The key role of Humanity

Immersed in the solar atmosphere activated by today’s conjunction between Saturn and Venus, the Luminaries presiding over the design and execution of the evolutionary Plan, we prepare ourselves to welcome Their radiant Light into our hearts, encouraged by the Teaching that states “The rays of the planets are powerful, and they exert influence upon humanity.” (Agni Yoga Series, Brotherhood § 162)

Saturn, the celestial Lord who elaborates and defines the solar decrees, finds in Venus, Mistress of the golden relationship, the ‘resonator’ capable of transferring the essence of these decrees into the formal world, constructing forms according to proportion and beauty.
Venus, as the perfect and faithful executor of the plans drawn up by Saturn to realise the solar purpose, urges the Earth, its Pupil, so that the Light of this conjunction may inspire Humanity to build, in loving wisdom, the lines of the New Culture and Civilisation by realising the Brotherhood of Love and Light on the planet and between worlds.
To this end, let us follow the instruction offered by the words of the Tibetan Master in the text Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle (pp. 126 -131) and let us manifest with increasing responsibility the power of Humanity’s key role in promoting the divine Design on Earth.
Humanity (the 4th creative Hierarchy) is indeed the expression of divine Intelligence and occupies the third vertex of the major triad of planetary Centres formed by Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity.

The aim of the entire evolutionary scheme is to bring these three Centres into such a close relationship that the synthesis of the divine Purpose can work out harmoniously on every possible (note that phrase) level of consciousness. If this can take place, then the basic Thought, the fundamental Proposition of the planetary Logos can eventually be disclosed to man.
May I remind you of the occult statement that every living being or manifested life—from the planetary Logos down to the tiniest atom—either has been, is, or will be a man. This has reference to the past, to the present and to the future of every manifested life. Therefore, the fact of humanity and of that for which humanity stands is probably the primary and major aspect of the divine purpose. Pause and think about this statement. It is, therefore, the first clear fact which indicates the measure and the magnitude of a human being; and until two other facts are sequentially revealed to us, it will not be possible correctly to gauge the wider aspects of the purpose of Sanat Kumara [the Lord or Regent of the World and Humanity, the creator of the thinking man. From Sanat Kumara… emanates that which has been called the Light of Life, the Supernal Light]. Everything subhuman is slowly moving towards a definite human experience; it is also passing through the phase of human effort and consequent experience, or else it has moved out of that phase of limitation and—through initiation—is drafting human nature into a state of divinity… 

The keynote, therefore, of the Lord of the World is HUMANITY for it is the basis, the goal and the essential inner structure of all being. Humanity itself is the key to all evolutionary processes and to all correct understanding of the divine Plan, expressing in time and space the divine Purpose. (…) The Science of Impression (…) is the factor that makes relationship and contact possible and it is also the source of all understanding. (…) 

… though we call one of the major centres HUMANITY, yet—in the last analysis—all the centres are constituted of lives progressing towards the human stage, of those units of life who are at the human stage, and those who have left that stage far behind but who are endowed with all the faculties and all the knowledges wrought out into human expression in earlier planetary schemes or solar systems, or through our own definite and characteristic planetary life. Because of this uniformity of experience, the art of contact and the science of impression become entirely possible and normally effective. The great and omnipotent Lives in Shamballa can impress the omniscient Lives and lesser lives in the Hierarchy because They share a common humanity; the hierarchical Workers or Masters and Initiates can consequently impress humanity because of shared experience and understanding; then the lives that compose the human family present the goal to the subhuman kingdoms and can, and do, impress them because of basic instinctual tendencies which are expressed in the human group but which are latent instinctual tendencies and potential assets in the three subhuman groups. This teaching has always been implicit in the esoteric doctrines but has not been sufficiently emphasised, owing to the point in evolution of mankind. Today, mankind has made such progress that these points can be made effectively. I would call to your attention that this was the keynote of the Gospel story: the human-divine nature of the Christ, relating Him to the Father through His essential divinity, and also to man through His essential humanity. (…) 

The outstanding characteristic of humanity is intelligent sensitivity to impression. Ponder on this definite and emphatic statement. The work of science is, after all, simply the development of the knowledge of substance and of form; this knowledge will make it possible for humanity eventually to act as the major impressing agent in relation to the three subhuman kingdoms in nature; that is humanity’s primary responsibility. This work of relationship is practically the work of developing or the mode of unfoldment of human sensitivity. I refer here to sensitivity to impression from or by the Hierarchy. The work done through the processes of initiation is intended to fit disciples and initiates to receive impression from Shamballa; the initiate is essentially a blend of scientific and religious training; he has been re-oriented to certain phases of divine existence… 

The three great Centres [Shamballa, Hhierarchy, Humanity] are in close relationship at all times (…); an unbroken series of impressions is ever present, relating one centre to another and bringing about an evolutionary unity of objective, and developing (with exceeding rapidity at this time) a secondary science, that of Invocation and Evocation. This science is in reality the science of impression in activity and not simply in theory. The first great Invocation was uttered by the planetary Logos when He expressed the desire to manifest and thus invoked and brought to Himself the substance needed for His designed expression. That started the chain of being or of hierarchy; inter-relation was then set up between all “substantial” units; the more potent and the more dynamic and greater could then impress the lesser and the weaker until gradually—as the aeons swept by—the seven Centres were created and were in close impressionable relationship. Of these seven we are at this time considering only three; the others we know very little about, for they are largely composed of units of the deva evolutions… and of subhuman lives, working under impression from the head, the heart and the throat centres of the planetary Logos. (…)

From: A. A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 214

1. The dynamic electrical energy of Life itself or divine potency, of embodied Purpose, expressing through evolutionary manifestation the divine Will. It might be well to realise that purpose emanates from the cosmic mental plane and is the all-inclusive, synthetic, motivating principle which expresses itself as the divine will upon the cosmic physical plane—the seven planes of our planetary Life. This dynamic energy focuses itself through the Lives or Beings Who control and dominate Shamballa. Until the divine purpose has been achieved, the planetary Logos holds all in manifestation through the potency of His Will, and animates all forms with electric fire. Knowledge of this Will and Purpose comes to the student who is constructing the antahkarana and who is, therefore, coming under the control of the Spiritual Triad, the threefold expression of the Monad.

