Humanity asserts the Light supernal

The planetary Server oriented by/to Goal 6.3 of the evolutionary Plan, dedicated to the Communion with the World of Ideas, solemnly celebrates the first of the 12 Entrances into the Signs of the Zodiac with the first of the 12 Assertions of the One Humanity.

From the solstitial Summit, the royal Peak that raises souls towards the celestial abode, the Heart, the blazing sun of the human Centre, with renewed will lights up with Love for the Evolution of the planet: with united breath and unified rhythm with the other two planetary Centres, Shamballa and Hierarchy, it radiates the creative power of the One Humanity, associated with Capricorn:

Humanity asserts the Light supernal

Light is the divine Architect of Creation.
It plans the Evolution of Consciousness to lead it back to the One, to the Glory and triumph of the Original Motive. The Light is Joy, the vibrant song of the spirit sparkling on the waves of Space.

“It will also be shown that the soul itself is light, and that the entire Hierarchy is a great centre of light, causing the symbology of light to govern our thinking, our approach to God, and enabling us to understand somewhat the meaning of the words of Christ “I am the Light of the world.” These words carry meaning to all true disciples… [committed to] becoming light-bearers. The theme of light runs through all the world Scriptures… the thought of more light governs all the inchoate yearnings of the human spirit. [From] the Centre of Life where dwells the Ancient of Days… [the Lord or Ruler of the World and Humanity, the creator of the thinking man] Sanat Kumara… streams what has been called the Light of Life, the Light Supernal.” [1]

Light is the rhythmic motion of Fire and reaches Humanity on the shining rays of the Centres of Lives.

Humanity, according to the esoteric Sources, occupies the third vertex of the major Triad of planetary Centres:
Shamballa – Will-Power (1st Ray) – Solar Lives
Hierarchy – Love-Wisdom (2nd Ray) – Planetary Lives
Humanity – Creative Intelligence (3rd Ray) – Human Lives. [2]

Thanks to the intervention of Saturn, which in the solar system administers Truth, which is Light, human Lives can develop creative Intelligence, another Quality of Light.
Saturn is the symbol of light, of the divine manifestation that renews the cosmos every year at the December solstice (as Ruler of the Sign of Capricorn). Its influence is necessary for the consciousness to become aware of its destiny.
Its Light accompanies the constructive process of sacralisation of matter through the evolutionary path of consciousness which, consuming the practical experience, conquers an ever more inclusive vision: in this sense Saturn becomes the “liberator”, that “door” which allows the passage, which leads into the unlimited, into the “timeless”, into the Light supernal.
It is through the Door of the Gods, immersed in the heavenly Light of Capricorn, that the disciple ascends to the Summit of Initiation and with initiatory responsibility and group consciousness can descend into the human firmament to donate his most precious crystals.
He advances with impersonality and clear vision, from Light to Light and through it.
He becomes the Path itself and with humility serves the One Humanity: with the mind illuminated by initiatory Truths he bestows Freedom and with the heart magnetised by the Beauty of the heights of the Cosmos he radiates the Power of Bliss.

There is mutual intensification between humanity and the beauty of Cosmos, and only thus can one affirm a cosmically united power…”. [3]
Perception of the spark of Divine Fire in the seed of the spirit will lay the foundation for a new humanity… For realization of the Light in the heart will propel toward the Light…” [4]

Love [the universal unitary power] is the leading creative principle… Love is the crown of Light” [5], shining in the heart and mind of that part of Humanity which has unreservedly taken that path of salvation that the Forces of Light point out.
That same part of Humanity adds its sound to the ranks of the great fiery centers of planetary Lives, to make the new Age flourish in the light of a new Renaissance.
This task requires the joint and intense efforts of all those who are committed to achieving great spiritual conquests in the light of the hierarchical chain according to the cosmic Will.
Thus, those who walk along with the Powers of Light must know that without a tense battle there is no victory. Thus, when the step of great victory is being affirmed, the disciples of Light must feel entire invincibility of the spirit and entire steadfastness of actions… Verily, only thus can one conquer!” [6]

