The Impressing Agents of the Divine Will

Today we celebrate the alignment of the Earth-Sun axis with the star Merak of Ursa Major, mighty transmitter of the energy of the first Ray of Will and Power. From that august seat, through the Impressing Agents in charge, this energy is received into our solar System and reaches Humanity, the lowest level from which the divine Will can find response to implement the evolutionary Purpose.

“There is a definite distinction between Purpose and Will; it is subtle indeed, but quite definite to the advanced initiate, and therefore the dualistic nature of our planetary manifestation and our solar Expression appear even in this. The Members of the Council at Shamballa recognise this distinction and therefore divide Themselves into two groups which are called in the ancient parlance, Registrants of the Purpose and Custodians of the Will. Will is active. Purpose is passive, waiting for the results of the activity of the will. These two groups are reflected in hierarchical circles by the Nirmanakayas or the Planetary Contemplatives, and the Custodians of the Plan. The function of the Registrants of the Purpose is to keep the channel open between our Earth, the planet Venus and the Central Spiritual Sun. The function of the Custodians of the Will is to relate the Council, the Hierarchy and Humanity, thus creating a basic triangle of force between the three major centres of the planetary Life. This is the higher expression (symbolic, if you like) of the six-pointed star, formed of two interlaced triangles. A replica of this fundamental triangle and of this symbol of energy, with its inflow and distribution, is to be found in the relation of the three higher centres in the human being—head, heart and throat—to the three lower centres—solar plexus, sacral centre and the centre at the base of the spine.” (A. A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, p. 69)

“There are ‘rainbow bridges’ carrying the sevenfold energies of the seven rays from planet to planet, from system to system, and from plane to plane on cosmic levels. It is over these bridges that the will of the related spiritual Identities is projected, producing that synthesis of effort which is distinctive of the cooperative systemic life. The work of the Masters in training from our planet is, among other things, to unfold within Themselves not only sensitivity to systemic purpose, but the ability to transmit that Purpose to the Council Chamber at Shamballa. They have—in an extraplanetary sense—a definite correspondence with and relation to the group of Nirmanakayas within our planet Who work in contemplative activity with the antahkarana which connects the Hierarchy with Shamballa and Humanity with the Hierarchy.” (Ibid., pp. 406-7)

“(…) A lower correspondence to these two important groups has been forming midway between the Hierarchy and Humanity, and to it we give the name of the New Group of World Servers. All these three groups are fundamentally “transmitters of energy”; the two highest are exceedingly susceptible to cosmic impression and to the vibratory quality of the extra-planetary body of Avatars Who hold Themselves in readiness to function as destroying or building Energies in any part of our solar system and are under the direction of the Solar Logos.

The Avatar of Synthesis, Who is working in cooperation with the Christ, is one of Them. Bear in mind that these extra-planetary Avatars have not arrived at Their high state of spiritual unfoldment on our planet or even in our solar system. Their origin, source and spiritual relationships are a great mystery even to the planetary Logoi—to Whose help They go when the invocative appeal of any planet is adequate. Think not that They come to put wrong right or to arrest evil. A few, a very few, may do so, but They work along the line of the seven ray energies in the solar system and produce certain energy effects desired at any particular time; the constructive work of the Avatar of Synthesis will be apparent to you in the name He is known by; He is coming to the Earth in order to further the manifestation of unity, of oneness and of inter-relation, and He comes, therefore, to wield and apply first ray energy. He will charge or galvanise the three groups—the directing Agents in Shamballa, the Nirmanakayas and the New Group of World Servers—with dynamic energy and, in a mysterious way, relate them to each other so that a new synthesis and alignment will be present upon the Earth. All these Avatars embody energy to the extent that any particular planet is capable of receiving it.” (Ibid., pp. 734-5)

“The Purpose of Sanat Kumara is created at present by the synthesis which the nature of the final seven Paths reveals. It is adapted in time and space to human intelligence by the presented Plan, and—in the glory of consummation—the completed Plan will reveal the Purpose on all the seven planes of evolution… It concerned itself with the highest aspect of the Will—with that which produces the highest synthesis, the final synthesis. The planetary Purpose is the eventual synthesis of the initial thought of the planetary Logos, and to this thought we give always the unmeaning name of “GLORY”; this stands for all that we can conceive of the divine purpose; it is, for us, a “blaze of glory”. The human mind is at this stage (in time and space) unable to register any aspect of the Purpose; all that we can do is to cooperate with the efforts of the Hierarchy to activate those things and events which will make the manifestation of the Purpose eventually possible. This purpose will constitute the ultimate revelation to the final root-race of men; it therefore lies a very long way ahead of our present point in evolution…

Speaking practically (and that is always of major importance), it might be said that evolution controls the form of the Purpose; the Plan concerns the hierarchical recognition of the Purpose, whilst the Purpose is the synthetic Thought which pours into the supernal consciousness of the Lord of the World along the seven Paths of which the Masters become aware at a certain very high initiation.

