Year 6.3 – Communion with the World of Ideas

Today we celebrate the solstice in Capricorn, a discontinuous, transcendent event that challenges our consciousnesses each time. In a flash out of time, one cycle ends and another begins; energies are renewed and the light, in the two hemispheres, changes direction: in the northern hemisphere it rises on the horizon and in the southern one it falls, thus constantly evening the earth’s energy balance (see). We then realise that “… What begins begins eternally, to finish beginning. What ends ends eternally, until it begins ending. (…)” (Book of Rituals, E. Savoini)

For those who follow the steps of the Table of the Plan, that has been intuited for Humanity, the year that is beginning, the third of the sixth septennium, which is dedicated to the New World Religion, is coloured by the octave relationship that occurs between the energies of the Sixth and Third Ray, and its Goal, which we must illuminate and fill with meaning, reads:

Communion with the World of Ideas

The intuitive symbol for this Goal is:

Its synthetic seed states:
“Ideas are free and communicating.
A group of Ideas is a Formula, that is, a composed and structured Idea, held together by mutual magnetism of the component Ideas.
A Formula has a Goal and is a Causing power. I compose Formulas of right relationships: here is my project of communion.


The following are excerpts from the commentary on the Goal, from the text “The Distant Goals” by E. Savoini, which orient the minds to the energies of the year that is about to begin:

“(…) the world of Ideas generated by the 3 is held together by what they have in common. Every Idea can be “visited” or “known” by all the others since, being without limits of any kind, it is infinitely composite and reflecting. 

The world of Ideas has not been any further studied, as far as known, since the time of Plato and some of his followers. (…) The philosophy taught by Plato is not mainly rational, but intuitive and nondogmatic. It is a monument of thought, but also a teaching about life. It opens up the vastest perspectives and invites one to seek and discover. That famous Academy has never been closed, and today it still welcomes and serves the person who approaches it in the right way.

Brief reference to the work of that Master seemed to be necessary because many hypotheses derive from it which are the basis of these notes on the Distant Goals:
World of Ideas =
World of intervals
World of the soul
Free consciousness
Intuitive level
Harmony achieved
Universal communion

(…) We live, learn, and circulate in that world only when the heresy of separation is overcome and consciousness is truly open. (…) It is known that Ideas are all interconnected (…) But are these relationships, these confluences, without Rule, or do they obey to the canons of Harmony? Could the World of Ideas be inaccurate? Are the innumerable energies forming an Idea measured, are they dictated by a formula?

(…) Everything is Proportion and Commensure in the World of Ideas governed by the Rule of Art. Exactness illuminates it. Everything, including joy and bliss, is ruled by Number. Therefore every Being shines and the Law leads in all its regions. The World of Causes does not encompass any chance, nor disorder or doubt. There is nothing there created by man, yet he has his causing reason. The World of Ideas does not tolerate violence nor oppression, which are contrary to Harmony, its natural law.

The statements above illustrate the nature of this and all the other Vortices, which are really centres of Ideas, arranged by order and number to compose a greater Idea (an incorrect term, but what is to be done?) which, while containing them, creates them and directs them to the common purpose.

Raphael – The School of Athens

Focussing on the World of Ideas, on Thought, on Plato’s Philosophy, may appear strange at first in a context in which we are trying to trace the outlines of a new world Religion, but if we reflect on it we easily understand that this is not the case.

The Religion of the new World (non-dogmatic and non-denominational) cannot in fact follow the old parameters of the age of Pisces, which had rightly endowed consciousnesses with the necessary sensitivity and “humidity” and favoured a fideistic rather than mental attitude towards the Teachings imparted by the different Churches. Now Aquarius, an air sign, which brings the fifth Ray of the Mind and the seventh of Order (through Uranus, its exoteric ruler) addresses a Humanity on the threshold of the first Initiation (the birth of Christ in the heart), which will have to be supported by these energies in such a passage; here, in fact, the Wheel of Life reverses its motion, revealing the entrance to the Path of Return.

In addition, the esoteric ruler of Aquarius is Jupiter (second Ray), which bestows spiritual consciousness and the ability to spread Love and Wisdom on Earth, and which will be conjunct Uranus in the sign of Taurus on March 14. On this date, the two planets of beneficial fulfillment will therefore be in the sign of the New Group of World Servers. This event is already beginning to resound in our hearts like a chime that powerfully aligns the consciousnesses with the hierarchical date of 2025.