To produce the maximum desired change [and to compensate for the factors that threaten the development of humanity], has been the objective of the planetary Hierarchy (that hidden band of Workers which the Christian calls the Christ and His Disciples)… The Hierarchy is struggling hard with the so-called “forces of evil,” and the New Group of World Servers is the instrument, at this time, upon the physical plane, with which the Hierarchy has to work. They have no other instrument.” [7] “The New Group of World Servers: These are the people who are beginning to form a new social order in the world… They take their stand upon the essential divinity of man; their programme is founded upon good will, because it is a basic human characteristic… They represent an attitude of mind…. [They are] the citizens of the kingdom which Christ came to found… and will be recognised by their spirit of synthesis, their inclusive point of view and their emphasis upon a world unity which is based upon our international synthesis (the recognition really of our human relations), our religious unity as children of the one Father… [They are] working in connection with the rapidly emerging plan of the Great Ones…” [8]

The evolutionary Plans are realised with the cooperation of the great Brotherhood of Thinkers who saturate space and consciousnesses with fiery thoughts.
There is creativeness in the fixing of new impressions upon the consciousness… Thought creates and it affirms each imprint! Thus do the Lords create…”. [9]

Thoughts that are transmitted to humanity must be applied to life, thus the Art of creating is learnt. Thought is Light, it spirals upwards to great perfection, magnetised by the highest World of Ideas.
Each thought manifested by the fire of a creator imbues consciousnesses. Thus, We create the shifting of the spirit and affirm an enlightened cognizance.” [10]

Light transforms the world.” [11]

“Just now when all the old ways are destroyed, when all the old energies are out-lived, when the planet itself shifts its crust, how is it possible not to adopt with one’s entire spirit the new affirmations and the regenerating energies emanating from the might of the Chain of Hierarchy!” [12]

Let us therefore assert the supernal Light flowing from the highest hierarchical Summits and give to the Plan of Love and Light every single luminous tension, every creative fervour, in order to affirm the New World.

Thus, humanity is an accumulator and transmuter of the high energy which We have agreed to call psychic energy. The significance of humanity consists in its transmutation of this energy through consciousness and propelling it by way of Hierarchy into the higher spheres. The loss of the understanding of one’s own predestination has thrown people back from the understanding of responsibility. Therefore, We remind again of the foundation of Existence. One must prepare oneself for the next evolution. Once again, one must draw closer to the great current and realize the principles of the renewal of life.” [13]

Humanity is bound to the Cosmos by inseverable bonds… By the Will of Cosmos all things are attracted to each other. All strives toward mutual creation. “Religare” is bestowed on humanity in the form of a religion for unification, for the development of community, for the avowal of the Primary Source, which contains all principles of Being and which creates all substances for our good.[14]
When the arcs of consciousnesses are blended, Light reigns, and the highest ordainment is affirmed. Only thus is the highest Law attained. Thus We create! [15]

Humanity asserts the Light supernal,
it blazes in all directions and lights fires in space.
Thus it illuminates the ascending Path.


On this day of solstitial summit, the New Group of World Servers joins together in the first of 12 creative meditations aimed at establishing a new civilisation and a new world order: the creation of a One Humanity.

  1. Alice A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, p. 143
  2. Alice A. Bailey, Telepathy and the etheric vehicle, p. 125
  3. Agni Yoga Series, Infinity II § 424
  4. Agni Yoga Series, Fiery World III § 253
  5. Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 281
  6. Ibidem § 320
  7. Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, p. 630
  8. Ibidem, 636 – 650
  9. Agni Yoga Series, Infinity II § 370
  10. Ibidem § 424
  11. Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 377
  12. Ibidem § 396
  13. Ibidem § 296
  14. Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 23
  15. Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 128


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