The seven great energies flow into our manifested world along the lines of the seven Paths; these are not the direct energies of the seven Rays, because these concern consciousness in a most specific manner; they are the substantial energies of material expression and their origin concerns a great mystery. These two lines of energy—material energy and the energy of consciousness—when brought together by divine Purpose, constitute the essential dualism of our manifested life.

All that we are able to recognise of that Purpose is the hierarchical Plan, and this only disciples and advanced aspirants can judge and recognise. This Plan is based upon knowledge of divine guidance in the Past, the recognition of progress out of that Past into the Present, plus the effort to become sensitive to the right emergence of that Plan (embodying ever an aspect of the Purpose) in the immediate Future. The Purpose is related to the Past, the Present and the Future; the Agents of the Plan are impressed from Shamballa, via the Nirmanakayas; the process is then repeated, and advanced humanity become the recipients, the sensitive recipients, of the Plan as transmitted to them by the impressing Agents, the Masters, working through the New Group of World Servers. This group is the lower correspondence of the Nirmanakayas, the recipients of impression from Shamballa. See you, therefore, the beauty and the synthesis, the inter-dependence and the cooperative interplay which is demonstrated right through the chain of Hierarchy from the very highest Agent to the very lowest recipient of divine impression.”

The key to all this is energy. Energy is substance, and this substance is qualified by divine dynamic WILL. There is much to be learnt anent the Will. Will as dynamic energy is not yet understood in its true sense by human beings. Mankind usually recognises will as fixed determination; this is in reality their individual effort to impress substance (personal or environing) with their own self-will or with their well-intended effort to conform to what they believe to be the will of God, speaking symbolically. But men know nothing yet of the process of working with dynamic energised substance, for it basically impresses them and uses them as they become aware of the Plan and thus come under the influence of the Spiritual Triad. They are used and not using that which is available for the furtherance of the Plan—the dynamic energy of the divine Will. This dynamic Will cannot become available nor can disciples truly work with the Plan until the antahkarana is to some measure adequately constructed, though not yet perfected.” (A. A. Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, pp. 120-121 -122)

“The Plan constitutes or is composed of the substance in which the Members of the Hierarchy consistently work. Let us take this important concept and break it up into its component parts for the sake of clarity. I am strongly emphasising these words because this concept is of an importance almost beyond human comprehension, and because its understanding may revise and re-vitalise your entire approach to the Plan, and you will therefore be enabled to work in a fresh and in an entirely new manner:

  1. The Plan IS substance. It is essentially substantial energy. And energy is substance and nothing else.
  2. The substance (which is the Plan) is dynamic in nature, and is therefore impregnated with the energy of WILL.
  3. The Plan constitutes a reservoir of energised substance, held in solution by the WILL of Sanat Kumara and embodying His intangible purpose (intangible to us but not intangible to Him).
  4. It is this planetary Substance upon which the “impressing agents” must draw—the Nirmanakayas, the Members of the Hierarchy and the working disciples of the world, plus all spiritual sensitives of a certain degree.
  5. Recipients of the desired impression must become sensitive to this substantial energy.

This entire proposition can be referred back to the originating Thinker Who brought our manifested world into being, and Who sequentially and under the Law of Evolution is bringing to fruition the objective of His thinking. In the larger and wider sense, it is that sum total of the ocean of energies in which we “live and move and have our being”. This is the sevenfold body of the planetary Logos.

We are not here, however, considering the larger Whole, but we are dealing with a specific and focussed area of the planetary consciousness. This is found midway between the highest plane whereon the Council Chamber of the Great Lord is found and the three planes which form the active arena for hierarchical work—the three levels of consciousness of the Spiritual Triad. This “focussed area” has been precipitated by the Agents of the divine Will; They know the ultimate purpose of Sanat Kumara and hold it steadfastly in view, making it available to those Masters of the Wisdom Who can act as the “impressing Agents of Sanat Kumara’s Will”. These are the Manu, the Christ, and the Mahachohan, the Lord of Civilisation.