It is interesting to note, in this regard, how much our world has changed in recent years and in particular since the end of 2020, the starting date of the current 60-year cycle triggered by Jupiter and Saturn, the Lords of Love and Light. In the accelerated and dramatic time of transition between two astrological ages that we are currently experiencing, as all planetary parameters and balances are shifting, we feel we are on the threshold of an epochal revolution of consciousness at every level, the harbingers of which are beginning to be perceptible even on the outer plane. We therefore know that we must strongly maintain our inner positions, without allowing ourselves to be distracted by events.

For the disciples of the world, who work at the mind level, the bell calling to action has truly rung, the field of which is precisely the fiery World of Ideas, the forge of that Fire which here is transformed into creative thought and appropriately constructed thought-forms that propagate through Space ad infinitum. This is the level on which those who are shifting from intellect to intuition, the fourth buddhic plane, where the light of the Soul becomes manifest, are beginning to settle.

It is in this ‘place’ that contact with the planetary Hierarchy also takes place: the Masters, the Teaching of Agni Yoga tells us, cast ‘silver threads’ that connect their hearts to those of their disciples, who, if they are able to catch them with the strength of Will, can then continue safely on the path of ascent through that bond. These threads, it is pointed out, are present everywhere, but are only grabbed by those who feel they have no other way out. Thus, gradually, but ever more rapidly, the many disciples become the Disciple, the Server of the One Humanity.

The World of Ideas, from which the Formulas and  Forms descend, has been assimilated, as reported in the commentary on the Goal, to that of Intervals, of Consciousnesses, that is, of the exact but continuously variable relationships between Spirit and Substance. The Ideas themselves are the product of Sound and Light which, in the “Genesis of Ideas”, were respectively defined as “The fiery impulse of Life” and “The rhythmic motion of Fire”. We can therefore reasonably affirm that this ideal level of the Principles can only be ordered precisely by the Laws of Sound (Harmonics) and of the divine Light, which manifests itself in the Seven Rays.

Let us eventually take into account that – as the Tibetan Master says – precisely from 2025 the Fourth Ray of Harmony through conflict, of Beauty, of all forms of art and, in particular, of the Art of Living (the Ray that Aquarius brings through its hierarchical ruler: the Moon veiling Uranus and evoking the fourth human Hierarchy, guided by the Buddhic or Christic principle) will begin to arise.


The most significant notes of Aquarius, as we know, are Brotherhood and Service, and they require the transition from individual to Group consciousness. And it is precisely the concept of universal Brotherhood that defines the meaning and basis of the new Religion, which will be One in the multiplicity of forms, in the diversity of rituals, in the joy of being able to name all the “names of God” at the same time.

Let us then think of the Brotherhood, that lives and operates in the Fiery World, as a bulwark, a tower on which the forces of the adversaries of Light crash and as a Magnet that attracts consciousnesses into that sphere where our hearts have “right of citizenship”. Let’s define it as:

  • A lighthouse that shows the way to the Infinite to those who seek it.
  • A Union of trust, firm and unshakable: the creator of the great Service. “Labor, love, and brotherhood dwell together.” (Agni Yoga)
  • The lever that moves the world.
  • A centre of voluntarily achieved harmony: a very high degree of mutual human relationships, regulated by reciprocal respect, gratitude, consonance and joy.
  • A Home of knowledge, a School of thought where we learn to build the future.
  • A rampart of Faith that shows the power of courage and the strength of collaboration.
  • An outpost of the Light that embodies the universal Order.

In this year 6.3 let us therefore keep the mind of the heart fixed on Brotherhood, let us penetrate its reality with will and fiery tension, perceive the subtle joy that emanates from it and recognise it as the only way of salvation. Let us therefore catch with determination the “silver threads” launched by the Masters, not for us but for the world, and never let them go!

“Travelers may knock for admittance. Travelers could tell about the Great Souls who dwell in unfailing service beyond the far-off deserts,
beyond the mountains, beyond the snows.
Travelers will not tell whether they have been in the Abode.
Travelers will not utter the word Brotherhood, yet each listener will comprehend what Center of Knowledge is spoken about.
The Sowers of Good go about the world when humanity is atremble.
People wish to hear about the Stronghold, the Citadel.
If they will not learn about the statutes,
they will nevertheless grow stronger at the mere message
that the Stronghold of Knowledge does exist.
The Lotus of the heart is aquiver at the approach of the dates.
Rejoice at the existence of Brotherhood!
(Agni Yoga Series, Brotherhood § 610)


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4 Responses to Year 6.3 – Communion with the World of Ideas

  1. Debra Oliver says:

    Brilliant living elixir! Thank you.

  2. Pingback: Humanity is unified with the Intellect of Love – TPS – Spanish -

  3. Nella Keenan says:

    Thank you for this revelatory and joyful explanation of our Unfolding Becoming

  4. jogarceau says:

    Many thanks for pointing the way.

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