In the year 2025, crucial and initiatory for Humanity and the Planet, dedicated to imitation of and identification with the higher hierarchical Model, to the “Beauty of Being that translates into the Art of living”, the planetary Server offers in the Temple of the Cosmos its most precious gem, its divine legacy: the first human Prototype of the hierarchical Plan of Love and Light.
Having placed it on the Altar of the solar Plane of the Ecliptic [1], a masterpiece of concordant union and coordinated cooperation between human and solar Powers, it now directs it towards the Highest, to the deep Cosmos of the Fires of Life, that Order and sphere of stars and constellations that, symbolically, correspond to the highest level, to Spirit.
The One Server solemnly asserts the Seven Central Goals of the evolutionary Plan, the 7 Summits of the human Group, directing them towards Seven primary Stars, cosmic bearers of the 7 Ray Fires (together with the Triad of intimate constellations Ursa Major, Sirius and Pleiades) and does so ritually on their 7 Dates of annual alignment with the Earth from the Sun’s heliocentric point of view [2]: the Ecliptic of the Heart then pulsates and vibrates with even more sublime harmonies, and the planetary Ajna Centre (the planetary Group/Server), the Rose Window of the Temple for humanity, opens up to the supernal Light of the Cosmos.
Celebrating such Directions of Fire is tantamount to invoking the full potential of the Seven cosmic Rays, and the sacrum facere of such a simple and impersonal, solemn and powerful Act cannot but recall even a grain of Beauty and Liberation for the blue yet aching Planet.
We create what we are
And, therefore, such inner and rhythmic Sowing is the result of the conscious responsibility and responsiveness of the human Group consecrated, in the year 6.4 of the Plan, to the understanding of or intelligent communion with the Beauty and Harmony emanating from the Order of Creators, the universal Hierarchy, Glory and Power of “He in Whom we live, move and have our being”.
The Glory of the Eternal Being radiates to the stars,
and His Power is symbolised by the highest peaks of the earth.
Today, then, we celebrate the first solar alignment of the year 2025 between the Earth and the sovereign Star Sirius, prototype and “Soul” of our Solar Logos, our cosmic Isis, Source of our planetary Hierarchy.
From that blazing star of sensitivity, Sun of suns, flows the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom, the divine Ray of the Great cosmic Christ, the universal Motive.
It is the Return of the love that moves the sun and the other stars, which has never left us,
And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Like drops of the infinite Ocean, we will one day return to where we came from, pure Substance of the Spirit:
Goal 2.2 – Return of the Christ *
[1] See the text Asserting the planetary Plan
[2] Stars/cosmic System: 1st level Monad/Spirit
Sun/solar System: 2nd level Soul/Consciousness
Earth/planetary System: 3rd level Personality/Matter
* See article: Return of the Christ