Signs of the Heavens year 2023 – 3rd quarter

In this annual culmination, in the heliocentric sky of the systemic Causes, even seven Luminaries are close to the beginning or end of one of the 12 Signs, an index of synthesis, resolution and new potential.

Our Earth stands out at the top, at the Gate of the Gods (Sign of Capricorn), and the sunburst arrangement of Its other Brothers sets up a crown of bystanders that seems to celebrate this solemn elevation.

The resolving power of Unity (December Solstice Formula), based on and expressed by intelligent Love (March Equinox Formula), now radiates into the planetary consciousness the Model of orderly and ritual unanimity to build the Temple of One Humanity:

Solstice June 21, 2023 h. 2.59pm GMT – Heliocentric

The Solar Community radiates the Model of hierarchical Brotherhood


Solstice June 21, 2023 h. 2.59pm GMT – Geocentric

 Let the ardour of the Heart erect the Temple of the One Humanity


If, on a geocentric level, the Master of Love Jupiter already sails in the constructive Light of Taurus, on a heliocentric level It will enter it only on July 11th and now still in Aries It supports the ascent of the Earth (planetary Consciousness) with a beautiful trine: Taurus is the Sign of the new Group of World Servers and the progressive convergence between Jupiter and Uranus (rulers of the Sign of the New Era), which will culminate next March, paves the way for a beneficial fulfilment, for the stabilization of the magnetic and radiant power of this central ‘salvation unit’ between Hierarchy (Aquarius) and Humanity (Pisces).

The quadrature between Jupiter and Pluto (now heliocentric, while geocentrically it culminated in May) brings out and strongly expands in the planetary consciousness (being the two Rulers of the Sign of Humanity Pisces) the conflict or confrontation between Love and Power, between Wisdom and Liberation, between compassion and destruction.

At the solstice, the powerful Pluto is on the edge of Capricorn until January 2024 (also at a geocentric level after Its quick move into Aquarius, from March 24 to June 11, 2023): these are the last months of destruction of the obsolete concretions before overturning the social order and/or the expansion of the ideal of right human relations into the world community (2024 to 2042 in Aquarius).

Even the heliocentric play of thrusts and counterthrusts among the other Planets (with the exception of a hieratic solitary Mercury, the solar Eye in the cosmic Eye Taurus), underlines the extreme tension of this solstice incipit: “let us keep our mind in the Light” to reflect Heavenly order and harmony on Earth!

Finally, on a geocentric level, the triplet of Moon, Venus and Mars in Leo is highlighted, in a quadrature regime with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus: only the ardor of the impersonal Heart can build the Future and feed the Seed of the new glorious cycle of the ‘One Humanity’ (Sun at the Gate of Men of Cancer).

Merging into the waves of the Infinite, we may be compared to flowers torn away by a storm. How shall we find ourselves transfigured in the ocean of the Infinite?

            It would be unwise to send out a boat without a rudder. But the Pilot is predestined and the creation of the heart will not be precipitated into the abyss. Like milestones on a luminous path, the Brothers of Humanity, ever alert, are standing on guard, ready to lead the traveler into the chain of ascent.

            Hierarchy is not coercion, it is the law of the Universe. It is not a threat, but the call of the heart and a fiery admonition directing toward the General Good.

            Thus, let us cognize the Hierarchy of Light.

How to transmute the most bitter into the most sweet? Naught save Hierarchy will transform life into a higher consciousness.

            It is impossible to imagine a bridge into the Infinite, because a bridge is in need of abutments. But Hierarchy, like the abutments of a bridge, brings one to the shore of Light. And imagine the entire effulgence that the eyes behold! And understand the Song of Light.

            Let us labor for Light and Hierarchy! (Hierarchy, intro, Agni Yoga Collection)

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