Love and Intellect

(Contribution by Martha G. and Frances G.)

Premise:  Intellect becomes the expression of discriminative thought// Love the substance, the heartbeat of that which is Thought.

Thought is a spatial entity. The consequences of thought strike the surroundings with their effect. (Adapted from Hierarchy, § 215, Agni Yoga).  

“When we make contact with spatial thoughts, we are making contact with higher dimensions; thoughts from the Hierarchy and higher Centers; thoughts accumulated from Avatars Who have solar or galactic origins as well as planetary inhabitants.  In Agni Yoga, there are numerous mentions of the Tower. Thoughts emanating from the Tower are related to the Hierarchy and related to Solar Purpose. Thoughts of great Avatars are spatial thoughts that carry the secrets of Cosmic paths. Spatial thoughts inspire our spirit and reveal Cosmic horizons.” (Commentary offered by Agni Yoga International

Infused by love via the Christic/Soul Impulse where Father/Mother (Spirit/Substance) polarity is One, Light and Love potentiate the Power of fulfillment when humanity achieves identification with the Solar Light emanating from the Tower of our spiritual inner Guides, the Hierarchy.

 Within our Lambdoma, 2.5/5.2’s (the Rays of Jupiter and Venus today in heliocentric conjunction) contemplation/contribution to this year’s focus of 6.2 follows to celebrate “The New World Religion is the Infinity of Space.”  

 “The Mother is the Breath of Infinity in every heart.” (Formula of Leo Solar Festival and a 2.5 expression)

 In this great nexus of Love-Wisdom, we may celebrate the New World Religion as the Infinity of Space pouring through the Tower of Truth unto humanity’s transmutation. As both luminaries transmit Love-Wisdom, we celebrate their perfect relationship, their balance of polarities which demonstrate divine reciprocity between both idea and ideal. We anticipate here a planetary unfoldment of the Christ Impulse via humanity now realized as one coherent entity. Humanity unifies Love and Intellect. Humanity finds expression of this unity in the ideal of beauty – which here is described as perfect poise, perfect balance, unity through polarity; identification with infinity demonstrated in spatial thought.

Through Jupiter, expansive Love Wisdom sees all things, includes all things, communicates all things in the light of accumulated understanding. Jupiter is the alpha and omega of planet Earth itself: He is the Great Master of the Soul/Christ Ray of our Earth. Already today’s scientists acknowledge Jupiter to be both the birther and destroyer of planetary life in form (NOVA, PBS).  And Intellect may be seen as the co-creator, the translator of the Mind of God into form. Intellect selects the path or the way by which humanity proceeds – intellect expresses the substance of the Mother in form. Intellect infused with light dispassionates, detaches, discerns, discriminates. Intellect offers the path of approach that leads to the highest. 

“… Dear Travelers, look upward. And if instead of clinging to the illusions of Earth, you wish to fly further, then your wings will grow. …imagine if the ghosts were to strive toward the creation of a beautiful movement. Then, the rays, instead of being only disinfectant, could be transformed into rays of enlightenment.” (Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, § 224)

Inspired by Venus/Solar Isis, our Solar Angel, the Mother of the World affirms her proper place as Spirit gestating Infinite Love-Wisdom into the Heart and hearts of Earth. She embraces all things, shares all things, unifies all things via her perfect receptivity of Sirian/Cosmic Isis Love. Behold the marriage of these illumining Servers! “Venus takes in three times the light of the sun and shares one third of it with the earth, acting as a sun to Earth.” (HPB, Secret Doctrine II) The time is now for humanity to draw potency for Solar Light Itself in unison with our Planetary Logos.  

We identify this time as provident, a time for gaining strength in the midst of duality; a time of heightened spiritual opportunity as we attune to that light which is now available. Now we can visualize this inpouring lighted love being released in a direct influx into the planet. A new alignment of hearts which, in Leo, opened the door to the great overshadowing star Sirius; in Virgo, found manifestation in form healing and transmuting; and now, in Libra, balances and activates new relationships between Spirit and Matter. The New Group of World Servers appropriate these energies and “seals the door where evil dwells” – the divisions within humanity. Humanity cooperates Hierarchy to let in the Light. 