It might be said here that the three Buddhas of Activity are the prime impressing Agents and that the three Great Lords are the “impressed Recipients” at an exceedingly high level; this is the atmic level of awareness, which is the area energised by the divine Will.” (Ibid., pp. 118-119)


“Gradually, as the disciple acquires true freedom of thought and the power to be receptive to the impression of the abstract mind, he creates for himself a reservoir of thought which becomes available at need for the helping of other people and for the necessities of his growing world service. Later, he becomes sensitive to impression from the Hierarchy. This is at first purely ashramic, but is later transformed into total hierarchical impression by the time the disciple is a Master; the Plan is then the dynamic substance providing the content of the reservoir of thought upon which he can draw. This is a statement of unique and unusual importance. Later still, he becomes sensitive to impression from Shamballa, and the quality of the Will which implements planetary Purpose is added to the content of his available knowledge…

All these impressions… drop into his field of consciousness because he has created a magnetic aura which invokes them and brings them “into his mind”. This magnetic aura begins to form itself from the first moment he makes a contact with his soul; it deepens and grows as those contacts increase in frequency and become eventually an habitual state of consciousness; then, at will and at all times, he is en rapport with his soul, the second divine aspect.” (Ibid., pp. 94-95)

“A disciple is a magnetic centre of light and knowledge just in so far as the magnetic aura is held by him in a state of receptivity. It is then constantly invocative of the higher range of impressions; it can be evoked and set into “distributing activity” by that which is lower and which is demanding aid. The disciple therefore, in due time, becomes a tiny or minute correspondence of the Hierarchy—invocative as it is to Shamballa and easily evoked by human demand…

The ability to invoke demonstrates from life to life and involves the invocation of conscious response from the anima mundi or from the subconscious soul of all things, as well as from the human consciousness and from the world of super-conscious contact.” (Ibid., pp. 96-101)

It becomes of service, therefore, for the aspirant and the disciple to know the nature of the Agents Who can locate their magnetic aura and impress upon it Their understanding of the Plan; these Agents may be accepted disciples or initiates and Masters; then the aspirant or disciple must find those to whom he can personally act as an impressing agent. He has consequently to study himself as a recipient and also as an agent, as a responsive factor and also as an originating and impressing factor. This might be regarded as the scientific approach to the spiritual life, and it is of value because the necessity of service is implicit in the necessity for receptivity; all is, therefore, related to Invocation and Evocation.” (Ibid., pp.122-123)

From Shamballa let Purpose guide the little wills of Men,
the Purpose which the Masters know and serve.


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3 Responses to The Impressing Agents of the Divine Will

  1. Nancy Connally says:

    A Brilliant Gem!

  2. tom mcnamara says:

    In the same way that the Christ Maitreya evoked the Model of Synthesis, so can all in time do by this revealed Model, the Hologram Hermetic Universal, the Magnetic Attractor of the Great Singularity, the Purpose AND Plan in the consummating fusion. It is this transcendence of the personal atom into the group atom, and to fulfill the Avatar of Synthesis, and transcend the self and the separate identification. This New State has its Center in the Will of God, as it is the Model of Macrocosm by which the Microcosm can obtain and attain in the thought, by the heart to apply itself in the same microcosm of service to the Model as in macrocosm, by the Divine Template, which is the Resurrection Sigil of the inner pyramid as is shown and given in the Chiron paradigm “Chiron and Group Fusion”(c), now extant on Earth. This is the New Model of the Holographic Octave Universal, which is the attractive magnetic transpersonal aura, now made available for all in this fusion of Divine Identification of Universal Service, the Great Common Denominator of Logos found inside every Being who has reached its Consciousness, and latent in all who yet so strive….and so transforms that which is given above to the next presentation of the Ageless Wisdom, the Holographic Octave Sept enate Universal, given back to mankind by the compound evocation as is shown in the Chiron paradigm. It creates the magnetic aura inside every atom in its service to the Anthahkarana, as the Infinity portal of atonement is now given to mankind again….the lost Key restored in the Mystery of Thoth as Sphynx. This Invocation is now fused in the ONE Asharam. This is the Genesis Atom Model to Now Ignite inside mankind…to solve all paradox in the duality of thought, and reveal the lost to Light, and to Model the same in every Being, now restoring, such is the threshold now being transcended in the portal of the vortex of infinite service. All Zodiac Share the Same Model, sacrifice inside sacrifice, God inside God, restored in the dual sacrifice of Gemini as is shown in the paradigm.

  3. Debra Oliver says:

    Thank you for this magnificent article!

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