The future world Order

Today we celebrate the heliocentric Trine (120°) between EARTH and URANUS, an angle and sound sacred to creative synthesis (120°/360° = 1/3, the Three, which relates to the Spirit Aspect and to the creative interval of the Fifth).

Earth is the systemic vehicle (not sacred, together with the sacred one, Saturn) of the 3rd Ray, the power of Light or creative Intelligence, while Uranus (sacred) is the vehicle of the 7th Ray, the organising and rearranging power that brings the initial Purpose to fulfilment, the synthesising factor between Spirit and Matter up to the 7th physical plane of Manifestation.

Both are in the 6th quality (from 20 to 25 degrees) of two Earth Signs, Capricornus and Taurus: the former (Earth), our planetary Home/Consciousness, is abundantly sprinkled with initiatory Light (Capricornus), the latter (Uranus) is in the eye (Taurus) that sees fulfilment, enjoining upon all creatures and consciousnesses of the planetary system a radical reordering, an initiatory leap, according to the necessity of the new degree of evolution.

“The seventh ray has sometimes been called a peculiar name by Knowers. It is regarded as the ‘Ray of Ritualistic Decency’. It aids and inaugurates the appearing of a new world order, based on a spiritual drive and on aspiration, mental freedom, loving understanding and a physical plane rhythm which provides opportunity for full creative expression. (…)

The energy of Uranus, pouring upon and into humanity, produces the urge to better conditions (…). When (as is now the case) the influence of Uranus is added to the other influences and the seventh ray is at the same time entering into a major cycle of activity on the Earth, there is then present the energy needed to precipitate the crisis of initiation and produce a great rhythmic awakening.” [A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, pp. 445-7]

“The power here to be evoked out of the human soul, in this hour of need, is the ability to know the Plan and to work for its furtherance, thus cooperating with those forces which are endeavouring to re-establish order on Earth and to end the cycle of aggressive wickedness in which today we find ourselves.” [A. A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 278]

The fluid and assimilating exchange of the Energies at play is such as to stimulate in the Disciple-Humanity (the Earth in the heliocentric chart) an indomitable yearning for a new Order, and in that yearning to manifest its possibilities, new goals and solutions to assist the Great Spirits (the Hierarchy), once men in their turn, in the immense struggle to annihilate the prevailing confusion and disorder.

Here, then, are some excerpts on world Order from the Teaching:

“Certain major and spiritual premises should lie back of all efforts to formulate the new world order. Let me state some of them:

  1. The new world order must meet the immediate need and not be an attempt to satisfy some distant, idealistic vision.
  2. The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience.
  3. The new world order must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding.
  4. The new world order will be founded on the recognition that all men are equal in origin and goal but that all are at differing stages of evolutionary development; that personal integrity, intelligence, vision and experience, plus a marked goodwill, should indicate leadership. (…)
  5. In the new world order, the governing body in any nation should be composed of those who work for the greatest good of the greatest number and who at the same time offer opportunity to all, seeing to it that the individual is left free. Today the men of vision are achieving recognition, thus making possible a right choice of leaders. It was not possible until this century [the XX].
  6. The new world order will be founded on an active sense of responsibility. The rule will be “all for one and one for all”. This attitude among nations will have to be developed. It is not yet present.
  7. The new world order will not impose a uniform type of government, a synthetic religion and a system of standardisation upon the nations. The sovereign rights of each nation will be recognised and its peculiar genius, individual trends and racial qualities will be permitted full expression. In one particular only should there be an attempt to produce unity, and that will be in the field of education.
  8. The new world order will recognise that the produce of the world, the natural resources of the planet and its riches, belong to no one nation but should be shared by all. There will be no nations under the category “haves” and others under the opposite category. (…)
  9. In the preparatory period for the new world order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organise any equipment for destructive purposes or to infringe the security of any other nation. One of the first tasks of any future peace conference will be to regulate this matter and gradually see to the disarming of the nations.

These are the simple and general premises upon which the new world order must begin its work. These preliminary stages must be kept fluid and experimental; the vision of possibility must never be lost, and the foundations must be preserved inviolate, but the intermediate processes and the experimentations must be carried forward by men who, having the best interests of the whole at heart, can change the detail of organisation whilst preserving the life of the organism.” [A. A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, 190-2]

This is the burdensome and yet stupendous task of the intermediary between Humanity and the Hierarchy, the New Group of World Servers or planetary Ajna Centre, that is, of all those who, animated by the will-to-good and the will-to-build, can serve human and planetary evolution, and execute the new order, the Plan of Love and Light on Earth, in joy and with renewed commitment.

Nothing will be able to stop the continuous,
regular and rhythmic advance of the new Order!


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