2. The attractive magnetic solar energy to which we give the quite unsuitable name of Love. It is this energy which constitutes the cohering, unifying force which holds the manifested universe or planetary form together and is responsible for all relationships; it is this energy which is the soul of all things or of all forms, beginning with the anima mundi and reaching its highest point of expression in the human soul which is the constituent factor in the fifth kingdom in nature, the Kingdom of God or of Souls. An understanding of this human potency comes as a man makes contact with his own soul and sets up a stable relationship with that soul; then he becomes a soul-infused personality. As you well know, the threefold personality is to the soul what the Spiritual Triad is to the Monad: a clear medium of expression. Most students are or should be today occupied with this attractive energy, for until they have mastered the desire nature and have transmuted it into aspiration and soul control, they cannot hope to comprehend the dynamic energy of electric fire. This attractive magnetism is the energy dominating and controlling the Hierarchy.

3. The intelligent activity of fire by friction. (…) This third energy is the basic energy expressing itself in the three worlds and in the four kingdoms in nature, climaxing its expression in the creative energy of the human kingdom. This energy emanated originally (as far as our solar system and our planetary scheme are concerned) in the first solar system and is the best proven and the best known energy in manifestation. It is the medium for activity in all forms through which the planetary Logos expresses Himself; it is the result of the activity of the divine Mind, as that peculiar type of divine energy plays upon and through all atoms and upon all atomic forms. The fission of the nucleus of the atom in the past few years is the outer sign or demonstration that humanity has “encompassed” the divine Mind and can now move on to “encompass” the love or the attractive nature of divinity. (…)

If you will work with and reflect upon these three fundamental energies and search for their expression within yourself, you will greatly simplify your occult thinking. (…) if you arrive at an understanding of the Law of Analogy or of Correspondences, and if you will also accept the truism that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm and, therefore, each human being is related to Deity through essential similarity.

“Humanity is bound to the Cosmos by inseverable bonds… By the Will of Cosmos all things are attracted to each other. All strives toward mutual creation. Religare is bestowed on humanity in the form of a religion for unification, for the development of community, for the avowal of the Primary Source, which contains all principles of Being and which creates all substances for our good.(Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 23)

This untiring process of unification and attraction finds its main harmonising agent in Humanity, as is well described by the Teaching that emphasises the key role of Man on Earth and in the Cosmos: “Humanity is that evolution through which the Son aspect is to express itself most perfectly in this cosmic incarnation. Man blends the pairs of opposites, and the three fires meet in him. He is the best expression of the manasic principle and might be considered, from one very interesting standpoint, the chef-d’oeuvre of Brahma. He is the sheath for the life of God; he is the individualised consciousness of the Logos, manifesting through the seven divine Manasaputras, or Heavenly Men, in Whose bodies each unit of the human family finds place. He is the Vishnu aspect in process of development through the intelligence of Brahma, impelled by the will of Mahadeva. Therefore, in a peculiar sense man is very important, as he is the place of at-one-ment for all the three aspects…” (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 242)

Thus the planetary Server, spearhead of the One Humanity, conscious of his role on the planet, becomes increasingly receptive to the impressions of the Art that is creating the solar Brotherhood and with joy and fervent commitment carves the path with his regal essence, the creative Light of divine expression, to realise the dream of the Plan of Light and Love on Earth.
At the gates of the crucial Date of 2025, in united breath and unified rhythm with the other two planetary Centres, Shamballa and Hierarchy, the One Humanity radiates all its creative power and the Glory of the common Purpose.

“Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind.”


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5 Responses to The key role of Humanity

  1. tom mcnamara says:

    The fastest way to bring all three together (the Universal Monad) (The Triplicity of God) God and Hierarchy and Humanity, (all triplicities, the prime chord of the octave, the three primary rays) is to Fuse in thought the Model, the quantum creative universal, as is the Mind, Will and Heart, is the Great Singularity of Universal; Hologram Hermetic, the Divine Sigil of the Gift of Maitreya in the restoration of Troth in the Cosmic Christ of the Power Station of Maitreya, the Cosmic World Avatar. Such is the Chiron paradigm (CGF)(C).

  2. tom mcnamara says:

    Thank you for this. the Model for every atom, as from stage to stage, plane to plane, is the same. It is the Great Singularity of the inner atmic point of the Mind God, which is given as the precursor of All Being, born or unborn, as is given in the Chiron paradigm “Chiron and Fusion”(c).

  3. tom mcnamara says:

    Very timely to the purpose, thank you. The three principles are expressed in the impression of the thought of the Model, to bring them about, and in synchronistic fusion with Sanat Kumara is mankind now to be fused…as the Sigil of attraction in the purpose of the Will can be realized in the mind of mankind, by the Genesis Atom of the Universal Hologram Hermetic attracting Shamballa to its purpose….so Now the Gnosis can Impress in All Beings, and the quantum gestalt can move initiation into Being as the Cosmic World Avatar sets in motion the Power Station of Maitreya, as is given in the Chiron paradigm (CGF)(C).

  4. gillchrisnfk says:

    Thank you for another helpful and informative post.

  5. Debra Oliver says:

    Thank you for this stellar article! Onward to Synthesis in 2025!

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