother/Father fuse. The new communion flashes forth a creative consciousness in time and space. As humanity grows more causal, endless geminations of new Seed thoughts produce new systems, new institutions, new cultures all asserting that humanity is sky born. Humanity is enfleshed with the Divine. The office of the Christ activates more illumined creative potential with all who strive to be present, to be receptive through the Great Triangle of Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity. The benefit to humanity now is to Be. When planetary Substance begins identification with the solar Light, itself ever more energized by the many conjunctions in the starry heavens, all is revealed.   Beauty is real! Harmony grows ever more possible. And so, the Father is pleased with the contribution of this polarity 2.5/5.2 as it demonstrates ability to bring Manifestation in Substance and Substance back to Spirit. The Father is pleased that despite impossible expansion there remains the quiver of wisdom to bind the divinely inspired expansion. The Father blesses the contribution of Substance transfigured.

“The vibration of the heart expands like a magnetic wave of spirit. The vibration of the heart expands like a ray of light. In all cosmic manifestations, the Magnet of the Perfect Heart attracts. Only the lever of the heart can direct the action toward the true source. When the ray of consciousness contacts the Spatial Fire, the cosmic vibration enters into life. Therefore, the conscious direction of the ray of the heart will lead to creation. Thus, the cosmic attraction is imbued by the Heart of Cosmos. When the vibration of the heart strives to create, the energy of the Cosmic Magnet responds to that striving. Thus conscious attraction will produce a boundless striving.” (Agni Yoga. Infinity II § 199)


As through a magnifying glass behold the good
and belittle tenfold the signs of imperfection,
lest you remain as you always were


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