Within the work The Triad Light, Love and Power by Enzio Savoini, we read,

           “The second aspect of light appears when neither the One nor the Three acts. It is the light of substance, of Space, of the Mother of the world, and is manifested when the other light sources are not present in the field. It is the light of the octave interval.”

Further, with regard to the 5th aspect of Light:

            “The fifth aspect of Light is, by its very nature, apparent and manifest: it showcases the infinite variety of forms. Light expresses it by splitting into the seven colours of the rainbow. This aspect, so intimately connected to the function of the intellectual mind, is its analytical characteristic; it is its capacity for an increasingly differentiated and manifold partitioning; finally, it is the first manifestation of an inexhaustible creativity that is never identical or repeated. Light maintains its unity unaltered, yet it is multifaceted: in this the fifth aspect is revealed. A world without colours is not even imaginable: it would be an indecipherable enigma devoid of interest. The seven fundamental colours with their countless combinations are qualities that are inseparable from life and manifestation for the eye and the mind.

“By revealing its fifth aspect, therefore, Light expresses and unveils the colours and makes the world visible, knowable and accessible to reason which, also an expression of the Fifth Ray, responds by resonance.

“Sight, which in itself has an analytical action, is made possible and effective by the divisibility of Light into the seven colours: it is perhaps the most immediate and sensory example of the fifth quality.

“Unlike the first three aspects, the fifth, like the fourth, is always present and has no evident rhythmic qualities. Light is always able to break down its components, without there being dominance over each other. A drop of dew is enough for a ray of light to express the rainbow. The entire infinite realm of forms, field of conquest of the intellect, is colourful and each one of them, by covering itself with colours, appears in its own free individuality. So, with its fifth quality, light objectifies all forms, reveals itself and with prodigious simplicity shows that the one and the multiple are the same. The human mind, analytical and intellectual, if left to itself sees only the way of differentiation, which leads to separate and delude.

“But a drop of water, which reveals the seven coloured lights, teaches the way back to the unity of Light.”

“It must be remembered that planets Venus and Jupiter are exceedingly closely connected with Earth… Therefore, the Heavenly (Entities sic) are magnetically linked with the Heavenly (Entity) of our scheme” (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 370) This will come into full force in the sixth root race, we are told, yet when we embrace spatial thought, the idea, realized through the ideal, strikes “the surroundings with their effect” now. Behind our troubled world, now we participate in the unfolding through the Heart. 

Today, we not only anticipate an essential Triadic fulfillment of Light, we witness magnification of the Triangle Venus and Jupiter with Earth. We live into this radiant magnification of our Spiritual Being. Joy is ours, despite all. We join the ranks of Hierarchy via our service impulsed by the Love of the Christ. We make all things new in buddhic Love… here and now! We identify in the Solar Love in family…. Love from Logos, from Mother of Substance, radiated outward demonstrating universal gratitude and forgiveness offered by humanity.

Finally, in alignment with Libra’s influence, at the time of this great conjunction, Saturn (3rd Ray hierarchical Ruler of Libra and Lord of Karma, now in Pisces, Sign ruling Humanity as a whole) offers humanity opportunity for registration of its true initiate status. For while, such status has already been granted, humanity remains imprisoned within its self-absorbed limitation. Today, the jailer of illusion opens the prison door to humanity’s release through the outpouring of Love.  It is a way for the Mother to become the breath in every heart. Venus, Materia Matrix and Materia Lucida, in Libra binds all into one. Humanity is shown the cosmic way to freedom in Divine Law and Order.  “And the Word Said: Let choice be made.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 251)

The Teaching of the future Epoch will be re-union with spirit and intellect. The course of the planets permits the hastening of the communion between the worlds, and the development of the human spirit will proceed along new ways. The luminaries permit the acceleration of the course of humanity.” (Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, § 220)

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